Specific objective
Define glaucoma.
Explain etiology and risk factors of glaucoma.
Enlist types of glaucoma.
Explain pathophysiology of glaucoma.
Enlist clinical manifestation of primary and secondary
Enlist diagnostic evaluation for glaucoma.
Explain medical management of glaucoma.
Describe surgical management of glaucoma.
Explain nursing management of glaucoma.
Anatomy and physiology of eye:-
Definition of Glaucoma
Increased intraocular
Increase pressure on
optic nerve
Ischemia of nerve
Loss of vision
Types of Glaucoma
Infantile glaucoma - It is labelled when the disease manifests prior to the child's 3rd
birthday. It occurs in about 50% of cases.
Juvenile glaucoma - It is labelled in the race 10% of cases who develop pressure rise
between 3 to 16 years of life.
Clinical manifestation of primary glaucoma
Clinical manifestations
Clinical manifestations
• Pain and redness in eyes
• Increased IOP between 40-70 mm hg
• Vision may become blurred
• Angle of anterior chamber is completely closed
• Optic disc is hyperemic
• Halos may be seen around bright lights
• Headache
• Nausea and vomiting
• Cornea edematous (cloudy)
• Decreased visual acuity
• Photophobia
• Moderate pupillary dilation
B. Secondary glaucoma :-
secondary glaucoma occurs as a result of another disease or
problem within the eye such as uthetis, inflammation, trauma,
intraocular hemorrhage, previous surgery, diabetes, tumor and
certain medications such as steroids. For this type, both the
glaucoma and the underlying problem must be treated.
Diagnostic Evaluation for Glaucoma.
1. Define glaucoma
2. Explain types of glaucoma
3. Explain surgical management and nursing management for
the patient had undergone drainage implants.
Bibliography :-
1. Javed Ansari, devindar kaur , A textbook of medical surgical nursing, PV publication,
2011, page no- 197 to 201.