El Filibusterismo
El Filibusterismo
El Filibusterismo
The novel is centered on the primary Though it is a sequel of Noli, there are
characters, Ibarra, Maria Clara and Padre several characters which give real color to
Damaso. the story such as the struggle of Placido
Penitente, the fate of Basilio
and the revolutionary Simoun.
There are many sequences that are not related The dramatic revenge of Simoun was the very
to the novel itself such as the love story of climax of the 2 novels but was aborted when
Elias and Basilio revealed the explosion of the gas
Salome (though it was deleted by Jose Rizal). lamp.
Based on the table, their strengths and weaknesses
of the 2 novels.
Noli Me Tangere may be compared to the “Old
Testament” that talks about the Spanish hegemony
while El Filibusterismo is the “New Testament”
which tackled “political changes” in the
On the other hand, the author made the main
character, Simoun die in the hands of the Spanish
authorities which had a negative effect on the voice
of Philippine Revolution against Spain because it
depicted defeat.
Rizal’s Mind about Revolution