Chapter Eighteen: Discriminant Analysis
Chapter Eighteen: Discriminant Analysis
Chapter Eighteen: Discriminant Analysis
Discriminant Analysis
Chapter Outline
1) Overview
2) Basic Concept
3) Relation to Regression and ANOVA
4) Discriminant Analysis Model
5) Statistics Associated with Discriminant Analysis
6) Conducting Discriminant Analysis
i. Formulation
ii. Estimation
iii. Determination of Significance
iv. Interpretation
v. Validation
Chapter Outline
7) Multiple Discriminant Analysis
i. Formulation
ii. Estimation
iii. Determination of Significance
iv. Interpretation
v. Validation
8) Stepwise Discriminant Analysis
9) Internet and Computer Applications
10) Focus on Burke
11) Summary
12) Key Terms and Concepts
Similarities and Differences between ANOVA,
Number of One One One
Number of
independent Multiple Multiple Multiple
Nature of the
dependent Metric Metric Categorical
Nature of the
independent Categorical Metric Metric
Discriminant Analysis
Discriminant analysis is a technique for analyzing data when
the criterion or dependent variable is categorical and the
predictor or independent variables are interval in nature.
Discriminant Analysis
When the criterion variable has two categories, the
technique is known as two-group discriminant analysis.
When three or more categories are involved, the technique
is referred to as multiple discriminant analysis.
The main distinction is that, in the two-group case, it is
possible to derive only one discriminant function. In
multiple discriminant analysis, more than one function may
be computed. In general, with G groups and k predictors,
it is possible to estimate up to the smaller of G - 1, or k,
discriminant functions.
The first function has the highest ratio of between-groups
to within-groups sum of squares. The second function,
uncorrelated with the first, has the second highest ratio,
and so on. However, not all the functions may be
statistically significant.
D = discriminant score
b 's = discriminant coefficient or weight
X 's = predictor or independent variable
1 1 50.2 5 8 3 43 M (2)
2 1 70.3 6 7 4 61 H (3)
3 1 62.9 7 5 6 52 H (3)
4 1 48.5 7 5 5 36 L (1)
5 1 52.7 6 6 4 55 H (3)
6 1 75.0 8 7 5 68 H (3)
7 1 46.2 5 3 3 62 M (2)
8 1 57.0 2 4 6 51 M (2)
9 1 64.1 7 5 4 57 H (3)
10 1 68.1 7 6 5 45 H (3)
11 1 73.4 6 7 5 44 H (3)
12 1 71.9 5 8 4 64 H (3)
13 1 56.2 1 8 6 54 M (2)
14 1 49.3 4 2 3 56 H (3)
15 1 62.0 5 6 2 58 H (3)
16 2 32.1 5 4 3 58 L (1)
17 2 36.2 4 3 2 55 L (1)
18 2 43.2 2 5 2 57 M (2)
19 2 50.4 5 2 4 37 M (2)
20 2 44.1 6 6 3 42 M (2)
21 2 38.3 6 6 2 45 L (1)
22 2 55.0 1 2 2 57 M (2)
23 2 46.1 3 5 3 51 L (1)
24 2 35.0 6 4 5 64 L (1)
25 2 37.3 2 7 4 54 L (1)
26 2 41.8 5 1 3 56 M (2)
27 2 57.0 8 3 2 36 M (2)
28 2 33.4 6 8 2 50 L (1)
29 2 37.5 3 2 3 48 L (1)
30 2 41.3 3 3 2 42 L (1)
Information on Resort Visits:
Holdout Sample
Table 18.3
1 1 50.8 4 7 3 45 M(2)
2 1 63.6 7 4 7 55 H (3)
3 1 54.0 6 7 4 58 M(2)
4 1 45.0 5 4 3 60 M(2)
5 1 68.0 6 6 6 46 H (3)
6 1 62.1 5 6 3 56 H (3)
7 2 35.0 4 3 4 54 L (1)
8 2 49.6 5 3 5 39 L (1)
9 2 39.4 6 5 3 44 H (3)
10 2 37.0 2 6 5 51 L (1)
11 2 54.5 7 3 3 37 M(2)
12 2 38.2 2 2 3 49 L (1)
Conducting Discriminant Analysis 18-17
Classification Results for cases not selected for use in the analysis (holdout sample)
Predicted Group Membership
Actual Group No. of Cases 1 2
Group 1 6 4 2
66.7% 33.3%
Group 2 6 0 6
0.0% 100.0%
Percent of grouped cases correctly classified: 83.33%.
Conducting Discriminant Analysis
Determine the Significance of Discriminant Function
Group Means
INCOME 1.00000
TRAVEL 0.05120 1.00000
VACATION 0.30681 0.03588 1.00000
HSIZE 0.38050 0.00474 0.22080 1.00000
AGE -0.20939 -0.34022 -0.01326 -0.02512 1.00000
INCOME 1.04740 -0.42076
TRAVEL 0.33991 0.76851
VACATION -0.14198 0.53354
HSIZE -0.16317 0.12932
AGE 0.49474 0.52447 Contd.
INCOME 0.85556* -0.27833
HSIZE 0.19319* 0.07749
VACATION 0.21935 0.58829*
TRAVEL 0.14899 0.45362*
AGE 0.16576 0.34079*
Group 1 10 9 1 0
90.0% 10.0% 0.0%
Group 2 10 1 9 0
10.0% 90.0% 0.0%
Group 3 10 0 2 8
0.0% 20.0% 80.0%
Percent of grouped cases correctly classified: 86.67%
Classification results for cases not selected for use in the analysis
Predicted Group Membership
Actual Group No. of Cases 1 2 3
Group 1 4 3 1 0
75.0% 25.0% 0.0%
Group 2 4 0 3 1
0.0% 75.0% 25.0%
Group 3 4 1 0 3
25.0% 0.0% 75.0%
Percent of grouped cases correctly classified: 75.00%
All-Groups Scattergram
Fig. 18.2
Across: Function 1
Down: Function 2
1 1
1 *1 3
23 3 *3 3
1 1 12 * 3 3
0.0 1 1 2 2
1 2 2
* indicates a group
Territorial Map
Fig. 18.3
13 Across: Function 1
8.0 Down: Function 2
13 * Indicates a
group centroid
4.0 113
112 3
*1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 *
1 1 2 2* 223
0.0 1122 233
1122 2233
11122 223
-4.0 11222
1122 223
11122 233
11122 2233
1122 223
-8.0 11122 233
SPSS Windows
The DISCRIMINANT program performs both two-
group and multiple discriminant analysis. To select
this procedure using SPSS for Windows click:
Analyze>Classify>Discriminant …