Patriots For Delaware: Election Integrity Meeting Presentation, Jun 28, 2021
Patriots For Delaware: Election Integrity Meeting Presentation, Jun 28, 2021
Patriots For Delaware: Election Integrity Meeting Presentation, Jun 28, 2021
Our goal is to analyze all open-source data on the 2020 election and identify anomalies, or
fraud. The data will determine the required outcome; an audit, a new election system, etc.
We believe that the Delaware people should be the first to know what is found, and we will
continue to disclose to “We the People” first.
Let's take a look at what we have found so far….
Dead Voters
Jeanne Jugan
Homes in Delaware are listed with more Nursing Home
You will use the address of the last real home you had in the U.S.— where you actually resided. This is your "voting residence address", and it is this address that
defines your state and jurisdiction for voting. You cannot use a P.O. Box as your last U.S. address.
U.S. citizens living outside of the U.S. are only permitted to register and vote in the state and county where they last established residence (domicile) in the U.S. before
moving outside of the country.
To register to vote and request an absentee ballot as an overseas voter, you must submit the Voter Registration/Absentee Ballot Request form (also known as the
Federal Post Card Application, or FPCA).
Note that…
When you register to vote and/or request an absentee ballot using the Voter Registration/Absentee Ballot Request form, your local election official in the U.S. will send
your ballot and voting materials to your overseas address, not your former U.S. address.
Even if you never voted from your last U.S. address when you lived there, that is the address that you must use.
You don't need to have any current ties with your previous address or state. There is absolutely no requirement for overseas voters to continue to maintain a
residence or to own property in the U.S. in order to vote.
It doesn't matter whether or if you currently receive mail in the U.S. You do not need a mailing address there - no election mail will be sent there - it will be sent to you
at your overseas address.
It does not matter how long you've been away.
Overseas Voters & DE
Election Offices
Coded as “Uniformed and Overseas
Citizen” by the Department of
Elections; we found many votes with
residential and/or mailing addresses
that match the 3 Election Offices in Residential Address (Mailed out of US)
Department of Elections Sussex County Office
Delaware. 68
Department of Elections Kent County Office
Department of Elections New Castle County Office
Higher than Federally Permitted
Who are these people new to Delaware? Why did they leave?
All during a pandemic? All within the same months?
ES&S Machines
• Contact Elected Officials Stay away from National Groups that are
• Be a part of your local Government making money to “help” states with audits.
Note: Most of these groups are run by RINO’s and have
• Poll Workers Needed made no progress.
If they can keep the people spinning their wheels until
• Donate – Money, Time, Skills & Prayers 2022, they win.
Contact Elected Officials
All Delaware Elected Officials need to know that there is no more fence sitting. They are either
actively helping Delawareans find the truth, or we will vote them out.
Pick a topic
• Elections
• Mandates
• CRT, etc.
Email or call an elected official once a week.
• Department of Elections
• School Boards
• City Council Members
• Legislators
• Governor
• Attorney General
Add it to your calendar – They need to know how serious we are!
Be your Local Government
Accountability only happens when “We The People” are governing ourselves.
That means WE NEED YOU in local government positions.
• School Boards
• City Counsel Members
• Precinct Delegates, etc.
Patriots 4 Delaware can help you figure out what you are suited for and how to
Reach out to the Political Action Committee.
We need good, honest people running our future elections.
We need support for additional open-source information. Online donations welcome.
Use your extra time like the state and country depends on it!
We are looking for people to help with this effort. If you would like to donate your
skills to this effort, please reach out to the Election Integrity Committee with your
contact information and skill set.
If all you can spare is a moment, please say a prayer for our work. Remember, God
Choose action!