Information System Security
Information System Security
Information System Security
Information system
• An Information System (IS) is a group of components that interact to
produce information.
• An Information System is an integrated and cooperating set of
software directed information technologies supporting individual,
group, organizational, or societal goals.
• It is the study of complementary networks that people and
organizations use to collect, filter, process, create and distribute data
Importance of Information System
Functions of Information system
Types of Information
This concept is used to prevent the intentional or unintentional
unauthorized disclosure of message content.
Loss of confidentiality can occur in many ways , such as through the
intentional release of private company information or through a
misapplication of network rights.
Confidentiality is concerned with preventing the unauthorized
disclosure of sensitive information.
For example-Bank never gives information of a client to other person.
Example 1-Suppose there a computer in which there is some important
data is saved. Confidentiality means there should be a trust that data
will be accessed by you or dedicated user only. Access to that data will
be only through authorized person.
Example 2- Suppose you have created a fb account. Whenever you
login u r asked to type user name and password.
No one can modify or alter contents of information other than owner.
1.Prevention of the modification of information by unauthorized users.
For example- Suppose user 1 sends a message ‘Hi’ to user 2
User 1 User2
Message contents shouldn’t beXyzmodified in between.
2. Preservation of the internal and external consistency.
3. Internal consistency ensures that data is consistent.