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Bronkie KT As Is

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CYLINDRICAL/Tubular(mild) : Terdapat penambahan diameter bronkus yang bersifat regular, lumen distal bronkus tid

ak melebar.  Tram track appearance

VARICOSE/fusiform(moderate) : Pelebaran bronkus lebih lebar dari bentuk silindrik dan bersifat irregular. Gambaran g
aris irregular dan distal bronkus yang mengembang adalah gambaran khas pada bentuk varikosa. string of beads
CYSTIC/sakuler (severe) : Dilatasi bronkus sangat progresif menuju perifer bronkus. Pelebaran bronkus ini terlihat seb
agai balon. Kelainan ini biasanya terjadi pada bronkus besar.  cluster of grapes/honeycomb
Ket :
Cylindrical : 47%
Varicose : 9,9%
Cystic : 45%
Multiple : 24%
Rontgen thoraks (PA dan lateral)
Pemeriksaan spirometri dapat memperlihatkan gambaran keterbatasan aliran napas dengan penurunan FEV1
dan penurunan rasio FEV1/FVC
Cysts with air–fluid levels or ballooned cysts in dilated bronchi
are distinguishing features of cystic bronchiectasis

The chest radiograph is abnormal in up to 87% of patients with

bronchiectasis. When radiographs are abnormal, the changes
are often nonspecific, and the most common finding is of
increased lung markings
Findings on chest radiograph that are associated with
bronchiectasis include the following:
Collapse (segmental or lobar)
Crowding of pulmonary vessels, indicating an area of damage
and consolidation that may become infected
Tramline shadows, suggesting thickened bronchial walls
Thickened airways that appear as ring shadows
Cystic lesions suggesting saccular bronchiectasis
Evidence of previous tuberculosis
Evidence of previous heart surgery
A, On the posteroanterior view, thin-walled cystic shadowing is seen in the right mid-lung field ( between arrows ). The trachea a
mediastinum are shifted to the right, indicating extensive volume loss. 
B, The lateral view confirms the presence of multiple ring shadows in the mid-zone ( between arrows ).
 C, CT scan of this 65-year-old white woman indicates severe varicoid bronchiectasis involving her entire right middle lobe and th
anterior segment of the right upper lobe.
Tramlines (nontapering bronchi) are seen in cylindrical bronchiectasis

Jika dilihat secara longitudinal, saluran2 napas tsbt tampak sprti “jalan trem”,
Jika dilihat dari penampangnya, jalan napas tsbt memberikan bayangan cincin.
The 'signet-ring' sign (end-on dilated bronchi that are larger than the accompanying pulmonary artery) is seen in all forms of

Karena jalan napas yg melebar dapat terisi sekret, lumennya akan terlihat padat dan bukan radiolusen, sehingga terbentuk struk
tubuler yg opak atau bercabang.
Gambaran ini menunjukkan bayangan sekelompok tubulus yang terlihat seperti jari-jari pada sarung tangan
In cylindrical or tubular bronchiectasis, the airways are uniformly dilated

In varicose bronchiectasis, the distinctive feature is the presence of focal constrictive areas. These give the airways an irregular
beaded appearance that resembles varicose veins

In saccular or cystic bronchiectasis, there is progressive dilatation of the bronchi that produces large grape-like clusters or cysts
which is indicative of the most severe form of bronchiectasis

A variety of potential defects lead to the development of bronchiectasis. Knowledge of the causes may influence treatment or lea
better understanding of the disease process and prognosis
PCD refers to a group of autosomal recessive disorders associated with structu
defects and dysfunction of the cilia. The dynein arms, which give the cilia motili
almost always affected. The cilia may be immotile, disorganized, or have
discoordinated motility. The effect is impaired bacterial clearance in the respira
tract, leading to recurrent sinus, ear, and lung infections, which in turn lead to

Patients with PCD develop bronchiectasis predominantly in the lower lobes.H

influenzaeis the most common bacterium isolated in sputum. However,P aerug
forming mucoid exopolysaccharide is also common. This mucoid layer confers
resistance to phagocytosis and increases the pathogenicity of the bacteria. Alth
the mucoid strain ofP aeruginosais considered to be a marker of cystic fibrosis
isolated in sputum, it is found in 15% of patients with PCD

Kartagener syndrome occurs in approximately 50% of patients with PCD. In thi

disorder, bronchiectasis is accompanied by situs inversus and either sinusitis o
polyps. Male patients with PCD are almost always infertile due to immotile sper

Kelainan primer yg berkaitan dgn disfungsi silia --- diskinesia silia primer
Byk kelainan :
Kelainan struktural rantai dinein (dynein arms), jari2 radial (radial spokes) n
Dalam kasus-kasus di mana bronkiektasis parah dan terdapat
morbiditas yang signifikan, reseksi bedah pada lobus yang terk
ena mungkin bermanfaat jika tersedia cadangan pernapasan y
ang memadai. Dalam kasus-kasus di mana kedua paru-paru ter
libat secara luas (mis. Cystic fibrosis) transplantasi paru dapat

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