1chap Cs Archi
1chap Cs Archi
1chap Cs Archi
The rest of the program is sent to the host language compiler. The
object codes for the DML commands and the rest of the program
are linked, forming a canned transaction whose executable code
includes calls to the runtime database processor.
Canned transactions are executed repeatedly by parametric
users, who simply supply the parameters to the transactions.
An example is a bank withdrawal transaction where the
account number and the amount may be supplied as
In the lower part of Figure 2.3, the runtime database
processor executes (1) the privileged commands, (2) the
executable query plans, and (3) the canned transactions with
runtime parameters. It works with the system catalog and
update it with statistics.
It also works with the stored data manager, which in turn
uses basic operating system services for carrying out low-
level input/output (read/write) operations between the disk
and main memory.
The runtime database processor handles other aspects of
data transfer, such as management of buffers in the main
Some DBMSs have their own buffer management module
while others depend on the OS for buffer management.
Concurrency control, backup and recovery systems are
integrated into the working of the runtime database
processor for purposes of transaction management.
2. Database System Utilities
DBMSs have database utilities that help the DBA to manage the
database system. Common utilities have the following types of
Loading. A loading utility is used to load existing data files- such as
text files or sequential files- into the database. Usually, the current
(source) format of the data file and the desired (target) database file
structure are specified to the utility, which then automatically reformats
the data and stores it in the database.
Conversion tools. For the hierarchical DBMS called IMS (IBM) and
for many network DBMSs including IDMS (Computer Associates),
SUPRA (Cincom), and IMAGE (HP), the vendors or third-party
companies are making a variety of conversion tools available (e.g.,
Cincom’s SUPRA Server SQL) to transform data into the relational
Backup. A backup utility creates a backup copy of the
database, usually by dumping the entire database onto tape
or other mass storage medium.
The backup copy can be used to restore the database in case
of catastrophic disk failure.
Incremental backups are also often used, where only
changes since the previous backup are recorded.
Incremental backup is more complex, but saves storage
Database storage reorganization. This utility can be used
to reorganize a set of database files into different file
organizations, and create new access paths to improve
performance. Ex: Sequential, Heap, Hash, B+ Tree,
Performance monitoring. Such a utility monitors database
usage and provides statistics to the DBA.
The DBA uses the statistics in making decisions such as
whether or not to reorganize files or whether to add or drop
indexes to improve performance.
Other utilities may be available for sorting files, handling
data compression, monitoring access by users, interfacing
with the network, and performing other functions.
3. Tools, Application Environments, and
Communications Facilities
CASE (computer aided s/w eng)tools are used in the design phase of database
data dictionary (or data repository) system-In addition to storing catalog
information about schemas and constraints, the data dictionary stores other
information, such as design decisions, usage standards, application program
descriptions, and user information.
Such a system is also called an information repository. This information can
be accessed directly by users or the DBA when needed.
A data dictionary utility is similar to the DBMS catalog, but it includes a
wider variety of information and is accessed mainly by users rather than by
the DBMS software.
Application development environments, such as PowerBuilder
(Sybase) or JBuilder (Borland). These systems provide an
environment for developing database applications and include
facilities that help in many facets of database systems, including
database design, GUI development, querying and updating, and
application program development.
communications software, whose function is to allow users to
access the data-base through computer terminals, workstations, or
personal computers.
These are connected to the database site through data
communications hardware such as Internet routers, phone lines,
long-haul networks, local networks, or satellite communication
Centralized and Client-
Server Architectures
Centralized database