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7 DILG BLGD LGU DTP Guidelines

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Local Government Capability Development Section
Department of the Interior and Local Government XI
Province of Davao del Norte
• Republic Act No. 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991
Sec. 2 (a) “ … the State shall provide for a more responsive and accountable local government
structure instituted through a system of decentralization whereby local government units shall be given
more powers, authority, responsibilities, and resources.”
Sec. 3 (d) “ … the vesting of duty, responsibility, and accountability in local government units
be accompanied with provision for reasonably adequate resources to discharge their powers and
effectively carry out their functions…”

• Supreme Court Ruling on the Mandanas-Garcia petitions clarified the basis for
the computation of local government just shares of LGUs and ordered NG to include all collections of national
taxes in the computation of LGU share

• EO No. 138, S. 2021 encourages LGUs to primarily and ultimately responsible in the
implementation and delivery of devolved functions pursuant to LGC, Sec 17 and other laws which
subsequently assigned new functions to LGUs
• LGs are primarily responsible for providing direct service
delivery to their constituencies and will assume greater
responsibility and accountability in ensuring the quality of
devolved services.

• LGs are expected to strengthen their capacity to exercise

stewardship of their increased fiscal resources; enhance their
organizational capability for service delivery; and institute
transparent, accountable, and participatory mechanisms to
better achieve national and local development objectives.

• LGs are encouraged to establish robust partnership with NGAs,

private sector, NGOs, CSOs, POs, and academic institutions as
providers of technical expertise and information, innovations, and
governance models on service delivery.
LGU’s roadmap to ensure strategic perspective; systematic
and coherent actions towards their full assumption of devolved
All provinces,
cities, Foster alignment of priorities and complementation and
municipalities, influence the design of the devolution transition
and activities of NGAs
shall prepare
their DTPs Leverage support from other governance stakeholders
in cooperative undertakings during the devolution transition

Guide in the monitoring and performance assessment of

LGUs by NGAs, DBM, and DILG
• LGU DTP preparation shall be undertaken in close coordination with the NGAs
• Subject to their development priorities, capacities, and resources, and with
reference to NGA DTPs
1. identify the responsibilities to fully assume and PPAs of NGAs to absorb
2. prioritize which of these needs scaling-up;
3. adopt a phased approach towards full assumption of devolved
• Full assumption of devolved functions and services may entail updating of their OSSP
and CapDev Agenda
• LGUs are reminded of the projected decrease in their respective FYs 2023 & 2024
NTA shares due to the effects of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
through the identification of possible revenue sources to address potential gaps.
• Higher LGUs to perform oversight functions over component LGUs within their
jurisdiction and ensure harmonization and vertical integration of development
• CC and municipalities to coordinate with province in the development of their CapDev
Agenda and in the formulation of the menu of support by the provinces
• Cities and municipalities to guide and support their component barangays in the
assumption of their new roles and responsibilities
• LCE to spearhead preparation of LGU DTP and organize the LGU Devolution
Transition Committee (LGU DTC) to be responsible for the preparation and
monitoring of LGU DTP
• Local Sanggunian to review and approve the LGU DTP through a Sanggunian
State of Phasing of Local Revenue Performance
Devolved Assumption of Capacity Targets for
Organizational Forecast and
Functions, Functions, Development Devolved
Structure and Resource
Services, and Services, and Agenda and Functions and
Staffing Pattern Mobilization
Facilities* Facilities* Requirements* Services

*Applicable for barangays

State of Devolved Functions, Services,
and Facilities

Baseline information on the status devolved

functions, services, and facilities already being
carried out vis-à-vis Section 17 of RA 7160
and other existing laws which subsequently
assigned new functions to LGUs
Phasing of Assumption of Functions, Services, and

• map out the full assumption of devolved functions, services, and facilities
contingent on LGU development priorities, institutional capacity and
• indicate the phasing and timing of the implementation of these
• in consideration of the following:
1. Inventory of devolved responsibilities that LGUs are to fully assume
including the NGA PPAs along the devolved functions and services;
2. LGU’s assessment of the relevance and applicability of NGA PPAs
along the devolved functions and services; and
3. Results of consultations with higher LGUs and sectoral committees of
Capacity Development Agenda

• Outlines the CapDev requirements to absorb, manage, and sustain the

responsibilities under a fully devolved set-up following DILG MC No. 2021-067
Adoption of a Capacity Development (CapDev) Framework in the Planning, Design and
Implementation of CapDev Intervention for LGUs, 23 June 2021

• Capacity assessment shall guide in updating the OSSP

• Ensure that funding for their identified capacity development requirements will be
included in their AIP and Annual Budget
Organizational Structure and
Staffing Pattern

• LGUs shall review and propose modification in their OSSP

in reference to their phased assumption of the functions, services,
and facilities to be fully devolved.

• Adjustments in the OSSP shall be guided by:

1. Section 325 (a) to (g) of RA No. 7160 providing limitations on the use of
LGUs funds;
2. DBM LBC No. 61 providing position titles and corresponding salary
grades assignments in the LGUs; DBM Circular Letter No. 2007-6;
DBM LBM No. 82;
3. CSC rules and regulations; and
4. Additional issuances that the DILG, DBM, or CSC
Local Revenue Forecast and Resource
Mobilization Strategy

• Communicates the intention and measures of LGUs to unlock potential local

revenue sources to address possible fiscal gaps in FY 2023 and FY 2024 as a
consequence of:
• Increased expenditure requirements to recover from COVID-19 pandemic
• LGUs’ full assumption of devolved responsibilities
• Anticipated decrease in their NTA in FYs 2023 and 2024
• LGUs shall prepare a 3-year (FY 2022-2024) forecast for key local revenue
sources: taxes, fees and charges, and income from economic enterprises
• LGUs shall refer to DOF-BLGF MC No. 16-2015 19 June 2015 in the preparation of their
revenue forecast and resource mobilization strategy.
Performance Targets for Devolved
Functions and Services

• LGUs shall define their performance targets for

devolved responsibilities starting in FY 2022 onwards
and describe their strategy to achieve these targets assessment/monitoring tools
• To ensure alignment with NG priorities and performance • LGU Results Matrices (RM)
indicators, baseline information for performance • CSIS
• Rate My LGU Service
targets shall be based on: • Public Financial Management
• Sectoral plans of the Provincial Plans Assessment Tool (PFMAT)
• Financial Sustainability index/Iskor
• Guidance from sectoral committees of RDC ng ‘yong Bayan
• Sectoral profiles prepared by NGAs
 Provinces, Cities, For barangays
Municipalities  Punong Barangay as Chair;
 LCE as Chair;  Barangay Secretary;
 A regular member of the Local  Barangay Treasurer; and,
Sanggunian;  A regular member of the
 Members of the Local Finance
Local Sanggunian
Committee (Planning and  At least 2 representatives from
Development Coordinator,
CSOs and POs that are
Treasurer, Budget Officer);
members of the BDC
 Local Administrator;
 President of the Liga ng mga
 At least 2 representatives from
CSOs and POs that are members of
the LDC
• Form a communications team to formulate their respective communications plans and
• Submit to the appropriate CSC Field Office the approved plantilla of positions,
where applicable
• Ensure vertical alignment of local development priorities with regional and national
priorities; integration of new responsibilities in CDP, sector plans, and AIP
• Develop mechanisms to continually upgrade their services and guarantee the
quality of LGU service delivery
• Set up the appropriate mechanism to collect comparable data and information on a
regular basis to systematically track their performance targets
LGU DTPs will be
submitted online to
to monitor
compliance and
enable access and
Barangay DTPs allow sharing

60 calendar days October 13, 2021

Cities/Municipalities DTPs
90 calendar days November 12, 2021

Provinces/HUC/ICC DTPs
120 calendar days December 12, 2021

NGAs ROs to influence NGA

assistance and capacity
development support

Provinces/ Institutional partners to seek

HUC/ICC support and engage them in
DTPs cooperative undertakings during
the devolution transition
Annex A Sample Sanggunian Resolution
Outline of LGU Devolution Transition Plan for
Annex B
Annex C Matrix of Devolved Basic Services and Facilities Based on the
Local Government Code of 1991
Annex D Matrix of Other Laws Assigning Additional Functions to LGUs
Electronic copies of the Annexes Annex E-1 Attachment 1-A: Inventory of LGU Functions, Services, and
can be accessed and downloaded Facilities for Provinces/Cities/Municipalities
through the link: Annex E-2
Attachment 1-B: Inventory of LGU Functions, Services, and
https://bit.ly/LGUDTPGuideline Facilities for Barangays
s_Annexes. Attachment 2-A: Phasing of Full Assumption of Devolved
Annex F-1 Functions, Services, and Facilities for
Attachment 2-B: Phasing of Full Assumption of Devolved
Annex F-2
Functions, Services, and Facilities for Barangays
Attachment 3-A: Capacity Development Agenda for
Annex G-1
Attachment 3-B: Capacity Development Requirements for
Annex G-2

Annex H Attachment 4: Proposed Modification to the LGU Organizational

Attachment 5: Proposed Additional Positions to the Plantilla of
Annex I
LGU Personnel
Attachment 6: Local Revenue Forecast and Resource Mobilization
Annex J
Annex K Attachment 7: Performance Monitoring Framework

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