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Point of Sales: Presented by

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Presented by:
Anurag Chordia
Abhilasha Gupta
Rohit Katyal
Saurabh sheth
Shelani Agrawal
 Introduction: What is POS and its Types
 Parts of POS
 Why POS is used- Benefits
 Integration with Industry
 Sample Reports generated by POS System
 Future Trends
What is POS?
 Point of Sale (POS) or checkout is the location
where a transaction occurs.

 A Point of Sales system is a system that allows

effective and efficient management of
business with
 inventoryfunctions, customer service and sales functions,
employee time management, vendor management and
purchase orders etc.
Types Of POS



Parts Of POS System
 Pole Display
 Bar Code Scanner
 Magnetic Strip Readers (MSR)
 Cash Drawer
 Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)
 Scale
 Database Server
 Expensive POS software need  There are no monthly fees
not be purchased. associated with this program.
 Reports, inventory and other  No internet connection is
information can be accessed required in software based POS.
from any computer with an  Any hardware compatible with
internet connection.   the software can be used.
 Provider will back-up all of your  These programs are easy to set
information on their server. up and use.
 Service providers provide free  It helps to keep the current
update. stocks current and updated.
 A monthly fee is charged.  You may need to require purchasing
updates to keep software current.
 Internet has to be connected to  Up gradation of software is
the workstations. difficult- you may have to buy new
 Provider’s hardware has to be soft wares or more licenses.
used, which can be expensive.  Reports, inventory and other
 If internet connection is lost, information cannot be accessed
from any computer with an internet
you cannot access the program. connection.
 Slow internet connection can  If technical support is needed, you
be problematic. may have to email or by phone relay
 Few providers charge startup the information to the supplier.
Uses in Industry
 Retail Industry
 Walmart
 Welspun Group
 Hospitality Industry
 Restaurant Business
 Dominos Pizza
 Burger King
 Hotel Business
 Taj and Oberoi
 Hyatt
Retail Industry Functions
 Customer based Functions :
 sales, returns, customer loyalty programs, exchanges, gift
cards, gift registries, buy one get one offers, quantity
discounts etc.
 “Back office” computers can handle functions as
 Purchasing, Receiving and transferring of products to and
from other locationsand Inventory Control
 It can further allow for functions such as manufacturer
coupon validation, pre-planned promotional sales,
foreign currency handling and multiple payment types.
Retail Industry: Inventory
 Maintains sales, costs of goods and inventory ledgers
 Inventory depletion based on sales
 Inventory usage forecast capability
 Inventory depletion details report
 Create, review, & edit purchase orders
 Track historical inventory purchase
 Create barcode labels from inventory
 Inventory shopping list triggered by inventory level falling below
pre-defined threshold
Retail Industry: Ordering and Receiving

 Create purchase orders / track status

 Receive products to inventory
 Reduce over/under stocking
Retail Industry: Customer Loyalty Program
 Repeat customer
 Tracking
 Pricing
 Terms
 Advertising

 Personalize transactions
 Greeting
 Name on receipt
 Christmas Card List
Restaurant Business

 Seating management
 Print guest checks
 Print orders to kitchens and bars for preparation
 Process credit cards and other payment cards
 Run reports
 Electronic signature capture
Restaurant: Seating
 Design seating layout
 Assign wait staff to tables
 Monitor how long a party has
 Occupied a table
 Ordered
 Been served
 Monitor employee efficiency
 Gratuities
Restaurant: Telephone Orders/Takeout
Hi Mr. Smith. Do you
want the usual toppings
 Interface with Caller ID on that pizza
 GPS for delivery status
 GIS maps for drivers
 Good customer prompts
Hotel Business
 Check-in and check-out activities
 Reservations
 VIP tracking
 Transaction of money
Hotel: Check-in/Check-out
 Basic security
 Sales tracking by employee
 Monitor/control employee theft
 Integrates with payroll (some POS)
 Tips / Gratuities
Hotel: Kitchen Displays
 Tells kitchen staff what to prepare
 Multiple language support
 Combination of hardware / networking / software
POS: eCommerce Integration
 If you operate a web store
in addition to your brick
and mortar store, you
probably want to use the
same Merchant account
for both.
 CC Authorize software
 Online payment gateway
 Merchant account
POS: eCommerce
 Acquiring Bank
 Acquiring Bank provides Internet Merchant Accounts
 Credit Card Association
 A financial institution that provides credit card services
 Customer Issuing Bank
 A financial institution, such as a bank, that provides your customer with a
payment instrument
 Internet Merchant Account
 A special account with an Acquiring Bank that allows the merchant to
accept credit cards over the Internet
 Payment Gateway
 A service that provides connectivity among merchants, customers and
financial networks to process authorizations and payments
 Processor
 A large data center that processes credit card transactions and settles
funds to merchants.
POS: eCommerce
Customer decides to make a The Merchant's Web site receives
purchase on the Merchant's Web customer information and sends
site, proceeds to check-out and
inputs credit card information. transaction information to the
Payment Gateway

The Payment Gateway routes The Processor sends information to

information to the Processor the Issuing Bank of the Customer's
credit card.
The Issuing Bank sends transaction
result (authorization or decline) to The Processor routes transaction
the Processor result to the Payment Gateway

The Payment Gateway passes result The Merchant accepts or rejects

information to the Merchant transaction and ships goods if
POS: Reports
 POS allows comprehensive business reports
 Transactions reports
 Account reports
 Inventory reports
 Purchasing reports
 Employee reports
 Sales reports
POS: Reports: Transactions / Sales

 Back Order Report

 Sales Commissions Report
 Itemized Listing
 Sales Tax Report
 Transaction Summary
 Sales Analysis Report
 Sales History Report
POS: Reports: Account
 Customer Listing
 Customer Detail Report
 Account Aging
 A/C Statements
 Mailing Labels
 Vendor Detail Report
 Vendor Listing
 Accounts Payable Reports
POS: Reports: Inventory
 Alert Report
 Bonus and Commissions Report
 Detail Report
 Inventory Evaluation Report
 Inventory History Report
 Inventory Status Report
 On Order Report
 Stock Levels Report
POS: Reports: Purchasing
 Detail Reports
 Purchase Orders
 Outstanding Orders
POS: Reports: Employee
 Commission Report
 Attendance
 Register Reports
 Sales by employee
Success Stories
 Walmart
 Black Dog Tavern
 And many more………….
Future Trends
 Biometrics
 Self Checkouts
 Advanced CRM
 “Doing business in India: Issues in Software and Business Process Offshoring”
Rafiq Dossani.
US-ATMC workshop
October 23, 2003

 “Indian Domestic BPO Market – An Emerging Opportunity”

January 2008

 “Business Process Outsourcing - An Industry Overview”

Consulting Club, IIMC

 http://voicendata.ciol.com/content/bporbit/annualsurvey

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