Lesson 2: The Search For A Sound Business Idea
Lesson 2: The Search For A Sound Business Idea
Lesson 2: The Search For A Sound Business Idea
3. Final selection.
Figure 4.Procedure in Determining the Best
Business Idea
•Methods of Searching for Ideas
- There are two general methods of generating business
ideas. They are as follows:
1. Unanticipated Means
When the entrepreneur finds business ideas without serious effort, the method
is referred to as unanticipated means. Included in this means are the following:
The proposed owner of the venture must have sufficient capital or if insufficient, must be
good credit standing in the community. In general, the sources of financing, include the
The projected balance sheet shows the planned or expected financial position of
the enterprise on a particular date.
The projected cash flow statement is one which show the planned or expected
cash sale and/or purchases.
Final Selection
• The purpose of screening is to eliminate from
the list the generated business ideas that did not
pass the adapted criteria. After screening, the list
may be appear as any of the following: (1) status
quo; (2) a shorter list; (3) zero listing.
Status quo listing means all business ideas listed passed the
adapted criteria. A short list means some of idea generated
were eliminated. Zero listing means all business ideas
generated and listed were eliminated.
Final selection is applied to the status quo list, or the shorter
list, whichever is produced by the screening stage. A new set of
criteria is adapted so the best among those listed can be
An example is shown in Table 4 using the expected
value criteria. The three shortlisted proposal are
shown with assumed projected net income along
probabilities of occurrence. Projected net income is
multiplied by probability to get the expected values of
each proposal. It showed proposal A as the best
choice because of the expected value criteria. When
other criteria, however are used, the final outcome
may be altered (Table 4).
Business Projected Net Probability Expected Value
5. A Climate of Participation
• When somebody feels that the organization espouses participation, that person
will not hesitate to make a contribution to the creative efforts of the organization.
The firm will benefit from the good effects of employee participation. This is so
because there is a chance that more bright ideas will be generated if employees
feel free to participate in the creation of solutions to problems.
6. Structural Mechanisms that Aide Creativity
•The urge to create solutions to problem would be needed by innovative
person more easily if there are structural mechanism within the organization
to support the exercise. An example of mechanism is the unit that is
responsible for providing logistical support to activities that are creative in
nature. The person in charge of unit is usually qualified to manage such
activities as creativity.
What is Strategic Planning
•Strategic planning refers to the process of determining
the primary objectives of the entrepreneurship and
then adopting courses of action and allocating
resources to achieve those objectives. The definition
involves three distinct steps: (1) determination of
objectives, (2) adoption of course of action, and (3)
allocation of resources (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Steps in Strategic Planning
The Determination of Objectives
- The objectives of the firm are important components of the firm’s
strategic planning activities but before these are determined, the firm’s
mission statement must first be developed.
The Mission Statement. This term refers to the basic description of the
fundamental nature rationale, and direction of the firm. It consists of
three concerns:
1.how entrepreneur intends to use his
2.how the entrepreneur expects to relate to
the ever-changing environment; and
3.the kinds of values the entrepreneur
intends to offer to his customers.
Strategic Objectives. This term refers to specific performance
targets that the entrepreneurship hopes to accomplish. The
objectives define, in specific terms, how the firm’s mission will be
2. Ease of Expansion
The authority granted to sell its own share of stock provides a
means to pool large amounts of funds. The price per share of
stocks can be made low enough to attract even the smallest
investor. The cited features make it easier for the corporation
to consider expanding operations.
3. Ease of Transferring Ownership.
If the stockholder losses interest in maintaining part
ownership of the corporation, he may disassociate himself
by selling and donating his shares to another person. This
feature allows the corporation to change ownership often as
required without actually dissolving it.
4. Relatively Long Life. Corporations are established to
have a life of up to 50years and is extendible for longer periods.
Because ownership is readily transferable, the death or
withdrawal of any or all stockholders do not terminate the
5. Greater Ability to Hire Specialized Management
The expanded operations of corporations make it possible to
subdivided the overall task into smaller specialized positions. The
said requirement paves the way for hiring fully trained
management experts.
Disadvantages of Corporations
1. More Expensive and
Complicated to Organized
Risk and the Small Business
Risk refers to the uncertainty about loss or injury. There
is always a chance that for some reason the assets of
the firm may just lose its value totally or partially, or an
injury is inflicted to an employee or customer, and the
SBO is held liable for some form of damage claims.
Risks Confronting Small Business
The kinds of risk that are potentially damaging to the
firm are fire, burglary, accidents, infidelity of employees,
damage to other people’s property, among others. Such
misfortunes should provide the SBO with sufficient
reason to engage in risk management.
Major Types of Risks
1. Speculative Risk.
Engaging in entrepreneurship is an example of speculative
risk. The venture may be successful, or it may fail. Speculative
risk is dealt with the use of effective management.
2. Pure Risk.
This involves a threat of loss with no chance of profit. Pure
risks are better confronted with the application of risk
management techniques.
What is Risk Management
Risk management is an organized strategy for protecting and
conserving assets and people.it helps reduce financial losses
caused by destructive or damaging events.
a. Fire Insurance
The risks of losses due to fire may be covered by life insurance. The subject of fire
insurance may include properties owned by the firm such as:
stocks of merchandise;
raw materials; and
A fire insurance policy may also provide
coverage on allied risk such as:
earthquake fire;
earthquake shock;
windstorm, typhoons and floods;
riot and strike damage and riot fire damage;
b. Motor Car Insurance
If the fi rm owns motor cars like automobiles and delivery vans, losses may occur due to the following:
employee dishonesty;
supplier’s failure to honor a supply contract; and
contractor’s failure to complete a construction contract with
the small business.
Fidelity Bond
This protects the SBO against losses suffered as the
result of dishonesty on the part of employees. It is an
especially important kind of insurance to carry if the
SBO has delegated authority over the handling of large
sums of money, the control of large blocks of
merchandise or other company assets, or the
responsibility of receiving and shipping merchandise.
Supply Contract Bond
This guaranteed the faithful performance of
contracts for furnishing supplies and materials at
an agreed rice, the SBO may require this bond
from the supplier if the materials required are
critical to the operations of the firm.
Performance Bond
This guarantees performance and may be
required by a small firm from a contractor
who agreed to construct a building or a
facility for the firm.
Miscellaneous Insurance
Glass Insurance
The large amount of cash outlay invested in glass issued for
light, displays, and ornamentation exposes the SBO to
Boiler and Machinery Insurance
This insurance provides protection against loss from the
accidental bursting or breaking of a great variety of
Credit Insurance
This insurance protects small firm against loss that may
result from the insolvency of persons to whom the SBO
may extend credit within the term of insurance.