Article 1226-1230 Tan
Article 1226-1230 Tan
Article 1226-1230 Tan
Tan, Dale P.
Article 1226
In obligations with a penal clause, the penalty shall substitute the indemnity for
damages and the payment of interest in case of noncompliance, if there is no
stipulation to the contrary. Nevertheless, damages shall be paid if the obligor refuses
to pay the penalty or is guilty of fraud in the fulfilment of the obligation.
The penalty may be enforced only when it is demandable in accordance with the
provisions of this Code.
Penalty clause is an accessory obligation or undertaking attached to a principal
obligation, which imposes an additional liability in case of breach of the principal
obligation, in order to secure the performance of the principal obligation.
The penalty imposable is a substitute for the indemnity for damages and payment of
interest in case of breach of the obligation, unless there is contrary stipulation, in which
case, the additional damages may further be recovered.
Case In the case that the case is taken to court, will
the court accept the contract, or will they
Ramon entered into a contract with disregard it?
Vincent, he sold a truck with the latter which
was secured by a promissory note and a
chattel mortgage on the truck. The truck
which is 10,000 pesos is to be paid within 1
week and has 1000 pesos interest per day if Answer:
Vincent does not complete the payment.
The contract may be disregarded since a
The promissory note also provided that when contract for attorney’s fees is different from
the collection is not paid and there is a need other contracts. It may be disregarded if the
to take the case to court, there would be amount fixed is unconscionable or
additional payment of 25% attorney’s fees. unreasonable, considering the value of the
work accomplished.
Article 1227
The debtor cannot exempt himself from the performance of the obligation by
paying the penalty, save in the case where this right has been expressly reserved for
him. Neither can the creditor demand the fulfillment of the obligation and the
satisfaction of the penalty at the same time, unless this right has been clearly granted
him. However, if after the creditor has decided to require the fulfillment of the
obligation, the performance thereof should become impossible without his fault, the
penalty may be enforced.
The general rule is that debtor cannot exempt himself in paying the penalty only and
not giving the principal. The exemption is when the debtor was granted the right to pay
the penalty and not the principal amount.
On the other hand, as a general rule the creditor cannot demand the penalty and the
fulfillment of the obligation at the same time.
Case Does Arnold have the right to claim the
When Arnold contracted with Cane for
the construction of a building in which they
are agreed to finish it in two months. The
contract is 10,000 down payment and another
10,000 when the construction is finished with Answer:
a penal clause of 10,000. Then, Cane did not
manage the construction instead his son took Yes, Arnold has the right to claim the penalty
place in this. Arnold was dismayed and sued since Cane violated the contract. However,
Cane for the penalty of not finishing the since he has not paid fully and still has a
project on time and not using exact materials balance of 10,000 and coincidentally it is the
he told Cane. same price of the penalty, the price he has not
paid and the penalty will cancel hence he will
not get anything.
Article 1228
Proof of actual damages suffered by the creditor is not necessary in order that
the penalty may be demanded.
If the contracting parties had fixed the penalty for the purpose of compensating or
substituting the indemnity for damages as well as the payment of interests, proof of actual
damages suffered by the creditor is not necessary to enforce the penalty whether or not
damages had been suffered as long as the agreement or contract had been breached.
Thusly, in this sense, penalty and liquidated damages are the same.
Case If the house construction is delayed for a
month and the damage to Mark is worth 5000
Mark is living on rent with 5,000 php would he be able to add the damage and
monthly and has a plan to build a house. penalty for Josh to pay?
Mark has made a contract with Josh to finish
the house within 6 months with a penalty of
10,000 php per month of delay. Josh had not
completed the project leading to a delay in
the moving of Mark. Answer:
1. When the obligation has been partly complied with by the debtor. (Partial
Performance). This refers to the extent of fulfillment, the latter, to the manner. The
penalty should be more or less proportionate with the extent of the breach of the
contract or of the damage suffered.
The nullity of the principal obligation carries with it that of the penal clause.
It is not uncommon that penal clauses are attached to the principal obligation in
order to coerce the debtor to completely and faithfully comply with the terms of the
contract. In case when the penal clause is declared or becomes unlawful, the principal
obligation shall stand unaffected.
In case, however, when the principal obligation is the one that turns out to be null
and void, the penal clause goes with it
Case Should the penalty be nullified?