Our Universe: Sai Kamal Varshith
Our Universe: Sai Kamal Varshith
Our Universe: Sai Kamal Varshith
Our sun is the largest object in our solar system. It makes 99.89%
mass of our solar system. It has a diameter of 32,00,000km. It gives
us heat and light by nuclear fusion by merging hydrogen atoms and
heulium atoms
Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system with a temperature of (464 degrees
centigrade). It is called sister to earth. It has a day bigger than its year. It has a
diameter of 12,000km
Earth is the only planet which has life on it (still astronauts are finding earth like
planets) Its our natural home . It has the perfect temperature 15-30 centigrade. It
has the diameter of 13,000km
Mars is the only planet that has red dust (rust) on it. It has dust storms that cover
1/3 of the planet. It has soil called martian soil. It has co2 in high concentration. It
has a diameter of 6,800km
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It has metalic hydrogen on it. Also
it has the great red spot is a storm that three earths can fit inside. 1 day on it = 10
hours . It has a diametre of 1,40,000km
Saturn has rings that are thinner than a razer blade. It has hydrogen and heulium.
Saturn has highest no. of moons – 82 moons. It has the diameter of 1,16,000km
There are many stars in the universe like sun eg .sirus a and b and many other solar
systems like eg. Sirus star system
There are many earth like planets eg. Kelper-452b
This all started with a explosion called big bang the first atoms formed they are
hydrogen and heulium then, gravity was created this all was 13.7 billion years ago by
time,our solar system was created 4.5 billion years ago, first earth was a lavaball ,but
as time goes,the astroids bring small amounts of ice,then earth turned into a snowball
life formed and dinosaurs ruled earth, after many millions of years earth became
living home
We live in the milky way galaxy which diameter is 1,00,000ly
The planets outside solar system are called exoplanets
The planets outside universe are called extroplanets