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Lecture 3

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Momentum Transfer

• Conservation Laws

The motion of a fluid is governed by conservation

laws such as the equations of continuity, motion,
and energy, and these equations are collectively
called the governing equations

Equation of Continuity

The conservation of mass for the fluid element is described by the equation of
continuity, and this equation is expressed for a Newtonian fluid as:

When the flow is steady, ∂ρ/∂t = 0 and,

For a steady incompressible flow (ρ = constant),

ρ: density of the fluid

t: time
u, v, and w are the velocity components in the x, y, and z directions, respectively
The equation of continuity for compressible steady flow in a real pipe is:

where the vm is cross-sectional mean velocity, ρ is the density of the fluid and A is the
cross-sectional area of the pipe

For an incompressible flow (ρ = constant), Eq. (1.) reduces to

the flow rate, Q, is kept constant in the flow direction in real pipes!


*Vortex: A local structure in a fluid flow

characterized by a concentration of vorticity (i.e.,
fluid particle spin or rotation) in a tubular core
with circular streamlines around the core axis. A
tornado, hurricane, and bathtub vortex are 5
common examples of vortices.

Navier–Stoke’s Equation

The conservation of momentum for a compressible fluid flow was derived separately
by Navier and Stokes

In the Cartesian coordinate system the components of Navier–Stoke’s equation in

the three directions for an incompressible fluid flow are expressed as follows:

p: static pressure
μ: dynamic viscosity of fluid
Fx, Fy, and Fz are the
external forces acting on the
fluid element in the x, y, and z
directions, respectively

There are two types of problems for which the differential equations
(continuity and Navier–Stokes) are useful:

Calculating the pressure field for a known velocity field

Calculating both the velocity and pressure fields for a flow of known
geometry and known boundary conditions

• Inviscid Flow and Bernoulli Equation

An inviscid fluid is a medium in which viscous effects can be considered negligible

The Bernoulli equation is an approximate

relation between pressure, velocity, and elevation,
and is valid in regions of steady, incompressible
flow where net frictional forces are negligible

The key approximation in the derivation of the

Bernoulli equation is that viscous effects are
negligibly small compared to inertial, gravitational,
and pressure effects.

The following equation holds for an incompressible, inviscid, steady flow in a
stream tube (see Fig.)


In the real pipeline systems Eq. (1) is modified as follows:
where vm1 and vm2 are the cross-sectional
(2) mean velocities at the locations 1 and 2,
respectively, and hL is the hydrodynamic
Assuming z1 = z2, the Bernoulli equation becomes;


Substituting p1 = ps, v1 = V, p2 = pt, and v2 = 0 into Eq. (3) gives;


where pt, ps, and ρV2/2 are the total pressure, static
pressure, and dynamic pressure, pd, respectively







• Flow Regime

Laminar versus Turbulent Flow

Some flows are smooth and orderly while others are

rather chaotic

the highly ordered fluid motion characterized by

smooth layers of fluid is called laminar
the flow of high-viscosity fluids such as oils at low
velocities is typically laminar
the highly disordered fluid motion that typically
occurs at high velocities and is characterized by
velocity fluctuations is called turbulent
the flow of low-viscosity fluids such as air at high
velocities is typically turbulent
a flow that alternates between being laminar and
turbulent is called transitional
Laminar–Turbulent Transition

More than 100 years ago,

Osborne Reynolds systematically investigated flows in a circular pipe and

observed that two types of patterns (laminar and turbulent flows) appear with
respect to the pipe diameter, D, cross-sectional mean velocity, vm, and the
kinematic viscosity of fluid, ‫ט‬f (= μ/ρ)

Finally, he derived the following dimensionless number to discriminate the two flow

Kinematic viscosity measure of the momentum transfer rate in a fluid flow

Reynolds number measure of the ratio of inertial force to viscous force in the
fluid flow
Turbulent flow is characterized by many vortices of different sizes, and these vortices
are believed to be generated due to the bursting phenomenon
the bursting phenomenon is characterized by two typical motions called the sweep and

The critical Reynolds number for transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow in a
smooth circular pipe is

even if the disturbance in an incoming flow is very strong, the flow in the pipe is
maintained laminar for Re < 2320, and this critical Reynolds number therefore
is called the lower critical Reynolds number

when the disturbance is very weak, laminar flow is maintained until the Reynolds
number reaches another critical value greater than 2320, and this critical value is
dependent on the magnitude of the disturbance and called the upper critical Reynolds
In the transition of Reynolds number
range a turbulent slug appears almost
periodically near the entrance of the
pipe and then propagates in the
downstream direction



Reverse Transition

A turbulent flow subjected to high spatial acceleration may become laminar, and
this phenomenon is called the reverse transition or relaminarization

this situation is observed, for example, in a nozzle with very high contraction ratio

Instantaneous Velocity

The velocity at a point in a

laminar flow is independent of
time, while that in a turbulent flow
fluctuates around a mean value of

this is because of the many
vortices that are present in the
turbulent flow
As the flow is steady, ṽ is constant

The deviation of the instantaneous

velocity, v, from its mean value, ṽ, is
designated the turbulent or fluctuating
component, v'


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