Capstone Final
Capstone Final
Capstone Final
Merger is a financial tool that is used for enhancing long-term
profitability by expanding their operations.
Reverse takeover occurs when the target firm is larger than the
bidding firm.
This study have been conducted to find out the post merger
and pre merger scenario of these companies along with the
whole steel industry.
Internet sources
Business Journals (ICFAI JOURNAL ON M & A)
News papers
Company websites
Annual reports of companies
The initial motive behind the completion of the deal was not
Corus¶ revenue size, but rather its market value.
iurrent & Quick Ratio
year iurrent ratio
++2 +2
++3 1
++ 2
Quick ratio is also decreasing but in consolidated balance sheet it¶s less
than the 1:1 ratio of thumb rule. As the proportion of inventories is
increasing in current assets while the current liabilities more than current
assets. That¶s why the quick ratio is decreasing.
O erating rofit & net rofit ratio
year O erating rofit
++0 !51,
++1 35,
++2 +0,
++3 54+,
++ 0+4,
year NPR
++0 !+!,
++1 !3+,
++2 ]
++3 +1!,
++ 050,
There is decline in the operating profit ratio because of the increase in
operating profit as well the net sales of the company. In 2009 the sales of
the company declined and operating profit also declined and in 2010 it
again achieved a high ratio with market.
Net profit has continuously decreased from 2007 to 2009 and it¶s regained
a height in 2010. ühile the sales is appreciated from 07 to 09 but declined
in 2010.
# '
++0 +01
++1 +00
++2 21
++3 2+
year EPS
++0 0+
++1 01!
++2 1+5
++3 !
++ 1
# '
Debt to equity ratio is increasing its because of Novelis acquisition and
increasing debt conditions. Due to the loan repayment its decreases in
EPS is increasing except 2009 when the net profit is extremely lower than
previous and last year. Share no. is also increases after merger and
acquisition. Market capitalisation has immensely increases as the Hindalco
acquires the Novelis. In recession the market capital was decreases due to
the lower share price of company.
year ROE
++0 024,
++1 +30,
++2 03,
++3 !+1,
++ 2,
year ROiE
++0 !03,
++1 1+1,
++2 201,
++3 3,
++ 5,
The net profit is increasing in trend except in 2009 when recession came its
on lowest slot. So the return on equity has changed as per the net profit and
equity capital which is increases after profit of company was
minimum in 2009.
Capital employed was maximum in 2008 and then decreases in 2009 again
increases in 2010, so does is with net profit of the company, it was
minimum in 2009 and maximum in 2010 and as the ROCE is the ratio of
net profit to capital employed, so it has similar impact on the ROCE ratio
of company¶s consolidated balance sheet.
year TAR
++0 +13
++1 +3!
++2 +15
++3 +41
++ +41
As we have seen in the data the total assets turnover ratio after the merger
has shows a decline trend in past years. This is because the total assets were
reduced and the sales were also decreasing. Sales of company have
declined as the shipment of novelis has decreased.
Hindalco¶s acquisition of Novelis is forward kind of integration. So benefit
was obvious. As Novelis was initially a problem child so company is
growing with a slow pace.
Due to the decrease prices of LME and the 2% decrease in the shipment of
Novelis the sales of Hindalco decreases.
Cost synergy has achieved as the cost of sales has decreases by significant profit and operating profit has shown a growth except the year
2009 when the recession came, it shows a decline, otherwise its increases.
In 2009-10 the net profit decreases by 8% in comparison to last year, and
the operating profit increases by 2.28%.
Due to the effect of external demand and supply the company has
fluctuating ratios. But as the synergy is expected the company is about to
increase at the great pace
* .
* i
* 6
* | 7 6
Company need to focus more on the cost management process to increase
the profit and decrease the cost of company.
8 7 9
The standard Quick ratio is 1:1. There is a huge difference between the quick ratio of the
company .It also shows the decreasing trend .In the year 2008 there was high unutilized
cash, but for the financial year 2009-10 the cash was balanced .
K '
year O erating rofit
++0 !222,
++1 !30,
++2 535,
++3 !102,
++ !41+,
year NPR
++0 12,
++1 !4!,
++2 °] ]
++3 +3,
++ 330,
' K
' j )i
Operating Profit:
There is an increase in operating profit of Tata Steels up to 2008 this is because after the
merger there sales figure, the EBIT value of the company increased as we can see the trend
above. ühereas, in the year 2009-10, the value of the operating profit starts declining, as
we know that lower operating profit ratio indicates higher efficiency of the firm.
So, on the basis of the calculated data we can say that
the operating efficiency of Tata Steels has actually increased for the current year with a
comparison of 2008 and 2009-10.
Net Profit:
üe can see that there is a fluctuation in the Net Profit Ratio. Actually, it indicates the
firm¶s ability to transfer its sales into the net profit. So, here analyzing the consecutive the
five years data we can see that the profitability of Tata Steels has actually decrease in
2009-10 as compared to the initial years of merger.
# '
++0 +4
++1 +02
++2 +1
++3 !
++ +02
year EPS
++0 0!!4
++1 115
++2 0!24
++3 031+
++ 40!1
'j )i
The earning per share of the company increased which is a good for the company.
ühereas in 2010 the EPS has reduced which does not indicates the good sign for
the company, this decline may be because the earnings were reduced in 2010.
year ROE
++0 !055,
++1 !3,
++2 +5,
++3 321,
++ ++,
year ROiE
++0 5!1,
++1 11,
++2 1,
++3 4+,
++ !+0,
ij )
ROE is defined as the amount of the net income retained as a present age of
shareholder equity .Return on equity measures a corporation profitability by reviling
how much profit a company generates with the money shareholders have invested.
Over the years Tata Steels has been witnessing a downfall in its ROE, a fact which
is also witnessed in the S/E ratio. It is a tool used to compare the profitability among
its competitors.
ROCE is the ratio that indicates the efficiency and profitability of the company¶s
capital investments. Over the years it has reduced because of slowdown as well as
huge inventory of stocks and new plants.
year DTR
++0 033
++1 32
++2 !!54
++3 53
++ 5042
j )i
Turnover Ratio :
As its shows the company¶s ability to recover the amount that is market due or in other
words the company has sold on credit. It is very important for any company to calculate
this ratio as depending on that the company can decide about its current position to
recover the receivables.
There is a decline in the gross profit ratio after 2008, as demand of steels starts
reducing at a faster pace.
The debtors turnover ratio of the company is increasing in the last 5 years, which
indicates the effectiveness of the collection Policy adopted by the company.
The Debt-Equity ratio of the company is high in the financial year 2008-09 it
means that a company has been aggressive in financing its growth with debt. If a lot
of debt is set to finance increased operations ,the company generates more earnings
that it would have without this outside financing. If this were to increase the
earnings by a greater amount than the debt cost, then the shareholders benefit as
more earnings are being separate among the same amount of shareholders. The cost
of this debt financing may outweigh the return that the company generates on the
debt through investment and business activities and become too much for the
company to handle.
The fluctuations in the EPS shows the volatility of the market.
The company should lay emphasis on the proper utilization of cash, so that the cash
is managed and utilized in a proper manner.
The company should lay emphasis on the reduction of the cost while following
economies of scale which enhances the productivity and increases the demand.
8 7
'ear iurrent Ratio
++2 55
++3 !3
++ !2
8 7 9
As per the investor norms the Quick ratio is 1:1. There is a huge difference
between the quick ratio of the company .It also shows the increasing trend.
K '
'ear O erating Profit
++2 4!,
++3 :4+;,
++ 4+1,
'ear NPR
++2 325,
++3 +3,
++ 5!,
Operating Profit :
There is an increase in operating profit of Arcelor-Mittal up to 2008 this is because
after the merger there sales figure, the EBIT value of the company increased as we can
see the trend above. ühereas, in the year 2009-10, the value of the operating profit
starts declining, as we know that lower operating profit ratio indicates higher efficiency
of the firm. So, on the basis of the calculated data we can say that the operating
efficiency of the company actually increased for the current year with a comparison of
2008 and 2009-10.
'ear EPS
++2 23
++3 +3
++ 52
# '
Debt Equity Ratio*
Here we can see that in both debt equity ratio and in long term debt equity ratio in 2008 was
34.17, this is because the debts were very high and our equity shareholders were very low.
ühereas in 2009 the company is in good position as our stakeholders were increased and in
2010 the debts further increased because the equity shareholders were further reduced.
' 9
The earning per share of the company increased which is a good for the company. ühereas
in 2009-10 the EPS has reduced which does not indicates the good sign for the company,
this decline may be because the earnings were reduced in 2009-10.
'ear ROE
++2 +23
++3 +++
++ ++52
'ear ROiE
++2 +15
++3 :++4;
++ ++!
i )
ROE is defined as the amount of the net income retained as a present age of shareholder
equity. Return on equity measures a corporation profitability by reviling how much profit
a company generates with the money shareholders have invested. Over the
years has been when company is witnessing a downfall in its ROE, a fact which is also
witnessed in the S/E ratio. It is a tool used to compare the profitability among its
ROCE is the ratio that indicates the efficiency and profitability of the company¶s capital
investments. Over the years it has reduced because of slowdown as well as huge
inventory of stocks and new plants.
" )|
The gross profit ratio of the company reduces in the year 2009,as our sales were
reduced in this financial year and then increases in the year 2010.
The debtors turnover ratio of the company increases in the year 2009 and then
reduces in the year 2010, as the Investment of the investors reduced due to
reduction in sales .
The debt-equity ratio of the company reduces in the year 2009, which is not good
for the company and then the ratio increases in the year 2010.
An innovative approach combining operational and financial skills and all
encompassing view of the companies operations will help in identifying and
implementing strategies that generates short term cash.
The companies should lay emphasis on the increase in demand of steels which
leads to increase in sales and profitability.
The collected data about the study could be biased as it is only limited to the case of
three companies.
The present data is confined to the base of secondary data only and the findings
may not be applicable to the other companies of different countries.
Culture, values and ethics vary from company to company and there is every
possibility that over time and space findings of today may become invalid