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Cardiac Cycle: Prepared By: Mineshkumar Prajapati Roll No: 05 Biomedical Science (2021-22)

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Prepared by: Mineshkumar Prajapati

Roll no: 05
Biomedical science (2021-22)
Focus Of The topic
 General Introducation
 Baisc Principal of working
 Event 1.Atrial 2.ventrical

 Phases
 Applied aspects
 Summary
Cardiac cycle: The performance of human
heart includes both electrical and
mechanical events that occurs from the
beginning of one heart beat to the
beginning of next.

Cardiodynamics: includes mechanical

events associated with the contraction and
relaxation of the heart.
- Pressure changes in atria,
ventricles, aorta,volume changes in
ventricles, production of heart sound.

Cardiac cycle is study to observe the

events occurring for circulation of blood
through heart in whole body and lungs.
Basic Principle of cardiac cycle
 Blood flow from higher pressure to lower pressure.
 Contraction(systole) increase the pressure.
 Relaxation(diastole) decrease the pressure.
 Valves open and close according to the pressure gradients.
Events of cardiac cycle (0.8 sec.)
Cardiac cycle includes main two events. (A) Pressure changes (B) volume changes

1. Atrialic events
 Atrial systole(contraction)
(0.1 sec)
 Atrial diastole(relaxation)
(0.7 sec)

2. Ventricular events
 Ventricular systole (contraction)
(0.3 sec)
 Ventricular diastole(relaxation)
(0.5 sec)
Phases of cardiac cycle

 Cardiac cycle have 7 phases

 Two(2) of atrial cycle (total of 0.8s)
1. Atrial systole/ contraction (0.1s)
2. Atrial diastole/ relax(0.7s) systole
 Five(5) of ventricular cycle (total of 0.8s)
 Ventricular systole
1. Isovolumetric contraction(0.05s)
2. Ventricular ejection-1.Rapid ejection phase
-2.Slow ejection phase
 Ventricular diastole (0.5s)
3. Protodiastole(0.04s)
4. Isovolumetric relaxation(0.06s)
5. Rapid passive filling (0.11s)
6. Reduced filling (0.19s)
7. Last rapid phase/ atrial systole (0.1s)
Atrial cycle (0.8 sec)
1.Atrial systole(0.1s):-
 It lasts for 0.1 sec.
 Coinsides with last rapid filling phase of ventricular diastole.
 Before starting of atrial systole, ventricles relexed.
 A-V Valves are open.
 Venticles are already filled with 75% of blood by continuous cavity.
 It’s contraction will cause 25% blood filling to ventricles.
 systole cause increase in pressure in both the atrium by 4-6 in right and 7-8
in left atrium.
 Increase in pressure of ventricles due to blood filling in ventricles.
2.Atrial diastole (0.7 sec)
 Its lasts for 0.7 sec.
 Followed by atrialic systole
 This period coinsides with
1.Ventricular systole
2.ventricular diastole
 Atrial muscles are relexed
 Blood starts filling slowly
 Pressure will again rise cause
ventricular pressure during rest
of atrial diastole.
 A-V valves open.
Ventrical cycle (0.8 sec)
Ventricular systole(0.3s):-
 Ventricles starts contracting getting excited by impulse
traveling to it.
 It lasts for 0.3 sec.
 It includes these phases:-

3.Isovolumetric contraction (0.05s)

 Ventricular preesure will exceeds atrial pressure.
 Will makes closer of AV valve.(first heart sound LUB)
 AV valves are opened and yet semilunar valves are not
opened makes closed chamber i.e. volume of blood not
changes , so called as iso-volumetric.
 Due to sharp rise in pressure , cause bulging of AV valve
will cause small rise in intra-atrial pressure and C- wave
4. Ventricular ejection (0.25sec)
 Starts with opening of semilunar valve
 Its devided in two phases

I. Rapid ejection phase (0.1s)

- As semilunar valves opens, blood rapidly ejected out in about 0.1 sec. of
about 2/3 of stroke volume.

II. Slow/ reduced ejection phase (0.15s)

-1/3 of stroke volume of blood will ejected out in this
phase , and ejection rate is declined.
 Volume changes during ventricular ejection
 At end of each diastole, ventricular volume is about 130ml; called as end-
diastolic volume.
 About 80ml of blood is ejected out by each ventricles during systole, called
as stroke volume.
 About 50ml of blood is left in each ventricles at end of systole, called as
end-systolic volume.
Ventricular diastole (0.5sec)
5. Protodiasole (0.04s)
 V. Systole ends, ventricles will starts
 Intraventricular pressure falls down rapidly.
 Artries pressure back towards the ventricles
due to low intraventricular pressure, will
cause closer of semilunar valve.(second
heart sound DUB)
 That will cause dicrotic notch due to aorotic
pressure makes down slop, called as
6.Isovolumetric relaxation (0.06sec)
 Lasts for 0.06 sec.
 When semilunar valves closes, this phase will starts.
 Semilunar valves are closed and yet AV valces are not
opened, will makes closed chamber; ventricles continues
to relex, so called as iso-volumetric relaxation phase.
 This will cause rapid fall in pressure of ventricles.
 Volume remains constant.
 This phase ends when AV valves will open, that will make
peak of v-wave on atrial pressure tracing.
7. Rapid passive filling (0.11 sec)
 AV valves are open.
 During ventricular systole, atria are relaxed(diastilic) and
fills with blood from venous, so that will produce high
pressure of atria, when valves are open.
 That will cause rapid initial flow of blood into ventricles.
 This rapid filling will makes third heart sound.
generally this sound is not audible in adults; may be audible in
 Here AV valves are open , so atria and ventricles both
combinely works as a one chamber.
 So, pressure in both cavities falls as ventricles relaxation
8.Reduced filling/ Diastasis(0.19sec)

 During this phase – pressure in both atria and

ventricles reduce slowly and remains about
 So, this filling of blood rate will decrease and
is called as Diastasis.

 Here; note that total blood transfered with

rapid and slow filling is 75% of total atrial blood
 There is also 25% blood will remains in atrium.
9. Last rapid filling phase (0.1 sec)

 the last rapid filling phase coinsides with atrial systole.

 Atrial systole begins and atria will contract.
 25% blood comes to ventricles by pressure from atrial
 With this ventricular cycle completes.
 Next cycle of cardiac cycle will starts from here as same.
Applied aspects.
 Cardiac murmurs:- the abnormal sounds produced
during cardiac cycle. Sound produced by turbulent blood flow
or by change in direction of blood flow.
 Causes:- murmurs are caused in following conditions.
1. Valvular stenosis, i.e.narrowing of any cardiac valves
2. Valvular insufficiency, i.e. regurgitation of any cardiac valve
3. Ventricular septal defect(VSD) i.e. congenital hole in the
ventricular septum
4. Atrial septal defect (ASD) i.e. congenital hole in the inter
atrial septum.
5. Coarctation of aorta i.e. congenital nerrowing of systemic
Thank you

Presented by ~ Mineshkumar

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