EIC Materials: Name: Position: School
EIC Materials: Name: Position: School
EIC Materials: Name: Position: School
At the end of the session you will be
able to:
1. Define Education, Information & Communication (EIC).
2. Identify the purpose, sources & characteristics of EIC.
3. Familiarize with the steps and standards on developing
4. Craft/ create EICs
Education Information
Communication (EIC)
Information- is defined as one or more statements or facts
that are received by a human which have some form or
worth to her/him.
Education- is the process by which behavioral changes
take place in an individual as a result of experience which
he/she has undergone.
Communication- is the process of attempting to change the
behavior of others. Helps people to learn to look at things
in a new way by sharing ideas and information.
Education Information
Communication (EIC)
-an approach which attempts to change
or reinforce a set of behavior in a target
audience regarding a specific problem in
a predefined period of time.
Education Information
Communication (EIC)
-used to convey public health
messaging in order to support the
overarching behavior change strategy
developed to respond to a public health
interpersonal communication
channel is used
Steps in Developing (EIC) Activities
Conduct Assessment
Set Goal
Establish Objectives
Identify Barriers