Accounting Standards
Accounting Standards
Accounting Standards
Chapter 1
• 1. Accounting Standards: (6)
• 1.1 Role of Accounting Standard board.
• 1.2 Introduction to International Accounting
• 1.3 Disclosure of Accounting Policies-Inventory,
• Investment, Fixed Assets, Amalgamation, EPS.
What is accounting standard ?
• A common standard for accounting and
reporting. Accounting Standards contain
the principles governing accounting
practices and determine the appropriate
treatment of financial transactions.
• Accounting standards are the subject of
guidelines issued by the Institute of
Chartered Accountant of India in respect
of financial transactions.
• They are written documents , policy documents
that are issued by expert accounting body or
government or other regulatory bodies covering
aspects of recognition, measurement, treatment,
presentation and disclosure of accounting
transactions in financial statements.
• Accounting standards in India are issued by ICAI
– Institute of Chartered Accountants in India.
Objective of Accounting Standards