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Sikh Community, Philosophy and Way of Life: Name: Date

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Sikh Community,

Philosophy and Way of Life


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Overview of Presentation

1. The Sikh Community

2. Sikh Spiritual Masters
3. What is Sikh Dharma?
4. Basics about the Sikh Lifestyle
5. The Sikh Holy Scripture
6. Further Reading Sources
7. Questions

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The Sikh Community
World Sikh Geography

 Sikhs are the 5th largest religious group

in the World (20 million followers)
 Sikhs can be found in most countries of
the World. However majority of Sikh
community live in Punjab (northern India)
 UK, Canada and America have the
largest Sikh populations outside India

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The Sikh Community
Basic Facts about Sikhs in UK

 1st Sikh in UK was Maharaja Dalip Singh (the

last Sikh King) who came in 1900’s.
 Most Sikhs (of Indian origin) came to UK in
30’s and 60’s
 Sikhs are 3rd largest faith group in UK after
Christians and Muslims, numbering approx
340,000. Jedi’s don’t count!
 There are approx 150 Sikh Temples in UK
 30,000 Sikh students at Universities in UK
 Punjabi is 2nd most spoken language in UK

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The Sikh Community
British Laws regarding Sikhs

British law has been modified in the following

ways to cater for Sikhs:
 Sikhs can wear a Kirpan (sword)
 Sikhs are exempt from wearing Crash Helmets
when riding Motor Cycles
 Sikhs are exempt from wearing Hard hats at
Construction Sites
 Sikhs can wear their Kirpans in most Law
Courts (up to 4” in length)

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Sikh Spiritual Masters
The 10 Gurus
 Started by Guru Nanak (born in 1469) and Succeeded
by another 9 Gurus.
 They each represent a divine quality:
 Guru Nanak Dev Ji – Humility
 Guru Angad Dev Ji – Obedience
 Guru Amar Das Je – Equality
 Guru Ram Das Ji – Service
 Guru Arjan Dev Ji – Self Sacrifice
 Guru Har Gobind Sahib Ji – Justice
 Guru Har Rai Ji – Mercy
 Guru Har Krishan Ji – Purity
 Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji – Tranquillity
 Guru Gobind Singh Ji – Royal Courage

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Sikh Spiritual Masters
The 10 Gurus

 Guru Nanak is the only Prophet in the World

who has such a diverse following including:
 Buddhists (who call him Nanak Lama)
 Muslims (who call him Hadhrat Baba Nanak
 Hindus, Yogis and Sikhs
 The 9th Guru is the only Prophet in the World to
die for the right of ‘Freedom of Religion’
 The 10th Guru gave the final shape to the Sikhs
faith on the day of Vaisakhi.

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Sikh Spiritual Masters
The 1st and 10th Gurus

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Guru Gobind Singh Ji

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What is Sikh Dharma?
Overview of the Spiritual Sciences
 Sikh Dharma is a lifestyle consisting of a set of
spiritual sciences (or Vidya’s) including:
 Atma and Paramatma Vidya - Knowledge of Self
and God
 Langar Vidya – Knowledge of food preparation
(hygienically) for thousands of people
 Raag Vidya – Knowledge of Indian musicology
 Shastaar Vidya – Knowledge of martial arts
 Prosperity Vidya – Attitudes to wealth creation and
 Yoga Vidya – Knowledge of Naad and Kundalini
 Marma Vidya – Satnam Rasayan (healing through
hands) and Nam Therapy

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What is Sikh Dharma?
Concept of God and Oneness
 Sikh Faith emphasises the importance of experiencing
Truth and oneness with:
 Our Soul
 Fellow human beings
 Mother Earth
 God
 These experiences have led to a set of beliefs which
include a belief in one God who is known by many
names including Jehovah, Ram, Allah, Waheguru
 The Sikh Holy Scripture starts with the MOOL
MANTRA, which describes the main attributes of God
(next slide).

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What is Sikh Dharma?
Basic Attributes of God and Soul (Mool Mantra)
 Ik Ouṅkār - There is only One God, who creates,
sustains and destroys, and exists without change
 Sat Nām - God’s name is Truth
 Kartā Purakh - God is the Creator, and resides within
the Creation
 Nirbhau - God is Fearless
 Nirvair - God is without Enmity
 Akāl Mūrat - God is beyond time
 Ajūnī - God is unborn
 Saibhaṅ - God is self-existent
 Gur Prasād - God is realised by the Grace of the Guru

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What is Sikh Dharma?
Equality for all

 Sikh Dharma teaches people to accept every

human being as an equal regardless of:
 Race, Nationality, Religion, Gender, Culture, Social
Status, Sexual Orientation, Caste etc.
 Sikh Dharma is unique in giving equal rights to
Women 500 years ago:
 There were 4 Sikh women bishops in the 15th
 Women can and have become Priests and lead
congregations into Prayer
 Sikh women have lead armies and have held top
positions in all aspects of Life.

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What is Sikh Dharma?
Equality embedded within Sikh architecture

4 doors symbolising OPENNESS & EQUALITY

Harmander Sahib

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Basics about the Sikh Lifestyle
3 Core Principles

3 core principles at an individual level:

 Meditation - On God’s Virtues
 Honesty - Living and earning
 Serving - Take part in selfless
community service & give to

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Basics about the Sikh Lifestyle
4 Lifestyle Choices

A Practicing Sikh will adhere to the following 4

noble blessings:
 Keep long uncut hair
 Not commit adultery or live
 Follow a lacto-vegetarian diet (avoid
meat, fish and eggs)
 Not use Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

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Basics about the Sikh Lifestyle
5 Kakars
Practicing Sikh men and women wear 5 Items called
Kakars which all have various functions:
 Kesh (uncut hair coiled on the head) - helps to focus the
creative energy of body and spirit on the 7th chakra,
which is our link to divinity
 Khanga (wooden comb) – used to keep hair clean and
tidy. Also, combing with a wooden comb smoothes the
electrical charge around the hair, which creates a
calming effect
 Kara (steel bangle) – consciousness activation tool
 Kirpan (sword) – for defence and blessing sacred food
 Kashera (boxer shorts) – for modesty with “Gurus Knot”
which provides a last “conscious action”

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Basics about the Sikh Lifestyle
Daily Sikh Prayers
A practicing Sikh will generally do the following basic set of prayers:

Between 4am – 6am

 Jap Jee Sahib – strengthens the radiance of the soul
 Jaap Sahib - the naad of Jaap Sahib brings grace and greatness
 Swayaia – provides satisfaction
 Chopai - helps you when you are physically weak
 Anand Sahib – The song of bliss provides joy. Mind and body are
explained in relation to cosmic divinity

In the evening after work

 Rehras Sahib - helps you when you are physically weak, or weak in
money, property and earthly goods

Before you go to sleep

 Keertan Sohila – this helps to remove negativity from your surroundings

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Basics about the Sikh Lifestyle
At a Global / Cosmic Level

 Unconditional Love - Heart centered

individuals building a democratic society
based on unconditional love. Sikhs are not
dogmatic and do not claim superiority over
other religious beliefs/cultures.
 Scientific Advancement - A harmonisation
between Science and Religion
 Environmental Consciousness - Love,
respect and responsibility towards mother
Earth and its resources

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The Sikh Holy Scripture
Background on Gurbani
 The Sikh scripture is the focal point of the Sikh
 Called the Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji (translates as
“The Master compilation which give Light”)
 Regarded as the Living Word of God and treated like
a living King
 World’s only Inter-faith Scripture
 Written in over 15 languages and encoded in a
special script called ‘Gurmukhi’ which preserves the
original sounds.
 It is only Holy Book compiled during the lifetime of the

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The Sikh Holy Scripture
Functions of Gurbani

 Healing – The Word of the Guru

(Gurbani) is used in Nam Therapy in
India to heal incurable diseases.
 Spiritual Awakening - Gurbani tunes
our mind and opens our hearts to the
infinity of our soul. This is assisted by the
60 “feelings” (Raags) which the mantras
have been written in.

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The Sikh Holy Scripture

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Further Reading Sources

 www.sikhnet.com (World Sikh Portal)

 www.grdp.co.uk (Guru Ram Das Project)
 www.kundaliniyoga.org (Kundalini Yoga)
 www.rajacademy.com (Naad Yoga)
 www.projectnaad.com (Sikh Resources)

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