Definition, Aim, Objectives and Scope of Plant Breeding
Definition, Aim, Objectives and Scope of Plant Breeding
Definition, Aim, Objectives and Scope of Plant Breeding
Definition :
• Plant breeding can be defined as an art, a science, and technology of
improving the genetic make up of plants in relation to their economic use
for the man kind.
• Plant breeding is the art and science of improving the heredity of plants for
the benefit of mankind.
• Plant breeding deals with the genetic improvement of crop plants also
known as science of crop improvement.
• Science of changing and improving the heredity of plants for benefit of
Plant breeding is a branch of agriculture that focuses on manipulating plant
heredity to develop new and improved plant types for use by society.
Plant breeding — the science of maximizing plants’ positive genetic traits to produce
desirable effects.
Plant breeding is a way to modify and improve plant species to achieve the needs and
wants of humankind.
Disciplines Related to the Science of “Plant Breeding”
Plant Biochemistry
Plant Biotechnology
Aims /Objectives of Plant breeding
Plant breeding aims to improve the characteristics of plants so that
they become more desirable agronomically and economically.
• The specific objectives may vary greatly depending on the crop
under consideration.
Objectives of Plant Breeding
1. Higher yield : The ultimate aim of plant breeding is to improve the yield of
economic produce. It may be grain yield, fodder yield, fiber yield, tuber yield,
cane yield or oil yield depending upon the crop species.
2. Improved quality: Quality of produce is another important objective in plant
breeding. The quality characters vary from crop to crop.
3. Abiotic resistance : Crop plants also suffer from abiotic factors such as drought,
soil salinity, extreme temperatures, heat, wind, cold and frost, breeder has to
develop resistant varieties for such environmental conditions.
4. Biotic resistance : Crop plants are attacked by various diseases and insects,
resulting in considerable yield losses.
• Genetic resistance is the cheapest and the best method of minimizing such
losses. Resistant varieties are developed through the use of resistant donor
parents available in the gene pool.
Objectives Cont…
5. Change in maturity Duration/Earliness : Earliness is the most desirable
character which has several advantages. It requires less crop management
period, less insecticidal sprays, permits new crop rotations and often extends
the crop area.
• Breeding for early maturing crop varieties, or varieties suitable for different
dates of planting may be an important objective. Maturity has been reduced
from 270 days to 170 days in cotton, from 270 days to 120 days in pigeon pea,
from 360 days to 270 days in sugarcane.
group may contain both cultivated and wild progenitors of the species.
2 Secondary gene pool (GP2). Members of this gene pool include both cultivated and wild
relatives of the crop species. They are more distantly related and have crossability
problems. Nonetheless, crossing produces hybrids and derivatives that are sufficiently
fertile to allow gene flow. GP2 species can cross with those in GP1, with some fertility
the F1, but more difficulty with success.
3 Tertiary gene pool (GP3). GP3 involves the outer limits of potential genetic resources.
Gene transfer by hybridization between GP1 and GP3 is very problematic, resulting in
lethality, sterility, and other abnormalities. To exploit germplasm from distant relatives,
tools such as embryo rescue and bridge crossing may be used to nurture an embryo
from a wide cross to a full plant and to obtain fertile plants.
Gene pool concepts
Why conserve plant genetic resources?
There are several reasons why plant genetic resources should be conserved:
1. Plant germplasm is exploited for food, fiber, feed, fuel, and medicines by
agriculture, industry, and forestry.
2. As a natural resource, germplasm is a depletable resource.
3. Without genetic diversity, plant breeding cannot be conducted.
Genetic diversity determines the boundaries of crop productivity and
4. As previously indicated, variability is the life blood of plant breeding. As society
evolves, its needs will keep changing.
Genetic erosion
Genetic erosion may be defined as the decline in genetic variation
in cultivated or natural populations largely through the action of
Loss of genetic variation may be caused by natural factors, and by
the actions of crop producers, plant breeders,
Two major approaches are being employed to conserve plant
genetic resources:
–Segments of different plants are connected and induced to grow together as
one plant.
• Scion - Top section of a graft.
• Rootstock - Bottom section of a graft.
–Successful grafting depends on good contact between the vascular cambium
of the scion and that of the rootstock.
• Air layering - interrupt cambium and cover wound with moistened medium. Ficus elastica,
• Simple layering - low hanging branch covered with soil (with or without wounding) - many
• Tip layering - tips of plants (brambles) at certain times of year (rat-tail condition) develop
roots where they touch the soil Blackberries, raspberries
• Mound layering - soil mounded to cover base of specially pruned young tree (also
referred to as stool layering) Apple rootstocks
“Layering involves inducing roots on an intact (or nearly so) plant .”
Specialized Structures
• Modified Stems
• bulb, corm, tuber, rhizome
• pseudobulb, runner
• Modified Roots
• tuberous root
Field: strong sprouting, early growth and ground cover; correct maturity;
resistances to late blight, to viruses (Y, X, leaf roll, others), to wart disease, to
eelworms, to insects
Tubers: good yield; shape, smoothness, regularity of size, colour; resistance to
mechanical damage; lack of cracking and second growth; appropriate
dormancy; resistances to tuber diseases (blight, scab, gangrene, skin-spot,
others); good storage characters (delayed sprouting, disease resistance)
Quality: flesh colour; flesh texture: lack of enzymic browning; specific gravity (dry
matter content); lack of after-cooking blackening; texture on cooking; flavour;
chip/crisp colour after frying; reducing sugar content; 'reconditioning' capacity
after cool storage; low glycoalkaloids
Chapter 6: Breeding Self Pollinated Crops
• Selection involves the Identification and propagation of
individual genotypes from a land race population, or
following designed hybridizations
• Genetic variation must be identified and distinguished
from environment-based variation
• Gamete A mature reproductive cell that is specialized for sexual fusion
• Haploid (n) Containing only one set of chromosomes (n). Each gamete is haploid
• Cross A mating between two individuals, leading to the fusion of gametes
• Diploid (2n) Two copies of each type of chromosome in the nuclei, formed by the
fusion of two gametes
• Zygote The cell produced by the fusion of the male and female gametes
• Gene The inherited segment of DNA that determines a specific characteristic in an
• Locus The specific place on the chromosome where a gene is located
• Alleles Alternative forms of a gene
• Genotype The genetic constitution of an organism
• Homozygous An individual whose genetic constitution has both alleles the same for a
given gene locus (eg. AA)
• Heterozygous An individual whose genetic constitution has different alleles for a
given gene locus (eg. Aa)
• Homogeneous A population of individuals having the same genetic constitution (eg. a
field of pure-line soybeans; a field of hybrid corn)
• Heterogeneous A population of individuals having different genetic constitutions
• Phenotype The physical manifestation of a genetic trait that results from a specific
genotype and its interaction with the environment
Cultivar Is a group of genetically similar plants, which may be identified (by some means)
from other groups of genetically similar plants
Essential Characteristics:
Identity: cultivar must be distinguishable from other cultivars
Reproducibility: the distinguishing characteristic(s) need to be reproduced in the progeny
Types of Cultivars
• Open-Pollinated cultivars O.P. seeds are a result of either natural or human
selection for specific traits which are then reselected in every crop.
• The seed is kept true to type through selection and isolation; the flowers of
open pollinated or O.P. seed varieties are pollinated by bees or wind.
• Synthetic cultivars A population developed by inter-crossing a set of good
combiner inbred lines with subsequent maintenance through open pollination.
• The components of synthetics are inbreds or clones so the cultivar can be
periodically reconstituted.
• Multi-line cultivars A mixture of isolines each of which is different for a single
gene controlling different forms of the same character (e.g., for different races
of pathogens)
• F1 cultivars The first generation of offspring from a cross of genetically
different plants
• Pure-line cultivars The progeny of a single homozygous individual produced
through self-pollination
Breeding Methods of Self Pollinated Crops
Most common techniques include but not only limited
1. Pure line
2. Mass
3. Bulk
4. Pedigree
5. Single Seed Descent (modified pedigree)
6. Backcross
Population structure of Self-pollinators
In self-pollinated species:
Homozygous loci will remain homozygous following self-
Heterozygous loci will segregate producing half homozygous
progeny and half heterozygous progeny
Plants selected from mixed populations after 5-8 self generations
will normally have reached a practical level of homozygosity
In general, a mixed population of self-pollinated plants is
composed of plants with different homozygous genotypes (i.e., a
heterogeneous population of homozygotes)
If single plants are selected from this population and seed
increased, each plant will produce a ‘pure’ population, but each
population will be different, based on the parental selection
Pure Line
Pure Line: (Recount Johannsen. 1903)
• usually no hybridization
• Initial parents (IPs) selected from a heterogenous population
(i.e. genetically variable)
• procedure continues until homogeneity is achieved
• last phase is field testing
• A pure line consists of progeny descended solely by self-
pollination from a single homozygous plant
• Pure line selection is therefore a procedure for isolating pure
line(s) from a mixed population
• Pure line cultivars are more uniform than cultivars developed through mass selection
(by definition, a pure line cultivar will be composed of plants with a single genotype)
• Progeny testing is an essential component of pure line selection
• Improvement using pure line breeding is limited to the isolation of the ‘best’ genotypes
present in the mixed population
Dis advantage
Environment ____________________________
Gen E1 E2 E3 E4 E5
1 5 5 5 5 5
2 3 3 3 3 3
3 2 2 2 2 2
4 1 1 1 1 1
5 4 4 4 4 4
• If on the other hand the relative ranking for
one genotype changes from environment to
environment then there is genotype by
environment interaction. In this kind of
situation, the best genotype is selected
based on its relative ranking, which is most
frequently appearing genotype in the best
ranking like genotype three (Table 2).
Table 1. Genotypic ranking across environments
Genotype E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 RR
1 5 2 3 5 5 4.0
2 4 3 4 3 2 3.1
3 2 1 1 2 1 1.4
4 1 5 2 4 3 3.0
5 3 4 5 1 4 3.4
Average yield versus
average rank
Ge Yield Rank Yield Rank Avg Avg
n Yield Rank
A 9.5 1 1.5 3 5.5 2
E1 E2
Figure 2. Genotype-environment interaction
E1 E2
Figure 3. Effect of altitude on the height of different species
Plant height (cm)
1 2 3
Altitude (1= 100, 2 = 1500 and 3 = 3000 m.a.s.l.)
Figure 4. Genotype x environment interaction
Mean yeild (kg/ha)
2000 G1
1500 G3
1000 G5
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6
Conventional ANOVA method
Table. Mean yield (kg/ha) of five genotypes tested at six envts
Environments Total Gi
Genotype E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6
G1 702 1498 583 2140 1454 2262 8639
G2 770 1266 614 2071 1194 2187 8102
G3 833 1429 723 2115 1276 2137 8513
G4 527 1557 718 2056 1098 2133 8089
G5 905 1482 626 2074 1454 2399 8940
Sources DF MS E(MS)
Additive Dominanace
= 0.93
Correlation Among Traits
• The observation that two traits
tend to simultaneously vary in a
certain direction does not imply
the presence of a direct
relationship between them.
Correlation Among Traits
• It is a matter of common sense
than of statistical reasoning to
determine if an observed
correlation has a practical
interpretation or is spurious.
Correlation Among Traits
• Therefore, when using the
correlation coefficient as a
measure of relationship among
traits, it is important to be very
careful to avoid the possibility
that external variable is affecting
any of the variables under
• Reading Assignment
In the book ‘‘Principles of plant genetics and
breeding” take special note and read critical
chapter 20 & 21
Focus on 1. breeding for disease resistance
2. breeding for drought resistance
Again do not forget that
term papers are part of your course
Share information each other and read.