Report Writing and Presentation of Data
Report Writing and Presentation of Data
Report Writing and Presentation of Data
Report writing
presentation of data
Learning objectives
Technical Report
Popular Report
Interim report
Summary Report
Algorithmic Resarch Report
Technical Report:
A technical report (also: scientific report) is a
document that describes the process, progress, or
results of technical or scientific research or the
state of a technical or scientific research problem. It
might also include recommendations and
conclusions of the research.
Technical report is suitable for a target audience of
researchers, research managers or other people
familiar with and interested in the technicalities
such as research design, sampling methods,
statistical details etc.,
Popular Report
It gives emphasis on simplicity and attractiveness.
The simplification should be sought through clear
writing, minimization of technical, particularly
mathematical, details and liberal use of charts
and diagrams. Attractive layout along with large
print, many subheadings, even an occasional
cartoon now and then is another characteristics
feature of the popular report.
Interim report
In projects, an interim report is often compiled to
analyze how the project is proceeding, before its final
This short report may contain either the first results of
the analysis of some aspects completely analyzed. It
facilitates the sponsoring agency to take action
without waiting for the full report. It helps to keep
alive the agency's interest in the study and prevent
misunderstandings about the delay. This repot also
enables the researcher to find the appropriate style
of reporting. Interim analysis is important in medical
trials, to ensure that the patients are not exposed to
unnecessary danger during the trial.
Summary report
Summary report usually contains a brief statement of
the problem or proposal covered in the major
document(s), background information, concise
analysis and main conclusions. It is intended as an
aid to decision-making by managers and has been
described as possibly the most important part of
a business plan.
They must be short and to the point.
It just contains a brief reference to the objective of the
study, its major findings and their implications. It
size is so limited as to be suitable for publication in
daily newspaper.
Algorithmic research report
3. Preparation of thedrao