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Global Strategy

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Chapter 11

Global Strategy and


International Business
Strategy, Management & the New Realities

Cavusgil, Knight and Riesenberger
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 1
Learning Objectives

1. The role of strategy in international business

2. The integration-responsiveness framework
3. Distinct strategies emerging from the
integration-responsiveness framework
4. Organizational structure
5. Alternative organizational arrangements for
international operations
6. Building the global firm
7. Putting organizational change in motion

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 2

What Is Strategy?

• Strategy is a plan of action that channels an

organization’s resources so that it can effectively
differentiate itself from competitors and
accomplish unique and viable goals.
• Managers develop strategies based on the
organization’s strengths and weaknesses
relative to the competition and assessing
• Managers decide which customers to target,
what product lines to offer, and with which firms
to compete.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 3

Strategy in an International Context

• Strategy in an international context is a plan for

the organization to position itself vis-a-vis its
competitors, and resolve how it wants to
configure its value chain activities on a global
• Its purpose is to help managers create an
international vision, allocate resources,
participate in major international markets, be
competitive, and perhaps reconfigure its value
chain activities given the new international

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 4

Strategy Should Pinpoint to Actions

• Formulate a strong international vision

• Allocate scarce resources on a worldwide
• Participate in major markets
• Implement global partnerships
• Engage in global competitive moves
• Configure value-adding activities on a
global scale

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 5

The Purpose of Global Strategy

• Bartlett and Ghoshal argue that managers

should look to “…develop, at one and the same
time, global scale in efficiency, multinational
flexibility, and the ability to develop innovations
and leverage knowledge on a worldwide basis”.
• These three strategic objectives – efficiency,
flexibility, and learning – must be sought
simultaneously by the firm that aspires to
become a globally competitive enterprise.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 6

Three Strategic Objectives

• Efficiency –lower the cost of operations

and activities
• Flexibility –tap local resources and
opportunities to help keep the firm and its
products unique
• Learning -- add to its proprietary
technology, brand name and management
capabilities by internalizing knowledge
gained from international ventures.
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 7
Trade-Offs among the Three Objectives

• In the final analysis, international business

success is largely determined by the
degree to which the firm achieves the
goals of efficiency, flexibility, and learning.
• But it is often difficult to excel in all three
areas simultaneously. Rather, one firm
may excel at efficiency, while another may
excel at flexibility, and a third at learning.
• Sustainability over time is also a
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 8
Multi-Domestic Industries

• Companies in the food and beverage, consumer

products, and clothing and fashion industries
often may resort to a country-by-country
approach to marketing to specific needs and
tastes, laws, and regulations.
• Industries in which competition takes place on a
country-by-country basis are known as multi-
domestic industries. In such industries, each
country tends to have a unique set of

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 9

Global Industries

• Industries such as aerospace, automobiles,

telecommunications, metals, computers,
chemicals, and industrial equipment are
examples of global industries, in which
competition is on a regional or worldwide scale.
• Formulating and implementing strategy is more
critical for global industries than multi-domestic
industries. Most global industries are
characterized by the existence of a handful of
major players that compete head on in multiple

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 10

Examples of Global Industries

• Kodak must contend with the same

rivals, Japan’s Fuji and the European
multinational Agfa-Gevaert, wherever it
does business around the world.
• American Standard and Toto dominate
the worldwide bathroom fixtures market.
• Caterpillar and Komatsu compete head-
on in all major world markets.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 11

GM’s Global Brand Hierarchy


Europe, Middle East, North America,

International Asia Middle East, Europe North America, Asia

North America North America


United Kingdom Australia Korea

Integration-Responsiveness Framework

• The Integration-Responsiveness Framework

summarizes two basic strategic needs: to
integrate value chain activities globally, and
to create products and processes that are
responsive to local market needs.
• Global integration means coordinating the
firm’s value chain activities across many
markets to achieve worldwide efficiency and
synergy to take advantage of similarities
across countries.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 13

The IR Framework

The discussion about the pressures on

the firm of achieving global integration
and local responsiveness has become
known as the integration-
responsiveness (IR) framework.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 14

Global Integration

Global integration refers to coordination of

the firm’s value-chain activities across
countries to achieve worldwide efficiency,
synergy, and cross-fertilization in order to
take maximum advantage of similarities
across countries.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 16

Objectives of Global Integration

• Global integration seeks economic efficiency on

a worldwide scale, promoting learning and
cross-fertilization within the global network, and
reducing redundancy.
• Headquarters personnel justify global integration
by citing converging demand patterns, spread of
global brands, diffusion of uniform technology,
availability of pan-regional media, and the need
to monitor competitors on a global basis.
• Companies in such industries as aircraft
manufacturing, credit cards, and
pharmaceuticals are more likely to emphasize
global integration.
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 17
Pressures for Global Integration

• Economies of Scale. Concentrating manufacturing in a few select

locations to achieve economies of mass production.
• Capitalize on converging consumer trends and universal needs.
Companies such as Nike, Dell, ING, and Coca-Cola offer products
that appeal to customers everywhere.
• Uniform service to global customers. Services are easiest to
standardize when firms can centralize their creation and delivery.
• Global sourcing of raw materials, components, energy, and
labor. Sourcing of inputs from large-scale, centralized suppliers
provides benefits from economies of scale and consistent
• Global competitors. Global coordination is necessary to monitor
and respond to competitive threats in foreign and domestic markets.
• Availability of media that reaches customers in multiple
markets. Firms now take advantage of the Internet and cross-
national television to advertise their offerings in numerous countries

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 18

Local Responsiveness

• Local responsiveness refers to meeting the specific

needs of buyers in individual countries.
• It requires a firm to adapt to customer needs, the
competitive environment, and the distribution structure.
Local managers enjoy substantial freedom to adjust the
firm’s practices to suit distinctive local conditions.
• Wal-Mart store managers in Mexico may need to adjust
such practices as store hours, employee training and
compensation, the merchandise mix, and promotion.
• Companies in such industries as food and beverages,
retailing, and book publishing are likely to be responsive
to local differences.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 19

Pressures for Local Responsiveness

• Unique resources and capabilities available to the firm. Each

country has national endowments that the foreign firm should
• Diversity of local customer needs. Businesses, such as clothing
and food, require significant adaptation to local customer needs.
• Differences in distribution channels. Small retailers in Japan
understand local customs and needs, so locally responsive MNEs
use them.
• Local competition. When competing against numerous local
rivals, centrally-controlled MNEs will have difficulty gaining market
share with global products that are not adapted to local needs.
• Cultural differences. For those products where cultural differences
are important, such as clothing and furniture, local managers require
considerable freedom from HQ to adapt the product and marketing.
• Host government requirements and regulations. When
governments impose trade barriers or complex business regulations,
it can halt or reverse the competitive threat of foreign firms.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 20

The Four Strategies Emerging
from the IR Framework

1. Home replication strategy

2. Multi-domestic strategy
3. Global strategy
4. Transnational strategy

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 21

Home Replication Strategy
(Export Strategy or International Strategy)

• The firm views international business as

separate from, and secondary to, its domestic
business. Such a firm may view international
business as an opportunity to generate
incremental sales for domestic product lines.
• Products are designed with domestic customers
in mind, and international business is sought as
a way of extending the product lifecycle and
replicating its home market success.
• The firm expects little knowledge flows from
foreign operations.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 23

Multi-Domestic Strategy
(Multi-Local Strategy)

• Headquarters delegates considerable autonomy to each

country manager allowing him/her to operate
independently and pursue local responsiveness.
• With this strategy, managers recognize and emphasize
differences among national markets. As a result, the
internationalizing company allows subsidiaries to vary
product and management practices by country.
• Country managers tend to be highly independent
entrepreneurs, often nationals of the host country. They
function independently and have little incentive to share
knowledge and experiences with managers elsewhere.
• Products and services are carefully adapted to suit the
unique needs of each country.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 24

Advantages of Multi-Domestic Strategies

• If the foreign subsidiary includes a factory,

locally produced goods and products can be
better adapted to local markets.
• The approach places minimal pressure on
headquarters staff because management of
country operations is delegated to individual
managers in each country.
• Firms with limited international experience often
find multi-domestic strategy an easy option as
they can delegate many tasks to their country
managers (or foreign distributors, franchisees, or
licensees, where they are used).

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 25

Disadvantages of Multi-Domestic Strategy

• The firm’s foreign managers tend to develop strategic vision,

culture, and processes that differ substantially from those of
• Managers have little incentive to share knowledge and
experience with those in other countries, leading to
duplication of activities and reduced economies of scale.
• Limited information sharing also reduces the possibility of
developing knowledge-based competitive advantage.
• Competition may escalate among the subsidiaries for the
firm’s resources because subsidiary managers do not share
a common corporate vision.
• It leads to inefficient manufacturing, redundant operations, a
proliferation of products designed to meet local needs, and
generally higher costs of international operations than other

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 26

Global Strategy

• With global strategy, the headquarters seeks

substantial control over its country operations in an
effort to minimize redundancy, and achieve maximum
efficiency, learning, and integration worldwide.
• In the extreme case, global strategy asks why not
make ‘the same thing, the same way, everywhere?’ It
favors greater central coordination and control than
multi-domestic strategy, with various product or
business managers having worldwide responsibility.
• Activities such as R&D and manufacturing are
centralized at headquarters, and management tends
to view the world as one large marketplace.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 27

Advantages of Global Strategy

• Global strategy provides management with a greater

capability to respond to worldwide opportunities
• Increases opportunities for cross-national learning and
cross-fertilization of the firm’s knowledge base among
all the subsidiaries
• Creates economies of scale, which results in lower
operational costs.
• Can also improve the quality of products and
processes -- primarily by simplifying manufacturing
and other processes. High-quality products promote
global brand recognition and give rise to customer
preference and efficient international marketing

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 28

Limitations of Global Strategy

• It is challenging for management, particularly in highly

centralized organizations, to closely coordinate the
activities of a large number of widely-dispersed
international operations.
• The firm must maintain ongoing communication
between headquarters and the subsidiaries, as well as
among the subsidiaries.
• When carried to an extreme, global strategy results in a
loss of responsiveness and flexibility in local markets.
• Local managers who are stripped of autonomy over
their country operations may become demoralized, and
lose their entrepreneurial spirit.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 29

Transnational Strategy: A Tug of War

• A coordinated approach to internationalization in

which the firm strives to be more responsive to
local needs while retaining sufficient central
control of operations to ensure efficiency and
• Transnational strategy combines the major
advantages of multi-domestic and global
strategies, while minimizing their disadvantages.
• Transnational strategy implies a flexible
approach: standardize where feasible; adapt
where appropriate.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 30

What Transnational Strategy Implies

• Exploiting scale economies by sourcing from a

reduced set of global suppliers; concentrating the
production of offerings in relatively few locations
where competitive advantage can be maximized.
• Organizing production, marketing, and other value-
chain activities on a global scale.
• Optimizing local responsiveness and flexibility.
• Facilitating global learning and knowledge transfer.
• Coordinating competitive moves --how the firm
deals with its competitors, on a global, integrated

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 31

How IKEA Strives for Transnational Strategy

• Some 90% of the product line is identical

across more than two dozen countries. IKEA
does modify some of its furniture offerings to
suit tastes in individual countries.
• IKEA’s overall marketing plan is centrally
developed at company headquarters in
response to convergence of product
expectations; but the plan is implemented with
local adjustments.
• IKEA decentralizes some of its decision-
making, such as language to use in
advertising, to local stores.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 32

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 33
Difficulty of Implementing
Transnational Strategy

• Most firms find it difficult to implement transnational

• In the long run, almost all firms find that they need to
include some elements of localized decision-making
because each country has idiosyncratic
characteristics. Few people in Japan want to buy a
computer that includes an English-language
• While Dell can apply a mostly global strategy to
Japan, it must incorporate some multi-domestic
elements as well. Even Coca-Cola, varies its
ingredients slightly in different markets. While
consumers in the U.S. prefer a sweeter Coca-Cola,
the Chinese want less sugar.
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 34
Organizational Structure

• Organizational structure refers to the reporting

relationships inside the firm – “the boxes and lines” –
that specify the linkages among people, functions,
and processes that allow the firm to carry out its
• In the larger, more experienced MNE, these linkages
are extensive and include the firm's subsidiaries,
affiliates, suppliers, and other partners.
• A fundamental issue is how much decision-making
responsibility the firm should retain at headquarters
and how much it should delegate to foreign
subsidiaries and affiliates. This is the choice between
centralization and decentralization.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 35

An MNE Network
Subsidiary Level Network
S: Suppliers R: Regulatory institutions
B: Buyers C: Customers BE SE

BC C A : Home plant
H: Headquarters
CC B … F: Subsidiaries
Organizational Structure Provides for
Unambiguous Relationships

• In international operations, organizational structure

must resolve how the working and reporting
relationships between headquarters and subsidiaries
(or the international department) will take place.
• Control and reporting relationships have to be clear
and functional.
• The simplest of structures is creating an export
department. However, if the export manager reports
to an individual who really doesn’t care much about
international sales, then the international venture will
probably fail. So, structural and reporting
relationships require careful thinking.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 37

Structure Supports Strategy

• Structural decisions usually involve a choice

between centralized and decentralized decision-
making, and they should be consistent with
decisions about the firm’s international strategy.
• A centralized structure fits best with the home
replication or global strategy.
• A decentralized structure fits best with the multi-
domestic strategy.
• A matrix structure combines centralized and
decentralized aspects with the transnational

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 38

Relative Contributions of the
Headquarters and the Subsidiary
• Generally, the larger the financial outlay or the riskier the
anticipated result, the more involved headquarters will be in
the decision. E.g., decisions on developing new products or
entering new markets tend to be centralized to headquarters.
• The choice between headquarters and subsidiary
involvement in decision-making is also a function of the
nature of the product, the nature of competitors’ operations,
and the size and strategic importance of foreign operations.
• No firm can centralize all its operations. Retaining some
local autonomy is desirable. Companies need to effectively
balance the benefits of centralization and local autonomy.
• The old phrase, ‘think globally, act locally’, is an
oversimplification of the true complexities of today's global
competition; ‘think globally and locally, act appropriately’
better describes the reality of the marketplace.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 39

How to Instill Collaborative Working Relationships
between Headquarters and Subsidiaries

• Encouraging local managers to identify with broad,

corporate objectives and make their best efforts.
• Visiting subsidiaries to instill corporate values and
• Rotating employees within the corporate network to
develop multiple perspectives.
• Encouraging country managers to interact and
share experiences with each other through regional
• Establishing financial incentives and penalties to
promote compliance with headquarters goals.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 41

Alternative Organizational Arrangements
For International Business

• A long-established stream of literature suggests

that ‘structure follows strategy.’ The
organizational design a firm chooses is largely
the result of how important managers consider
international business and whether they prefer
centralized or decentralized decision-making.
• The firm’s experience in international business
also affects the organizational design.
• Organizational designs tend to follow an
evolutionary pattern -- As the firm’s international
involvement increases, it adopts increasingly
more complex organizational designs.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 44

Alternative Organizational Arrangements

• The export department, with the international

division as a variant.
• The decentralized structure involves
geographic area division
• The centralized structure involve either
product or functional division
• A global matrix structure blends the
geographic, product and functional structures
although this is complex and difficult to
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 45
Export Department

• For manufacturing firms, exporting is usually

the first foreign market entry mode. It rarely
involves much of a structured organizational
response at first.
• As export sales reach a substantial proportion
of the firm’s total sales, however, senior
managers will usually establish a separate
export department whose manager may
report to senior management or the head of
domestic sales and marketing.
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 46
The International Division

• A separate division within the firm dedicated to managing

its international operations.
• Typically, a vice president of international operations is
appointed who reports directly to the corporate CEO.
• The decision to create a separate international unit is
usually accompanied by a significant shift in resource
allocation and increased focus on the international
• Managers in the division typically oversee the
development and maintenance of relationships with
foreign suppliers and distributors. Licensing and small-
scale foreign investment activities may also be

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 48

Advantages and Disadvantages of the
International Division

• It centralizes management and coordination of international
• It is staffed with international experts who focus on developing
new business opportunities abroad and offering assistance
and training for foreign
• A domestic vs. international power struggle often occurs over
the control of financial and human resources.
• There is likely to be little sharing of knowledge among the
foreign units or between the foreign units and headquarters.
• R&D and future-oriented planning activities tend to remain
domestically focused. Products continue to be developed for
the domestic marketplace, with international needs
considered only after domestic needs have been addressed.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 50

More Complex Organizational Designs

• Firms at more advanced stages of internationalization

tend to set up more complex organizational designs.
The major rationale is to reap economies of scale
through high volume production and economies of
scope -- more efficient use of marketing and other
strategic resources over a wider range of products and
• There is greater emphasis on innovative potential
through learning effects, pooling of resources, and
• The more complex organizational designs emphasize
a decentralized structure -- typically organized around
geographic areas -- or a centralized structure --
typically organized around product or functional lines.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 51

Geographic Area Division

• An organizational design in which control and

decision-making is decentralized to the level of
individual geographic regions whose managers
are responsible for operations within their region.
• Firms that market relatively uniform goods
across entire regions with little adaptation
requirements tend to organize their international
operations geographically.
• The structure is decentralized because
management of international operations is
largely delegated to the regional headquarters
responsible for each geographic area.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 52

An Example of Geographic Area Division

• Nestlé has organized its international divisions into a

South America, North America, Europe, Asia, and so on.
• The firm treats all geographical locations, including the
domestic market, as equals. All areas work in unison
toward a common global strategic vision. Assets,
including capital, are distributed with the intent of optimal
return on corporate goals – not area goals.
• Geographic area divisions usually manufacture and
market locally-appropriate goods within their own areas.
• Firms that use the geographic area approach are often in
mature industries with narrow product lines, such as those
in the pharmaceutical, food, automotive, cosmetics, and
beverage industries.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 54

Product Division

• An arrangement in which decision-making and

management of the firm’s international operations is
organized by major product line.
• Management creates a structure based on major
categories of products within the firm’s range of
• Each product division has responsibility for
producing and marketing a specific group of
products, worldwide.
• Motorola organizes its international operations
within each of its product categories, including cell
phones, consumer electronics, and satellites.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 55

Trade-offs of Product Division Structure

• The advantage of the product division structure is

that all support functions, such as R&D, marketing
and manufacturing, are focused on the product.
• Products are easier to tailor for individual markets to
meet specific buyer needs.
• Product division structure causes duplication of
corporate support functions for each product division
and a tendency for managers to focus effort on
subsidiaries with the greatest potential for quick
• Suppliers and customers may be confused if several
divisions call on them.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 57

Functional Division

• An arrangement in which decision-making and

management of the firm’s international operations
are organized by functional activity (such as
production and marketing).
• E.g., oil and mining firms, which have value-adding
processes of exploration, drilling, transportation and
storing, tend to use this type of structure.
• Cruise ship lines may engage in both shipbuilding
and passenger cruise marketing -- two very
distinctive functions that require separate
departments for international production and
international marketing. Thus, it makes sense to
delineate separate divisions for the performance of
production and marketing functions worldwide.
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 58
Trade-Offs of the Functional Division

• The advantages of the functional division are a

small central staff, which provides strong
central control and coordination, and a united,
focused global strategy with a high degree of
functional expertise.
• However, the functional approach may falter in
coordinating manufacturing, marketing, and
other functions in diverse geographic locations
because the central staff lacks expertise in
these areas.
• When the firm deals with numerous product
lines, coordination can get unwieldy.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 60

Global Matrix Structure

• An arrangement that blends the geographic

area, product, and functional structures in an
attempt to leverage the benefits of a purely
global strategy and maximize global
organizational learning, while remaining
responsive to local needs.
• It is an attempt to capture the benefits of the
geographic area, product, and functional
organization structures simultaneously, while
minimizing their shortcomings.
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 61
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 62
Global Matrix Structure

• The global matrix structure is most closely associated with

the transnational strategy.
• The area structure facilitates local responsiveness but can
inhibit worldwide economies of scale and sharing of
knowledge and core competences among geographic
• The product structure overcomes these shortcomings but is
weak in local responsiveness.
• By using the global matrix structure, responsibility for
operating decisions about a given product are shared by
the product division and the particular geographic areas.
• To implement the matrix approach, the firm develops a dual
reporting system in which, an employee in a foreign
subsidiary may report on an equal basis to two managers:
the local subsidiary general manager and a corporate
product division manager.
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 63
Global Matrix Structure
Blends Several Orientations

• This structure requires managers to think and operate

along typically two of the three major dimensions:
geography, product, and function (cross-functional).
• The firm must simultaneously possess the ability to:
(1) develop worldwide coordination and control; (2)
respond to local needs; and (3) maximize inter-
organizational learning and knowledge-sharing.
• The global matrix structure recognizes the importance
of flexible and responsive country-level operations.
• For most firms, the matrix approach represents
relatively new thinking in the management of the
modern MNE. How successfully firms are able to
implement and maintain the approach for long-term
global success remains to be seen.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 64

Unilever: An Example of
Building a Global Matrix Structure
• Earlier, the decentralized structure of Unilever’s international
organization had produced much duplication and countless
obstacles to applying a more efficient, global approach.
• Unilever put in place a massive reorganization plan
designed to centralize authority and reduce the power of
local country bosses.
• To implement a global culture and organization, the firm
divested hundreds of businesses, cut 55,000 jobs, closed
145 factories, and discontinued 1,200 brands.
• Today, Unilever has about 400 brands. New products are
developed using global teams that emphasize the
commonalities among major country markets.
• Local managers are not allowed to tinker with packaging,
formulation, or advertising of global brands, such as Dove

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 65

Disadvantages of Matrix Structure

• The chain of command from superiors to subordinates can

become muddled. It is difficult for employees to receive
directions from two different managers who are located
thousands of miles apart and have different cultural
backgrounds and business experiences.
• When conflict arises between two managers, senior
management must offer a resolution. The matrix structure
can, therefore, give rise to conflict, waste management’s
time, and compromise organizational effectiveness.
• The heightened pace of environmental change, increased
complexity and demands, and the need for cultural
adaptability have been overwhelming for many firms that
have attempted the matrix structure.
• Many companies that have experimented with the matrix
structure eventually returned to simpler organizational

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 66

Building the Global Firm

Truly global companies manage to achieve:

• Visionary leadership
• Global strategy
• Appropriate organizational structure
• Strong organizational culture
• Dynamic organizational processes

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 67

Visionary Leadership

Senior human capital in an organization that provides the

strategic guidance necessary to manage efficiency, flexibility,
and learning in an internationalizing firm. Exemplified by:

1. Global mindset and cosmopolitan values: openness to,

and awareness of, diversity across cultures
2. Willingness to commit resources: financial, human, and
other resources
3. Global strategic vision: articulating a global strategic
vision -- what the firm wants to be in the future and how it
will get there.
4. Willingness to invest in human assets: such practices
such as the use of foreign nationals, promoting multi-
country careers, and cross-cultural and language training
to develop global ‘supermanagers.’

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 69

Examples of Visionary Leaders

• Ratan N. Tata, the chairman of the Tata Group,

transformed this Indian conglomerate into a
transnational organization. Tata oversees a $22
billion family conglomerate whose companies
market a range of products from automobiles to
• Carlos Ghosn, the CEO of Nissan and Renault,
has transformed a Japanese automotive firm
from bankruptcy to profitable operations.
• Toyota CEO Fujio Cho has led his firm to record
sales in the intensely competitive global
automobile industry.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 70

Organizational Culture

• The pattern of shared values, norms of behavior,

systems, policies, and procedures that employees
learn and adopt.
• Employees acquire them as the correct way to
perceive, think, feel, and behave in relation to new
problems and opportunities that confront the firm.
• Organizational culture is the ‘personality’ of the firm.
Employees demonstrate organizational culture by
using the firm’s common language and accepting
rules and norms such as the pace and amount of
work expected and the degree of cooperation
between management and employees.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 71

Implementation of Organizational Culture

• As ilustrated in the case of IKEA, organizational

culture is derived from the influence of the
founders and visionary leaders, or some unique
history of the firm.
• The role of the founder’s values and beliefs is
particularly important.
• Visionary leaders can transform organizational
culture, as Lou Gerstner and Jack Welch
radically altered the fortunes of IBM and GE --
large bureaucratic organizations that had failed
to adapt to changing environments.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 72

Best Practice in Organizational Culture

• Proactively build a global organizational culture.

• Value and promote a global perspective in all
major initiatives.
• Value global competence and cross-cultural skills
among their employees.
• Adopt a single corporate language for business
• Promote interdependency between the
headquarters and subsidiaries.
• Subscribe to globally accepted ethical standards.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 73

Corporate Social Responsibility:
An Aspect of Organizational Culture

• Companies aspiring to become truly global seek

to maintain strong ethical standards in all the
markets where they are represented.
• Ultimately, senior leadership of any company
must be held accountable for cultivating an
organizational culture that welcomes social
responsibility and is deliberate about it.
• Corporate social responsibility refers to
operating a business in a manner that meets or
exceeds the ethical, legal, commercial and
public expectations of stakeholders (customers,
shareholders, employees, and communities).

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 74

Organizational Processes

• Managerial routines, behaviors, and mechanisms that allow

the firm to function as intended.
• Typical processes include mechanisms for collecting strategic
market information, developing employee compensation, and
budgeting for international operations.
• GE and Toyota have gained competitive advantage by
emphasizing and refining the countless processes.
• GE digitizes all key documents and uses intranets and the
Internet to automate many activities and reduce operating
• Many processes cross functional areas within the firm (e.g.,
new product development process involves input from R&D,
engineering, marketing, finance, and operations).
• In global firms, processes also cut across national borders,
which increase both the urgency and complexity of devising
well-functioning processes.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 75

Common Organizational Processes
to Achieve Global Coordination

• Global teams: An internationally distributed

group of people… with a specific mandate to make
or implement decisions that are international in
• Global information systems: Global IT
infrastructure, together with tools such as intranets
and electronic data interchange, that provide the
means for virtual interconnectedness within the
global company.
• Global talent pools: A database of skilled
individuals within the firm available to all
subsidiaries on the corporate intranet.
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 76
Global Teams

• Global teams are charged with problem-solving and best

practice development within the MNE.
• Team members are drawn from geographically diverse
units of the MNE and may interact entirely via corporate
intranets and video-conferencing, without meeting in
• A global team brings together employees with the
experience, knowledge, and skills to resolve common
challenges. They are assigned fairly complex tasks,
represent a diverse composition of professional and
national backgrounds, and have members that are
distributed throughout the world.
• Often, global teams are charged with specific agendas
and a finite time period to complete their deliberations
and make recommendations.
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 77
An Illustration of
Global Information Technology

• Development of Chevrolet Equinox by General Motors:

When GM decided in 2001 to develop a sports utility
vehicle to compete with Toyota’s RAV4 and Honda’s
CR-V, it tapped its capabilities all over the globe.
• The V6 engine was built in China, with cooperation from
engineers in Canada, China, Japan, and the United
• From a “global collaboration room” in Toronto, engineers
teleconferenced almost daily with counterparts from
Shanghai, Tokyo, and Warren, Ohio. They exchanged
virtual-reality renderings of the vehicle and collaborated
on the styling of exteriors and design of components.
• The SUV was built in Ontario, Canada at a factory that
GM shares with its Japanese partner Suzuki.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 78

Best Practice in Knowledge Sharing:
Bovis Lend Lease

• Success depends on our ability to effectively share

the intellect, insight and experience of the business
with everyone in the organization. Our workplace
philosophy is one of ensuring sustained knowledge-
sharing, collaboration, and client focus.
• As an example, iKnow is our database of research,
written reports, and knowledge networks across the
• iKonnect is our knowledge sharing service which
provides our staff with quick and direct access to
best available knowledge anywhere in the world.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 79

The Importance of Global Talent Pools

• Global firms invest in their employees to build

needed capabilities, not just in technical or
business terms, but in terms of language and
cultural capabilities and types of international
• The development of a global talent pool requires
the creation of an environment that fosters and
promotes cooperation across borders, the free
exchange of information, and the development
of creative managers capable of functioning
effectively anywhere in the world.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 80

Putting Organizational Change In Motion

• For many firms, a truly global organization remains

an ideal yet to be achieved.
• At a minimum, managers must:
1. exercise visionary leadership;
2. formulate a strategy;
3. cultivate an organizational culture;
4. build the necessary organizational structure;
5. refine and implement organizational

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 81

Organizational Change:
A Multidimensional Undertaking

• Success in international markets is not based on a

single prescription or formula but a multidimensional
and coherent set of actions.
• These include: participating in all major markets in the
world, standardizing product and marketing programs
wherever feasible, taking integrated, competitive
moves across the country markets, concentrating
value-adding activities at strategic locations across the
world, and coordinating the value-chain activities to
exploit the synergies of multinational operations.
• Superior global performance will result if all the
dimensions of a global strategy are aligned with
external industry globalization forces and internal
organizational resources.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 82

Organizational Change:
Focus And Employee Commitment are Essential

• How should senior leaders proceed? Where does one

start? With processes? Structure? Organizational
• Rapid and highly ambitious efforts to transform an
organization may fail. It’s best for senior management to
focus on only one or two dimensions at a time, tackling the
most easily changed dimensions of the organization first, in
order to prepare the way for the more difficult changes.
• Transforming an organization into a truly global company
can take years; involve many obstacles and uncertainty.
Management needs to instill a sense of urgency to drive
the organization toward the desired changes.
• Equally important is the “buy-in’ from the employees for
implementation -- securing wholehearted participation of
key groups towards common organizational goals.

International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities 83

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