Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
strengthening Utilization of
capacity results
• 2015 Report of global survey on Health Technology Assessment
by National Authorities
Utilization of HTA in Scope of HTA and
capacity and
public sector availability of
human resources
decision making; guidelines
supporting HTA
Requirements for
Governance of HTA
strengthening HTA
process; and
OF HTA (with
Technologies may be assessed at different stages of diffusion and maturity. In general, health care technologies may
be described as being:
Future: in a conceptual stage, anticipated, or in the earliest stages of development
Investigational: undergoing initial clinical (i.e., in humans) evaluation for a particular condition or indication
Established: considered by clinicians to be a standard approach to a particular condition or indication and diffused
into general use
Obsolete/outmoded/abandoned: superseded by other technologies or demonstrated to be ineffective or harmful.
B. Health Technology Assessment
The main purpose of HTA is to inform policymaking for technology in health
care, where policymaking is used in the broad sense to include decisions. HTA
may address the direct and intended consequences of technologies as well as
their indirect and unintended consequences. HTA is conducted by
interdisciplinary groups using explicit analytical frameworks, drawing from a
variety of methods.
Key Principle The findings of a HTA can have major implications for patients, clinicians, service
providers, manufacturers, etc
HTA is intended to be accessible, inclusive, transparent and unbiased.
To achieve transparency, the methods and data used, and how the HTA was
influenced, must be clearly reported.
Conflicts of interest of individuals involved in the process must be documented.
• Unbiased -
• Systematic
• Evidence Based
• Comprehensive
The HTA Process
• HTA bodies have to determine what knowledge regarding the consequences and impacts of using a health technology
are important for decision-makers and to what extent their assessment should be individualized (to a single
For example, while understanding the clinical effectiveness of a health technology is generally considered important for
decision-makers, some health technologies may have ethical issues associated with their use while others do not. An HTA
body must choose if it will apply one standard process to all health technologies, or if it will allow for specific processes for
the assessment of each technology individually, based on the relevant information required. In this case, should ethical
information be gathered for all technologies under evaluation, or should there be a separate process that provides that
information where necessary?
Most HTA involves some form of the following basic steps:
Not all HTA bodies conduct all of these steps, and they are not necessarily
conducted in a linear manner.
• Pharmacoeconomics can be regarded as a
branch of health economics which deals with
identifying, measuring, and comparing the
costs and consequences of pharmaceutical
products and services.
• It helps in forming an economic relationship
which combines the drug research, its
production and distribution, storage, pricing,
and further use by the people.
Some of the concepts involved in
pharmacoeconomic analysis include cost
minimization, cost effectiveness, cost benefit,
and cost utility analysis.
• Pharmacoeconomics can be of tremendous help in decision-making
when evaluating the affordability of and access to the right
medication to the right patient at the right time when comparing two
drugs in the same therapeutic class of drugs.
• This helps in establishing accountability that the claims by a
manufacturer regarding a drug are justified.
• Proper application of pharmacoeconomics, will allow the pharmacy
practitioners and administrators to make better and more informed
decisions regarding products and services they provide.
• Reference/s: