PMR Summary Writing
PMR Summary Writing
PMR Summary Writing
Read the instructions FIRST!
Underline the points.
Use conjunctions and connectors.
Do NOT exceed 60 words. (give or take FIVE words).
NO paragraphs!
Summary Exercise 1
Points for Summary Exercise 1
Moisturises the skin and helps maintains suppleness.
Gets rid of toxins in the body.
Body will be able to burn fat efficiently.
Helps people think more clearly.
Strengthen the body immune system.
Decreases the risk of infection.
Increases protein synthesis.
Helps maintain metabolism and digestion.
Sample Answer
Summary Exercise 2
Points for Summary Exercise 2
Must plan a schedule.
Have a checklist to monitor your progress.
Body will be able to burn fat efficiently.
Helps people think more clearly.
Strengthen the body immune system.
Decreases the risk of infection.
Increases protein synthesis.
Helps maintain metabolism and digestion.