Skills For Assertiveness Workshop by Slidesgo
Skills For Assertiveness Workshop by Slidesgo
Skills For Assertiveness Workshop by Slidesgo
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An interview is a
procedure designed to
obtain information
from a person through
oral responses to oral
where the interviewer seeks replies from the
interviewee for choosing a potential human
What is it for?
The interview is the most critical
component of the entire selection
It serves as the primary means to
collect additional information on an
applicant. It serves as the basis for
assessing an applicant’s job-related
knowledge, skills, and abilities. It is
designed to decide if an individual
should be interviewed further, hired, or
eliminated from consideration.
CHARACTERISTIC In the written press they do
not exactly reproduce the
conversation held: the
The journalist introduces interviewer selects and
interpretative elements orders the transcription to
into his considerations. obtain a clear and coherent
text, without losing
interest for the readers
The interviews are disseminat
through social communication
media such as newspapers or
magazines in digital or printe
format, radio, and television,
their traditional format or
through the Internet.
The interview is usually
accompanied by
photographs of the
character or images Questions and answers will be
related to the topic at marked with a dash. Sometimes the
hand. question is preceded by a P
(indicating 'Question'), and answers
by an R (indicating 'Answer'). In this
case, the first time they appear it is
convenient to write the word
Question and the word Complete
The interview is very advantageous mainly in descriptive studies and
the exploration phases, as well as to design data collection instruments
(the interview in qualitative research, regardless of the model that is
decided to use, is characterized by the following elements: it has The
purpose is to obtain information about a specific topic; it seeks that the
information collected is as accurate as possible; it is intended to achieve
the meanings that the informants attribute to the topics in question;
the interviewer must maintain an active attitude during the
development of the interview, in which the interpretation is continuous
to obtain a deep understanding of the interviewee's speech). The
interview is often complemented by other techniques according to the
specific nature of the investigation.
How to do an interview?
Research the person.
Know as much as possible about the person you are
01 going to interview, so that when you go to the
interview you feel prepared and in control of the
Make your goal clear.
Before preparing your interview questions, you
02 should understand your purpose in interviewing the
Prepare the questions.
You should prepare flexible, open-ended questions that
03 are accompanied by at least two or three supplemental
questions that you can ask depending on the answer to the
main question.
Prepare some topics to talk about
04 Indeed, you should also prepare the little talk that is
given before starting the interview.
Check the recording equipment (optional).
05 If you are using a tape recorder, make sure it is working
and you have fresh batteries before the day of the
Work interview.
Psychological interview.
Clinical interview
Journalistic interview.
Cognitive interview.
Open interview.
Structured or closed interview.
Mixed interview.
Face-to-face interviews
Common Interview Questions
Can you tell me a about yourself?
What interests you about this job opening?
What do you know about our company?
Why are you no longer with your last job?
Why should we hire you for this job?
What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
What is your greatest achievement?