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Promotion and Pricing Strategies: Learn Ing G Oals

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Chapter 14

Promotion and Pricing Strategies

Go als
a rni ng 5 Describe pushing and pulling
Le promotional strategies.
Discuss how integrated marketing 6 Discuss the major ethical issues
communications relates to a firm’s involved in promotion.
overall promotion strategy.
7 Outline the different types of
2 Explain promotional mix and pricing strategies.
outline the objectives of promotion. Discuss how firms set prices in
Summarize the different types of 8 the marketplace, and
advertising and advertising media. describe the four alter-
native pricing strategies.
4 Outline the roles of sales
promotion, personal selling, and
9 Discuss consumer
public relations. perceptions of price.
Promotion The function of informing, persuading, and
influencing a purchase decision.
Integrated marketing communications (IMC) Coordination of all
promotional activities—media advertising, direct
mail, personal selling, sales promotion, and public
relations—to produce a unified customer-focused
• Must take a broad view and plan for all form of
customer contact.
• Create unified personality and message for the good,
service, or brand.
• Elements include personal selling, advertising, sales
promotion, publicity, and public relations.
Promotional mix Combination of personal and nonpersonal
selling techniques designed to achieve promotional
Personal selling Interpersonal promotional process involving
a seller’s face-to-face presentation to a
prospective buyer.
• Nonpersonal selling Advertising, sales promotion,
direct marketing, and public relations.
Objectives of Promotional Strategy
Providing Information
• Major portion of U.S. advertising provides
information about a product.
Differentiating a Product
• Communicate to buyers meaningful distinctions about
the attributes, price, quality, or use of a good or
Increasing Sales
• Most common objective of a promotional strategy.
Stabilizing Sales
• Stable sales evens out the production cycle, reduces
some management and production costs, and simplifies
financial, purchasing, and marketing planning.
Accentuating the Product’s Value
• Explaining hidden benefits of ownership.
Promotional Planning
• Product placement Marketers pay placement fees to
have their products showcased in various media,
ranging from newspapers and magazines to television
and movies.
• Guerilla marketing Innovative, low-cost marketing
efforts designed to get consumers’ attention in
unusual ways.
Advertising Paid nonpersonal communication delivered
through various media and designed to inform,
persuade, or remind members of a particular
• Consumers receive 3,500 to 5,000 marketing messages
each day.
• Television networks earn $22 billion annually from
• In U.S., automotive, retail, and communications
companies spend nearly $4 billion annually on
Types of Advertising
• Product advertising Messages designed to sell a
particular good or service.
• Institutional advertising Messages that promote
concepts, ideas, philosophies, or goodwill for
industries, companies, organizations, or government
• Cause advertising Form of institutional messaging
that promotes a specific viewpoint on a public issue
as a way to influence public opinion and the
legislative process.
Advertising and the Product Life Cycle
• Informative advertising Used to build initial demand
for a product in the introductory phase of the
product life cycle.
• Persuasive advertising Attempts to improve the
competitive status of a product, institution, or
concept, usually in the growth and maturity stages
of the product life cycle.
• Comparative advertising Compares products directly
with their competitors either by name or by
• Reminder-oriented advertising Appears in the late
maturity or decline stages of the product life cycle
to maintain awareness of the importance and
usefulness of a product.
Advertising Media
• All media offer advantages and disadvantages
• Easiest way to reach a large number of consumers.
• Variety of channels on cable and satellite networks
allows advertisers to target specialized markets and
• Most expensive advertising medium.
• 30 second prime time network spots can range from
$100,000 to $500,000.
• Dominate local advertising.
• Easy to coordinate with other promotional efforts.
• Relatively short life span.
• Average household owns five radios.
• Commuters in cars are a captive audience.
• Satellite radio offers new opportunities.
• Consumer publications and trade journals.
• May be able to customize message for different areas
of the country.
Direct Mail
• Average American receives 550 pieces annually,
including 100 catalogs.
• High per person cost, but can be carefully targeted
and highly effective.
• Direct Marketing Association helps marketers combat
negative attitudes by offering its members
guidelines on ethical business practices.
Outdoor Advertising
• $3.2 billion annually, majority for billboards.
• Requires brief messages.
• Can be opposed by preservation and conservation
Online and Interactive Advertising
• Experts predict sales from online advertising will
double by 2010.
• Viral advertising Creates a message that is novel or
entertaining enough for consumers to forward it to
others, spreading it like a virus.
• Spreading the word costs the advertiser nothing.
• Not all online advertising is well received.
• Many consumers resent the intrusion of pop-up ads
that suddenly appear on their computer screen.
• Providing funds for a sporting or cultural event in
exchange for a direct association with the event.
• Benefits: Exposure to target audience and association
with image of the event.
Other Media Options
• Marketers look for novel ways to reach customers.
• Examples: infomercials, ATM receipts, directory
Sales promotion Nonpersonal marketing
activities other than advertising,
personal selling, and public relations
that stimulate consumer purchasing
and dealer effectiveness.
Consumer-Oriented Promotions
Premiums, Coupons, Rebates, Samples
• Two of every five promotion dollars are spent on
premiums, items given free or at reduced price with
the purchase of another product.
• Coupons attract new customers but focus on price
rather than brand loyalty.
• Rebates increase purchase rates, promote multiple
purchases, and reward product users.
• Three of every four consumers who receive a sample
will try it.
Games, Contest, and Sweepstakes
• Often used to introduce new goods and attract new
• Subject to legal restrictions.
Specialty Advertising
Trade-Oriented Promotions
• Sales promotion geared to marketing intermediaries
rather than to consumers.
•  Encourage retailers in several ways:
• To stock new products.
• To continue carrying existing ones.
• To promote both new and existing products
effectively to consumers.
• Point-of-purchase (POP) advertising Displays or
demonstrations that promote products when and where
consumers buy them, such as in retail stores.
• Promote goods and services at trade shows.
• A person-to-person promotional presentation to a
potential buyer.
• Usually used under four conditions:
• Customers are relatively few in number and
geographically concentrated.
• The product is technically complex, involves
trade-ins, and requires special handling.
• The product carries a relatively high price.
• It moves through direct-distribution channels.
• Example: Selling to the government or military.
Sales Tasks
• All involve assisting customers in some way.
Order Processing
• Identifying customer needs, pointing out merchandise
meet them, and processing the order.
Creative Selling
• Promoting a good or service whose benefits are not
apparent or whose purchase decision requires a close

analysis of alternatives.
Missionary Selling
• Representative promotes goodwill for a company or
provides technical or operational assistance to the
The Sales Process
The Sales Process
• A good salesperson varies the sales process
based on customers’ needs and responses.
Prospecting, Qualifying, and Approaching
• Prospecting Identifying potential customers.
• Qualifying Identifying potential customers who
have the financial ability and authority to buy.
• Approaching Make careful preparations,
analyzing available data about a prospective
customer’s product lines and other pertinent
information before making the initial contact.
The Sales Process
• A good salesperson varies the sales process
based on customers’ needs and responses.
Presentation and Demonstration
• Presentation Salespeople communicate
promotional messages. They may describe
the major features of their products, highlight
the advantages, and cite examples of satisfied
• Demonstration Reinforces the message that the
salesperson has been communicating.
The Sales Process
• A good salesperson varies the sales process
based on customers’ needs and responses.
Handling Objections
• Use objections as an opportunity to answer
questions and explain how the product will
benefit the customer.
The Sales Process
• A good salesperson varies the sales process
based on customers’ needs and responses.
• The time at which the salesperson actually
asks the prospect to buy.
• Even if the sale is not made, the salesperson
should regard the interaction as the beginning
of a potential relationship.
The Sales Process
• A good salesperson varies the sales process
based on customers’ needs and responses.
• An important part of building a long-lasting
• May determine whether the customer will
make another purchase.
Public Relations
Public relations Public organization’s communications and
relationships with its various audience.
• Helps a firm establish awareness of goods and
services and builds a positive image of them.

Publicity Stimulation of demand for a good, service,
place, idea, person, or organization by
disseminating news or obtaining favorable unpaid
media presentations.
• Good publicity can promote a firm’s positive image
• Negative publicity can cause problems.
Pushing and Pulling Strategies
• Pushing strategy Relies on personal selling to market
an item to wholesalers and retailers in a company’s
distribution channels.
• Companies promote the product to members of the
marketing channel, not to end users.
• Pulling strategy Promote a product by generating
consumer demand for it, primarily through
advertising and sales promotion appeals.
• Potential buyers will request that their suppliers
—retailers or local distributors—carry the product,
thereby pulling it through the distribution channel.
• Most marketing situations require combinations of
pushing and pulling strategies, although the primary
emphasis can vary.
Puffery and Deception
• Puffery Exaggeration about the benefits or
of a product.
• Legal because it doesn’t guarantee anything but
ethical questions.
• May ultimately undermine the credibility of a firm’s
marketing messages.
• Deception Deliberately making promises that are
untrue, such as guaranteed weight loss in five days,
get-rich-quick schemes for would-be entrepreneurs,
or promised return on investments.
Promotion to Children and Teens
• Children and teens have enormous purchasing power.
• Children cannot analyze advertising messages.
• Can be socially responsible (e.g., healthy products).

Promotion in Public Schools and on College Campuses

• Schools earn income from in-school advertising, but
it is generating backlash.
• College students have $122 billion in buying power.
Price Exchange value of a good or service.
Profitability Objectives
• Most common objective.
• Some maximize profits by reducing costs
rather than raising costs.
• Sometimes maintain price while reducing
package size or amount of product.

Volume Objectives
• Bases pricing decisions on market share goals.
Pricing to Meet Competition
• Meeting competitors’ price so price becomes
a nonissue in the buying decision.
• Competitors cannot legally work together to
set prices.
• Competition can result in a price war.

Prestige Objectives
• Establishing a relatively high price to develop and
maintain an image of quality and exclusiveness.
• Recognition of the role of price in communicating
an overall image for the firm and its products.
• Pricing is influenced by people in different areas of
a company.

Price Determination in Practice

Cost-based pricing Adding a percentage (markup) to the base
cost of a product to cover overhead costs and
generate profits.
• Actual markup used varies by such factors as brand
image and type of store.
• Example: Typical clothing markup by retailers is
double the wholesaler price.
Breakeven Analysis
Breakeven analysis Pricing technique used to determine the
minimum sales volume a product must generate at a
certain price level to cover all costs.
Finding the Breakeven Point
Breakeven Analysis
Breakeven analysis Pricing technique used to determine the
minimum sales volume a product must generate at a
certain price level to cover all costs.
Finding the Breakeven Point
Breakeven Analysis
Breakeven analysis Pricing technique used to determine the
minimum sales volume a product must generate at a
certain price level to cover all costs.
Finding the Breakeven Point
Alternative Pricing Strategies
Skimming Pricing
• Setting an intentionally high price relative to the
prices of competing products.
• Helps marketers set a price that distinguishes a
firm’s high-end product from those of competitors.
• Helps a firm recover its product development costs
before competitors enter the field.
Penetration Pricing
• Setting a low price as a major marketing weapon.
• Often used with new products.
Everyday Low Pricing and Discount Pricing
• ELP Maintaining continuous low prices rather than
relying on short-term price-cutting tactics such as
cents-off coupons, rebates, and special sales.
• Discount pricing Attracting customers by dropping
prices for a set period of time.
• Helps a firm recover its product development costs
before competitors enter the field.
Competitive Pricing
• Reducing the emphasis on price competition by
matching other firms’ prices.
• Concentrate marketing efforts on the product,
distribution, and promotional elements of the
marketing mix.
Price-Quality Relationships
• Consumers’ perceptions of quality closely tied to
• High price = prestige and higher quality.
• Low price = less prestige and lower quality.

Odd Pricing
• Setting prices in uneven amounts or amounts that
sound less than they really are.
• Example: $1.99 or $299.
• Also used as a signal a product is on sale.

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