As An Innovation of Noodles Made From Corn Cobs To Utilize The Waste of Corn Cobs in North Sumatra
As An Innovation of Noodles Made From Corn Cobs To Utilize The Waste of Corn Cobs in North Sumatra
As An Innovation of Noodles Made From Corn Cobs To Utilize The Waste of Corn Cobs in North Sumatra
As an Innovation of Noodles Made from Corn Cobs To Utilize the Waste of Corn Cobs in North Sumatra
iNtroduction Purpose
One of the plantations in the Province of The goal is to increase the selling value of corn cobs so that it has a
North Sumatra, Indonesia is the 2018 positive impact on the community and is no longer used as waste,
long-standing plantations covering an especially for the people of North Sumatra.
area of 292,388 ha and corn production
of 1,757,126 kg. However, corn DATA AND DISCUSSION
plantations will produce an environmental
waste corn cobs. Corn cobs have great
potential to be processed into foodstuffs Comie is an innovative processed flour from corn cob processed into
which cause corn cobs to not only noodles, the advantages of this innovation itself is harmless to the
become waste but can be processed to body and does not contain preservatives so it is very appropriate in
improve the economy in particular. Corn innovation for the people of Indonesia, especially north Sumatra.
cobs can be processed into flour if Seen from processed noodles today contains many preservatives that
usually corn that is processed into flour are harmful to the body, based on that comie is also present to be
now corn cobs can be processed into noodles that are free of preservatives and not harmful to the body.
flour as well as flour made from The large
number of Indonesian people in
consuming instant noodles can cause Content of Corn Cobs Water
cancer, and therefore the utilization of 29,54%
corn cobs that are processed into 46,52%
protein-enriched flour by 46.52% is very
suitable as a substitute for instant Dry Matter
noodles which has 7.22 grams of protein. 70,45%
Content of Comie
PROCedure 6,16 Carbohydrate & 0%
6,16 Protein
1 4
6,80 fiber
11,67 Water
With comie, it is hoped that it can improve the processing of corn cobs
in North Sumatra, so that it will reduce the negative impact on the
environment. Therefore, the author offers a creative idea "comie" with
a touch of healthy corn cobs waste technology. This strategy will move
3 the economic wheels of the people of North Sumatra.