Historical School
Historical School
Historical School
The historical school of Jurisprudence argued that the law is the exaggerative form of social custom, economic
needs, conventions, religious principles, and relations of the people with society.
The followers of this school argued that law is found, not made.
The historical school doesn’t believe and support the idea of the natural school of law which believe that
the origin of law is from superior authority and have some divine relevance.
The concept and meaning of Historical School of Jurisprudence
With the changing needs and nature of persons, the law should be changed. The historical school follows the
concept of man-made laws.
‘Law is formulated for the people and by the people’ means that the law should be according to the changing
needs of the people. And everyone understand their own need better than anyone else.
The basic source of the Historical School of Jurisprudence is the habits and custom of people which changes
according to their needs and requirement.
This school rejects the ideas of formation of law by judges and the origin from some divine relevance.
In the words of Salmond, “That branch of legal philosophy which is termed historical jurisprudence is the general
portion of legal history.
It deals, in the first place, with the general principles governing the origin and development of law, and with the
influences that affect the law.
It deals, in the second place, with the origin and development of those legal conceptions and principles which
are so essential in their nature as to deserve a place in the philosophy of law- the same conceptions and
principles, that is to say, which are dealt with in another manner and from another point of view by analytical
Historical jurisprudence is the history of the first principles and conceptions of the legal system.”
Reasons for the Origin of Historical School of Jurisprudence
The Historical School believe that law is made from people according to their changing needs. Habits and
customs are the main sources of the Historical School of Jurisprudence. According to Dias, Historical school arose
as a reaction against the natural law theories.
The reasons for the emergence of this school are:
It came as a reaction to the natural school of law.
Natural school of law believes that the law is originated from some divine power. Natural law is also called the
Eternal law. It exists since the beginning of the world. It is closely associated with the morality and intention of
Historical school of Jurisprudence focuses on the formation of law by people not by some divine origin.
It opposes the ideology of the analytical school of jurisprudence.
Analytical school of jurisprudence is also called Austinian School. It is established by John Austin. The subject
matter of Analytical school of Jurisprudence is positive law. It focuses on the origin of law the judges, state and
legislators. Historical School laid emphasis on the formation of law by people through customs and habits, not by
the judges and superior authority.
Jurists of Historical School of Jurisprudence
According to Sir Henry Maine, the 1st Jurist to adopt the historical method of understanding the legal institution
was Montesquieu. He laid the foundation of the historical school in France. According to him, it is irrelevant to
discuss whether the law is good or bad because the law depends on social, political and environmental
conditions prevailing in society.
He was of the view that law must change according to changing needs of the society. He did not establish any
theory or philosophy of the relation between the law and society. He suggested that the law should answer the
needs of the place and should change according to time, place and needs of the people.
One of the best-known works of Montesquieu was his book ‘The Spirit of laws’. In this book, he represents his
beliefs in political enlightenment ideas and suggests how the laws are required to modify according to the needs
of people and society.
Savigny is regarded as a father of the Historical school. He argued that the incoherent nature of the legal system
is usually due to the failure to understand its history and origin.
Savigny believes that the law cannot be borrowed from outside. Law develops from the society. And the main
source of law is the consciousness of the people.
He was of the view that the law of the state grows with the strengthening of the state nationality and law dies or
fade away when nationality loosens its strength in the state.
Friedmann concludes the Savigny’s theory