Nature of Heat and Temperature
Nature of Heat and Temperature
Nature of Heat and Temperature
of Heat
Caloric Theory
Physicists believed that
● Heat is an invisible fluid that is called caloric.
Ans: C
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Ans: A
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Ans: C
What is Temperature?
The temperature of an object may be considered to
be the 'degree of hotness or coldness'.
Difference between Heat and
Heat is not the same as temperature. Heat is a form of energy,
temperature is a measure of how concentrated that energy is in
an object. Heat tells us about the total energy in an object,
temperature tells us about the Kinetic energy of the individual
particles in that object. A bath of cool water has a lot of heat
energy but a low temperature, because each water molecule
does not move very fast. In a mug of boiling water, the molecules
have a lot of kinetic energy and move very quickly, so the
temperature is high, but the heat is much less than in the cool
bath because there are many fewer molecules in a mug.
● The temperature of a substance determines the direction of the
net energy transfer called heat energy, between two objects.
The net flow of heat energy takes place from a hotter object to
a colder object.
Ans: C
Past Questions
Ans: (i) The direction of net heat transfer from block B to Block
The features required in a particle thermometer
depends on how it is to be used. In some cases, it is
the speed with which the thermometer responds that
matters most. The temperature range over which a
thermometer can operate is also important. The type
of thermometer chosen, too, should be convenient for
use in a particular application.
There are design features which make a
thermometer suitable for its particular task.
● A suitable range.
● A suitable scale.
A temperature scale is used for measuring
● Celsius scale
● Fahrenheit scale
● Kelvin scale
But for this lesson, we will be looking mainly at
the Celsius scale, which introduces us to the
fixed points and brief notes on the Kelvin
Celsius Scale
-Based on the properties of
● Crush the ice into small, roughly pea-sized pieces and fill a
funnel with them.
● This is 100 °C, the upper fixed point or steam point, on the
Celsius scale.
1. 100K to a temperature on the celsius scale.
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Ans: A
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Ans: D
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Ans: C
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Ans: B
Past Questions
Ans: B
Types of Thermometers
Any physical property which varies with temperature
can be used to measure temperature change.
Laboratory Clinical
Thermometer Thermometer
Laboratory Thermometer
The laboratory thermometer is a 'Iiquid-in-glass'
thermometer which uses either mercury or alcohol as
the liquid.
● Mercury Thermometers(range -39°C to 357°C) and
Alcohol thermometers(range -117°C to 79°C).
Ans: B
Past Questions
Ans: D
Clinical Thermometer
It is used to measure body temperatures.
The shape of this thermometer is designed to
magnify the capillary tube and make it easier to read
the temperature
● Range from 35°C to 42°C.
• Mercury is poisonous
Ans: D
Past Questions
Ans: B
Difference between Clinical and
Laboratory Thermometer
In the thermocouple thermometer an E.M.F. is
produced when the junctions are at different
temperatures. The magnitude of this E.M.F. depends
on the difference in temperatures between the two
junctions. The millivoltmeter is modified to read N.B:
temperature instead of millivolts.
stands for
e force.
● A thermocouple is an electrical thermometer which relies on
the potential difference(p.d) for use when two different metals
are connected. The (p.d) produced varies with the
temperature. Thermocouples can measure very high
temperatures( beyond the melting point of glass) and they
respond very quickly to changes. The p.d. they produced, can
also be recorded quite simply by data loggers or computers.
This can then be converted and a temperature shown on a
digital display making it very easy to read. These properties
mean that thermocouples are used extensively in industry.
Advantages of a thermocouple
• It responds quickly to temperature changes because metals have
high conductivities and low
specific heat capacities. It is therefore useful for measuring
rapidly changing temperatures.
Disadvantages of a thermocouple
• Large temperature differences produce only small changes in
emf. It is therefore not useful for detecting small changes in
Ans: C
Thermometric Property
- a property of a material which varies
with the temperature.
Liquid in glass Liquid expansion When the liquid in the bore is heated, it expands -10 - 110 *Laboratory *Cheap * Cannot measure low temperatures
- Mercury moving up the bore of the thermometer *Lightweight *Not a “remote sensing device”
(Laboratory) *Portable
* Easy to use
*Low expansion
- thin bore
* High freezing point
Liquid in glass Liquid expansion When the liquid in the bore is heated, it expands 35 - 42 *Medical *Cheap *Not a “remote sensing device”
- Mercury moving up the bore of the thermometer *Lightweight
(Clinical) * Easy to use
*Sensitive (reads down to 0.1◦C)
*Constriction “holds” reading
Bimetallic strip thermometer Solid expansion Two metals of different linear expansivity are melded -100 - 550 *Cooking thermometers *Cheap *Low accuracy
together and shaped into a coil. One end is fixed and - Oven *Lightweight *Not a “remote sensing device”
the other attached to a pointer. As it expands it - Meat *Portable
curves such that the metal of greater expansivity will - Candy * Easy to use
be on the outer arc. * Rugged
* Large range
Constant volume gas thermometer Gas pressure increases with Under conditions of constant volume, gas pressure is -200 - 800 * “Gas” Laboratories *Very high accuracy *Expensive
temperature directly proportional to temperature *Calibrating thermometers * Large range *Bulky
*Very difficult to use
*Too responsive
Name Physical property based upon How it operates Range (◦C) Usage Advantages Disadvantages
Thermocouple Thermoelectric effect If the junctions of two different metals are held at -200 - 1500 * Car temperature gauge * Very responsive *Not easily portable
different temperatures a current is produced that is * Industry * Remote reading
proportional to the temperature difference at the * Large range
junctions * Not expensive
* Rugged
Thermister The resistance of a semiconductor The resistance of the semiconductor is proportional -200 - 1500 Industry * Very responsive *Not easily portable
decreases with increasing to the temperature * Remote reading
temperature * Large range
* Not expensive
* Rugged
Platinum resistance thermometer The resistance of a metal increases The resistance of the metal is proportional to the -200 - 1500 Industry * Very responsive *Not easily portable
with increasing temperature temperature * Remote reading
* Large range
* Not expensive
* Rugged
Group Members: Gabrielle, Kirsha, Kerrian, Adrian.