Cardiac Cycle: Prepared By: Mineshkumar Prajapati Roll No: 05 Biomedical Science (2021-22)
Cardiac Cycle: Prepared By: Mineshkumar Prajapati Roll No: 05 Biomedical Science (2021-22)
Cardiac Cycle: Prepared By: Mineshkumar Prajapati Roll No: 05 Biomedical Science (2021-22)
Applied aspects
Cardiac cycle: The performance of human
heart includes both electrical and
mechanical events that occurs from the
beginning of one heart beat to the
beginning of next.
1. Atrialic events
Atrial systole(contraction)
(0.1 sec)
Atrial diastole(relaxation)
(0.7 sec)
2. Ventricular events
Ventricular systole (contraction)
(0.3 sec)
Ventricular diastole(relaxation)
(0.5 sec)
Phases of cardiac cycle
Presented by ~ Mineshkumar