Architecture E-Commerce Applications
Architecture E-Commerce Applications
Architecture E-Commerce Applications
E-BIZ 2021
Plan of the lecture
• Introduction to e-commerce and e-
commerce applications
• Issues in developing e-commerce
• Architecture of e-commerce applications
• Bookstore example
• Perspectives for e-commerce
• References
Two-tier Architecture (client server)
• Data reside on a server
• Business logic and user interfaces reside on
• Drawbacks :
– Clients sustain the main load and consequently
result to be monolithic and heavyweight
– Excessive overhead
– Simple but unsuitable for e-commerce applications
Two-tier Architecture (client server)
E-commerce platform
Application Server
6. Product delivery
8. Payment request
electronically forwarded 7. Product receipt
• An environment that brings buyers and
sellers together in a virtual space for e-
commerce, enabling them to reach new
customers and reduce transaction costs
• E-marketplaces are becoming more
fashionable than ever before due to the
use of Mobile Technologies
• Include more virtual shops
• Appear as web portals with links to
single e-shops grouped by different
product categories (e.g. music or books)
• Advantages for smaller businesses:
– Reduced initial investment
– Easily traceability through the mall’s brand
• 1. Laudon, K.C & Laudon, J.P (2004). Management
Information Systems. Managing the Digital Firm, 5th
edition, Pearson Printice Hall.
• 2. Qin, Z., & Qin, Z. (2009). Introduction to E-
commerce (Vol. 2009). New York, NY: Springer.
• 3. Laudon, K. C., & Traver, C. G. (2016). E-
commerce: business, technology, society.
• 4. Laudon, K. C., & Traver, C. G. (2016). E-
commerce: business, technology, society.
End of Lecture