Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors
Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors
Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors
Eigen value
Let A be an nxn square matrix.
Consider the Vector Equation
AX=λX (1)
X=0, is a solution of equation (1). It is called
zero vector.
A non-zero solution of equation (1), that is
X≠0, is called eigen vector or characteristic
vector of matrix A.
The scalar λ in equation (1), is called
• (iv) 6 2 2
2 5 0
2 0 7
• If A is a skew-symmetric matrix
a b
b a
• Then A has eigen values a+ib, a-ib.
• The eigen vectors of A are
and 1
i i
Properties of Eigen Values
• Product of eigen values of a matrix A is equal
to determinant of A .
• If is an eigen value of a matrix , the 1 is the
eigen values of A .
• A square matrix A and its transpose AT have
same eigen values.
• If is an eigen value of a matrix A , then n
is the eigen value of An .
Applications of Eigen Values
• Principal direction:
The direction of the position vector X, before and
after transformation is the same or exactly opposite, is
called as principal direction.
u 5x 4 y
• Example
v x 2y
X 1 1, 1 X 2 4 ,1
X1 & X
• 2
are eigen vectors of above transformation.
Stretching of an elastic membrane
• Find the principal directions and
corresponding factors of extension or
contraction of elastic deformation y AX with
5 3
3 5
• We are looking for vectors X, such that y X
AX X A I X 0
Characteristic equation is D(λ)=|A- λ I|=0.
5 3
D ( ) A I | 0.
3 5
D ( ) 10 16 0
The roots of the above equation are
2, 8.
These are the eigen values of matrix A.
• For 2, the corresponding eigen vector is
• For 8,the corresponding eigen vector is
• The eigen values show that in the principal
direction the membrane is stretched by factors 2
and 8, respectively.
• Find the principal directions and
corresponding factors of extension or
contraction of elastic deformation y AX with
5 4 2.5 1.5
• (1) A (2) A
4 11 1.5 6.5
Leslie model:
X 1 0.5 0.125
Find the growth rate in the Leslie model with the
matrix as given below.
(i) 0.8 0.1 0.1 (ii) 0.6 0.1 0.2 (iii) 0.5 0.3 0.2
0 . 1 0 . 7 0 .2 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.2
0 0.1 0.9 0 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.6
(i) Solution:
0.8 0.1 0.1
Let A 0 . 1 0. 7 0 . 2
0 0.1 0.9
• A limit state of the Markov processes is
reached if A XX
• This means AT has eigen values 1.
1 2 2
3. 1 eigen values are -1,
A 2 1 2
2 2 1 (5+i√11)/6, (5-i√11)/6.
2 2
1. 4 x 8 x1 x 2 5 x
1 2
2 2
2. 2x 2x1 x3 4x2 x3 9x
1 3
3. x 1 x2 4 x
2 2
4. 2 2 2
ax by cz 2 fyz 2 gzx 2hxy
Similar Matrices
• A matrix Ais said to be similar to matrix Aif there
a matrix
exist suchPthat
• If A and Aare similar matrices, then they have
same eigen values.
• If Aand Aare similar matrices, and if
is the eigen vector
1 of corresponding to an
eigen value, the
P Xis the eigen vector of
corresponding to same eigen value.