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Computer Viruses: A Seminor ON

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Presented By
M.CA-1st year.

Vital Information Resource Under Siege

 Introduction.
 Virus Definition.
 Trojans, worms, Logic Bombs.
 Virus Types.
 Virus Infractions.
 Viruses Protection.
 Virus Droppers.
 Avoiding Viruses.
 Conclusion.

 Virus to computers was first used by David Gerrold in his book

“When Harline was one” in 1972.

 He named a computer program as virus which rang telephone

numbers randomly until it found another Computer linked to the

 A Virus reproduces without your permission or knowledge.

Virus Definition:

“ A Virus is a program that reproduces its own code by attaching

itself to other executable files in such a way that the virus code is
executed when the infected executable file is executed.”

 Viruses can be transmitted by sending them as attachments to

an e-mail

 These malicious programs are named after

the trojan horse, which delivered soldiers into
the city of troy.

 The trojan program appears to be a useful

program of some type, but when a certain event

 A disk that was supposed to contail aid
information was once distributed. Unfortunately,
when a program on the disk was run The user's
hard disk was encrypted and rendered useless.

 A worm is a self-reproducing program that does not infect other

programs as a virus will, but instead creates copies of itself, and
these create even more copies.

 where the worm will create copies of itself that are also

 Each new copy will create more copies quickly clogging the
Logic Bombs:

 Just like a real bomb, a logic bomb

will lie dormant until triggered by some

The trigger can be a specific code, the

number of times executed, a random number, or
even a specific event such as deletion of an
employee's payroll record.

 The Logic bombs range from changing a random byte of data

somewhere on your disk to making the entire disk unreadable.
Viruses Types

 Viruses are breaking into categories as what they infect and

how they infect.

What they infect category: How they infect category:

 System sector viruses
 File viruses  Polymorphic viruses
 Macro viruses  Stealth viruses
 Companion viruses  Fast and slow infectors
 Cluster viruses  Sparse infectors
 Batch file viruses  Armored viruses
 Source code viruses  Multipartite viruses
 Visual basic worms
Virus Infractions

The following lists various computer virus infractions,

 Alter data in files.

 Change disk assignments.
 Create bad sectors.
 Decrease free space on disk.
 Destroy FAT( File Allocation Table).
 Erase specific programs.
 Hang The System .
 Overwrite disk directory.
Write a volume label on the disk.
Virus protection:

 By using Anti-virus Software we can protect the system from


Anti-Virus Software
Definition :

“ Anti-virus (or anti-viral ) software is a class of program that

searches your hard drive and floppy disks for any known or
potential viruses ”
 A given anti-virus software program will use some
combination of the three techniques for maximum possibility of

 Scanning.
 Integrity checking.
 Interception.
Virus droppers:

 A dropper is a program that, when

run will attempt to install a regular
virus onto your hard disk.

 The program itself is not infected or a virus because it does

not replicate. so, technically, a dropper should be considered a

 The virus is hidden in the program code, a scanner will not

detect the danger until after the virus dropped onto your

 Never allow floppy disks brought form outside your company to

be used directly on PC without checking the floppy for virus

 Keep all original exe and com files in a write- protected floppy.

 In case the system is "hanging" the reason could be virus

.check for virus.
 If com and exe files are required to be copied
anywhere, copy only from write-protected original

 A avoid playing computer games on a computer

where important data is stored as it is generally noticed
that the virus spread faster through game foppies.

 Check sector information as a routine by modifying

autoexec.bat and using virus check programs.

 Computer viruses are very dangerous.

 Does what makes the bug potentially dangerous is it’s ability to

copy itself onto every un effected disk, rather than what it does
after this.

 It is only if virus is not detected at all that any dangerous exist

to data on it.
Thank you

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