Column and Thin Layer Chromatography: Two Separation Techniques
Column and Thin Layer Chromatography: Two Separation Techniques
Column and Thin Layer Chromatography: Two Separation Techniques
Two separation techniques --
Chromatography is a separation technique used to
obtain pure chemical compounds from a mixture of
compounds on a scale from micrograms up to kilograms.
The prefix chroma derives from the original separations of
colored plant pigments by this method.
do not
allow liquid level
to drop below
top of alumina
Procedural Steps cont’d
• Add 20 mL clean petroleum ether without
disturbing the sand
• Open the stopcock and collect the eluent in a
graduated cylinder
• Monitor the eluent every 5 mL.
Monitoring the Eluent
1. Every 5 mL that elutes, catch a drop or
two on a watch glass and determine if a
solid residue remains after evaporation.
2. When no residue appears in the last drop
evaporated, run 5 mL more petroleum
3. Shut the stopcock and switch to
4. When the eluant is no longer yellow,
stop the column. The separation is
Thin Layer Chromatography
1.Using a small capillary, place a tiny drop of the eluent
from each collected sample on a thin layer strip. Do the
same for the original mixture.
Fluorene Fluorenone
Preparing your NB…
• Chemicals in Table:
– Fluorene, 9-fluorenone, petroleum ether,
dichloromethane, alumina, water
• Figures:
– Fig. 6.3 (pg. 181)
– Fig. 6.7 (pg. 189) combined with Fig. 6.11 (pg. 193)