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Input Output Organization

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■ Peripheral Device
■ Input output interface
■ Asynchronous data transfer
■ Priority interrupt
■ Direct memory access(DMA)
■ Input output processor (IOP)
■ Serial communication

■ The input-output subsystem of a computer, referred to as I|0.

■ I|0 provides an efficient mode of communication between the central system and the
outside environment.
■ Programs and data must be entered into computer memory for processing and results
obtained from computations must be recorded or dis­played for the user.
■ A computer serves no useful purpose without the ability to receive information from an
outside source and to transmit results in a meaningful form.
■ Input or output devices attached to the computer are also called peripherals .
Peripheral Device
■ Input Devices ■ Output Device
■ Keyboard
■ Optical input devices
 Card Puncher, Paper Tape
 Card Reader Puncher
 Paper Tape Reader
 Bar code reader  CRT
 Digitizer
 Optical Mark Reader
 Printer (Impact, Ink Jet,
■ Magnetic Input Devices Laser, Dot Matrix)
■ - Magnetic Stripe Reader
■ Screen Input Devices
 Plotter
 Touch Screen  Analog
 Light Pen
 Mouse  Voice
■ Analog Input Devices
■ Input-output interface provides a method for transferring information between
internal storage and external I/0 devices.
■ Peripherals connected to a computer need special communication links for interfacing
them with the central processing unit.
■ The purpose of the communication link is to resolve the differences that exist between
the central computer and each peripheral.
■ The Major Difference are
 Data Transfer Rate
 Unit of Information
 Operating Modes
 Nature(Made up of)
The major differences

I. Peripherals are electromechanical and electromagnetic devices and their manner of

operation is different from the operation of the CPU and memory, which are electronic
devices. Therefore, a conversion of signal values may be required.
II. The data transfer rate of peripherals is usually slower than the transfer rate of the
CPU, and consequently, a synchronization mechanism may be needed.
III. Data codes and formats in peripherals(byte ) differ from the word format in the
CPU and memory(Word).
IV. The operating modes of peripherals( Asynchronous ) are different from each other
and each must be controlled so as not to disturb the operation of other peripherals
connected to the CPU( synchronous) .

■ To resolve these differences, computer systems include special hardware components

between the CPU and peripherals to supervise and synchronize all input and output
transfers. These components are called Interface units because they interface between
the processor bus and the peripheral device
■ Special hardware components between the CPU and peripherals
■ Supervise and Synchronize all input and output transfers
The I/0 bus consists of data lines, address lines, and ■ A typical communication link between the processor
and several peripherals is shown in Figure
control lines.
■ The I/O bus from the processor is attached to all
■ Each peripheral device has associated with it an peripheral interfaces.
interface unit. Each interface decodes the address and ■ To communicate with a particular device, the processor
control received from the I/O bus. places a device address on the address lines.
■ When the interface detects its own address, it activates
■ Interface the path between the bus lines and the device that it
 Decodes the device address (device code)
■ All peripherals whose address does not correspond to
 Decodes the commands (operation) the address in the bus are disabled by their interface.
 Provides signals for the peripheral controller
 Synchronizes the data flow and supervises the
transfer rate between peripheral and CPU or
■ Eg . The printer controller controls the paper motion,
the print timing, and the selection of printing characters.
■ A controller may be housed separately or may be
physically integrated with the peripheral
■ There are four types of commands that an interface may receive.
■ They are classified as control, status, data output, and data input
• A control command is issued to activate the peripheral and to inform it what to do.
• A status command is used to test various status conditions in the interface and the
• A data output command causes the interface to respond by transferring data from
the bus into one of its registers.
• The data input command is the opposite of the data output. In this case the interface
receives an item of data from the peripheral and places it in its buffer register.
I/O versus Memory Bus
■ In addition to communicating with VO, the processor must communicate with the memory unit.
Like the I \ O bus,
■ the memory bus contains data, address, and read/write control lines.
■ There are three ways that computer buses can be used to communicate with memory and VO:
1. Use two separate buses, one for memory and the other for VO.
2. Use one common bus for both memory and VO but have separate
control lines for each.
3. Use one common bus for memory and VO with common control lines.
Read more about

■ The internal operations in a digital system are synchronized by means of clock pulses supplied by a
common pulse generator.
■ Clock pulses are applied to all registers within a unit and all data transfers among internal registers
occur simultaneously during the occurrence of a clock pulse.
■ Two units, such as a CPU and an I\O interface, are designed independently of each other.
■ If the registers in the interface share a common clock with the CPU registers, the transfer between the
two units is said to be Synchronous.
■ In most cases, the internal timing in each unit is independent from the other in that each uses its
own private clock for internal registers. In that case, the two units are said to be Asynchronous to
each other. This approach is widely used in most computer systems.
Asynchronous VS Synchronous Data Transfer

 Synchronous Data Transfer

 All Data transfers occur simultaneously during the occurrence of a clock pulse
 Registers in the interface share a common clock with CPU registers

 Asynchronous Data Transfer

 Internal timing in each unit (CPU and Interface) is independent

 Each unit uses its own private clock for internal registers
Asynchronous Data

■ Two type of Asynchronous Data Transfer Methods

■ Strobe pulse
 A strobe pulse is supplied by one unit to indicate the other unit when the transfer
has to occur

■ Handshaking
 A control signal is accompanied with each data being transmitted to indicate
the presence of data
 The receiving unit responds with another control signal to acknowledge
receipt of the data
■ The strobe control method of asynchronous data ■ the source unit first places the data on the data bus.

transfer employs a single control line to time each ■ After a brief delay to ensure that the data settle to a steady value,
the source activates the strobe pulse
■ The information on the data bus and the strobe signal remain in
■ The strobe may be activated by either the source or the active state for a sufficient time period to allow the
the destination unit destination unit to receive the data.
■ The source removes the data from the bus a brief period after it
■ The Figure shows a source-initiated transfer. disables its strobe pulse.

■ The data bus carries the binary information from ■ the source does not have to change the information in the data
source unit to the destination unit.
■ the strobe signal is disabled indicates that the data bus does not
■ Typically, the bus has multiple lines to transfer an contain valid data. New valid data will be available only after the
strobe is enabled again.
entire byte or word.
■ The strobe is a single line that informs the destination
unit when a valid data word is available in the bus.
■ The disadvantage of the strobe method is that the source unit that initiates the transfer
has no way of knowing whether the destination unit has actually received the data
item that was placed in the bus.
■ Similarly, a destination unit that initiates the transfer has no way of knowing whether
the source unit has actually placed the data on the bus.
■ The handshake method solves this problem by introducing a second control signal that
provides a reply to the unit that initiates the transfer.
■ One control line is in the same direction as the data flow in the bus from the source to
the destination.
■ It is used by the source unit to inform the destination unit whether there are valid data in
the bus.
■ The other control line is in the other direction from the destination to the source. It is
used by the destination unit to inform the source whether it can accept data.
■ The sequence of control during the transfer depends on the unit that initiates the
■ The Figure shows the data transfer procedure when
initiated by the source.
■ The two handshaking lines are data valid, which is
generated by the source unit, and data accepted,
generated by the destination unit.
■ The timing diagram shows the exchange of signals
between the two units.
■ The sequence of events listed shows the four possible
states that the system can be at any given time
■ The source unit initiates the transfer by placing the
data on the bus and enabling its data valid signal.
■ The data accepted signal is activated by the destination
unit after it accepts the data from the bus.
■ Timeout : If the return handshake signal does not
respond within a given time period, the unit assumes
that an error has occurred
■ The source unit initiates the transfer by placing the data on
the bus and enabling its data valid signal.
■ The data accepted signal is activated by the destination unit
after it accepts the data from the bus.
■ The source unit then disables its data valid signal, which
invalidates the data on the bus.
■ The destination unit then disables its data accepted signal and
the system goes into its initial state.
■ The source does not send the next data item until after the
destination unit shows its readiness to accept new data by
disabling its data accepted signal.
■ The same as for destination initiated
Source and destination initiated handshaking
Asynchronous Serial Transfer
■ The transfer of data between two units may be done in parallel or serial.
■ In parallel data transmission, each bit of the message has its own path and the total message is
transmitted at the same time. This means that an n-bit message must be transmitted through n
separate conductor paths.
■ In serial data transmission, each bit in the message is sent in sequence one at a time. This method
requires the use of one pair of conductors or one conductor and a common ground.
■ Parallel transmission is faster but requires many wires. It is used for short distances and where speed
is important.
■ Serial transmission is slower but is less expensive since it requires only one pair of conductors.
■ Serial transmission can be synchronous or asynchronous.
■ In synchronous transmission, the two units share a common clock frequency and bits are transmitted
continuously at the rate dictated by the clock pulses.
■ Serial transmission can be synchronous or asynchronous. In synchronous transmission, the two units share
a common clock frequency and bits are transmitted continuously at the rate dictated by the clock pulses.
■ Synchronization signals are transmitted periodically between the two units to keep their clocks in step with
each other.
Asynchronous Serial Transfer

■ In Asynchronous transmission, binary information is sent only when it is available and the line remains
idle when there is no information to be transmitted.
■ This is in contrast to Synchronous transmission, where bits must be transmitted continuously to keep
the clock frequency in both units synchronized with each other.
■ A serial Asynchronous data transmission technique used in many interactive terminals employs special
bits that are inserted at both ends of the character code.
■ With this technique, each character consists of three parts: a start bit, the character bits, and stop bits.

■ the 1-state when no characters are transmitted. The first bit, called the start bit, is always a 0 and is used to
indicate the beginning of a character. The last bit called the stop bit is always a 1.
Modes of Transfer
■ Binary information received from an external device is usually stored in memory for later processing.
■ Information transferred from the central computer into an external device originates in the memory unit.
■ The CPU merely executes the i/o instructions and may accept the data temporarily, but the ultimate
source or destination is the memory unit.
■ Data transfer between the central computer and i/o devices may be handled in a variety of modes.
■ Some modes use the CPU as an intermediate path; others transfer the data directly to and from the
memory unit.
■ Data transfer to and from peripherals may be handled in one of three possible modes:
1. Programmed i/o
2. Interrupt-initiated i/o
3. Direct memory access (DMA)
Programmed i/o
■ Programmed i/o operations are the result of I/o instructions written in the computer program.
■ Each data item transfer is initiated by an instruction in the program.
■ Usually, the transfer is to and from a CPU register and peripheral.
■ Other instructions are needed to transfer the data to and from CPU and memory.
■ Transferring data under program control requires constant monitoring of the peripheral by the
■ Once a data transfer is initiated, the CPU is required to monitor the interface to see when a
transfer can again be made.
■ It is up to the programmed instructions executed in the CPU to keep close tabs on everything that
is taking place in the interface unit and the i/o device.
Interrupt-initiated i/o
■ In the programmed I /o method, the CPU stays in a program loop until the i/o unit indicates that it is ready
for data transfer.
■ This is a time-consuming process since it keeps the processor busy needlessly. It can be avoided by using
an interrupt facility and special commands to inform the interface to issue aninterrupt request signal when
the data are available from the device.
■ In the meantime the CPU can proceed to execute another program. The interface meanwhile keeps
monitoring the device.
■ When the interface determines that the device is ready for data transfer, it generates an interrupt request
to the computer.
■ Upon detecting the external interrupt signal, the CPU momentarily stops the task it is processing,
branches to a service program to process the i/o transfer, and then returns to the task it was originally
Direct memory access (DMA
■ In direct memory access (DMA), the interface transfers data into and out of the memory unit through the
memory bus.
■ The CPU initiates the transfer by supplying the interface with the starting address and the number of
words needed to be transferred and then proceeds to execute other tasks.
■ When the transfer is made, the DMA requests memory cycles through the memory bus.
■ When the request is granted by the memory controller, the DMA transfers the data directly into memory.
■ The CPU merely delays its memory access operation to allow the direct memory i/o transfer.
■ Since peripheral speed is usually slower than processor speed, I/O-memory transfers are infrequent
compared to processor access to memory.
Direct memory access (DMA
■ .Many computers combine the interface logic with the requirements for direct memory access into one
unit and call it an i/o processor ( lOP).
■ The lOP can handle many peripherals through a DMA and interrupt facility.
■ In such a system, the computer is divided into three separate modules: the memory unit, the CPU, and the
Example of Programmed 1/0
■ The device transfers bytes of data one at a time
as they are available. When a byte of data is
available the device places it in the i\O bus and R e a d s t a t u s r e g is t e r

enables its data valid line.

C h e c k f la g b it
■ If the flag is equal to 1, the CPU reads the data
from the data register. The flag bit is then
cleared to 0 by either the CPU or the interface, = 0
F la g

depending on how the interface circuits are = 1

designed R e a d d a ta re g is te r

T ra n s fe r d a ta to m e m o ry
D a ta b u s In te rfa c e I/ O b u s

A d d re s s b u s D a ta re g is te r

D a ta v a lid I/ O O p e r a tio n no
I/ O re a d d e v ic e
c o m p le te ?
S ta tu s
I/ O w r ite F
re g is te r D a ta a c c e p te d yes

C o n t in u e
F = F la g b it w ith
p ro g ra m
Priority Interrupt
■ Data transfer between the CPU and an i/o device is initiated by the CPU.
■ However, the CPU cannot start the transfer unless the device is ready to communicate with the CPU.
■ The readiness of the device can be determined from an interrupt signal.
■ The CPU responds to the interrupt request by storing the return address from PC into a memory stack
and then the program branches to a service routine that processes the required transfer.
■ In a typical application a number of VO devices are attached to the computer, with each device being
able to originate an interrupt request.
■ The first task of the interrupt system is to identify the source of the interrupt.
■ There is also the possibility that several sources will request service simultaneously. In this case the
system must also decide which device to service first.
■ A priority interrupt is a system that establishes a priority over the various sources to determine which
condition is to be serviced first when two or more requests arrive simultaneously.
■ The system may also determine which conditions are permitted to interrupt the computer while another
interrupt is being serviced.
■ Devices with high speed transfers such as magnetic disks are given high priority, and slow
devices such as keyboards receive low priority.
■ When two devices interrupt the computer at the same time, the computer services the device,
with the higher priority first.
■ Establishing the priority of simultaneous interrupts can be done by software or hardware.
■ For Detail Read mano page 415 to 25
Direct Memory Access (DMA)


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