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BCSE102L C Input Output, Operators

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Formatted Input Output
Dr. R. Jothi SCOPE
I/O statements
Input/Output in C
• C has no built-in statements for input or output.

• A library of functions is supplied to perform these operations. The I/O

library functions are listed the “header” file <stdio.h>.

• You do not need to memorize them, just be familiar with them.

Input/Output in C
scanf ( ) ;
• This function provides for formatted input from the
keyboard. The syntax is:
scanf ( “format” , &var1, &var2, …) ;
• The “format” is a listing of the data types of the variables to
be input and the & in front of each variable name tells the
system WHERE to store the value that is input. It provides
the address for the variable.
• Example:
float a; int b;
scanf (“%f%d”, &a, &b);
Input - scanf()

scanf(“control string”, argument)

e.g. scanf(“%d”, &number1)

Control string Data type meaning

%d int integer
%f float float
%lf double double
%c char Character
%s string Character array
Input/Output in C
getchar ( ) ;

• This function reads exactly one character from the keyboard.

• Example:

char ch;
ch = getchar ( ) ;
Input/Output in C
putchar (char) ;

• This function provides for printing exactly one character to the screen.
• Example:

char ch;
ch = getchar ( ) ; /* input a character from kbd*/
putchar (ch) ; /* display it on the screen */
Formatted Output with printf
printf ( ) ;
• This function provides for formatted output to the screen. The syntax
printf ( “format”, var1, var2, … ) ;
• The “format” includes a listing of the data types of the variables to be
output and, optionally, some text and control character(s).
• Example:
float a ; int b ;
scanf ( “%f%d”, &a, &b ) ;
printf ( “You entered %f and %d \n”, a, b ) ;
Formatted Output with printf
• Format Conversion Specifiers:
%d -- displays a decimal (base 10) integer
%l -- used with other specifiers to indicate a "long"
%e -- displays a floating point value in exponential
%f -- displays a floating point value
%g -- displays a number in either "e" or "f" format
%c -- displays a single character
%s -- displays a string of characters
Printing expressions directly
Escape Sequence
• \a - alert (bell sound)
• \n – new line
• \t - horizontal tab
• \b – backspace
• \” - quotation mark
• \\ - backslash
What does the following code print?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{ int a=10; float b=4.5f;
printf("\"score\" in course %d is %f", a, b);
return 0;

"score" in course 10 is 4.500000

What does the following code print?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{ int a=10; float b=4.5f;
printf("\"score\" in course %d is \\\t%f", a, b);
return 0;
• combination of operands and operators
• Examples
• c = a + b;
• (x > y ) && (x > z)
• a, b, c, x, y and z are operands;
• >, &&, = and + are operators
Types of Operators
• Arithmetic Operators
• + (Plus), - (Minus), * (Multiplication), /(Division)
• Logical
• && (AND),|| (OR), ! (not)
• Relational
• <, >, <=, >=,==
• Conditional operator (ternary)
Some more Arithmetic Operators
• Prefix Increment : ++a
• example:
• int a=5;
• b=++a; // value of b=6; a=6;

• Postfix Increment: a++

• example
• int a=5;
• b=a++; //value of b=5; a=6;

• Modulus (remainder): %
• example:
• 12%5 = 2;

• Assignment by addition: +=
• example:
• int a=4;
• a+=1; //(means a=a+1) value of a becomes 5

Can use -, /, *, % also

• Comparision Operators: <, > , <=, >= , !=, ==, !,
&&, || .
• example:
• int a=4, b=5;
• a<b returns a true(non zero number) value.

• Bitwise Operators: <<, >>, ~, &, | ,^ .

• example
• int a=8;
• a= a>>1; // value of a becomes 4

Logical Operators
• There are three kinds of logical operators.
• &&: and
• ||: or
• !: not
• Logical expression is an expression which uses one or more logical
operators, e.g.,
• (temperature > 90.0 && humidity > 0.90)
• !(n <= 0 || n >= 100).
The Truth Table of Logical Operators
Op 1 Op 2 Op 1 && Op2 Op 1 || Op2
1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0

Op 1 ! Op 1
1 0
0 1
Here 1 is any non zero value
Ternary operator ?
largest = (first > second) ? first :
Ternary operator Example

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int avg=78;
char grade;
grade= (avg>60)?'a':'b';
int attendance=88, bonus=5;;
int ffcs_score;
return 0;

Operator Precedence
• Meaning of a + b * c ?
is it a+(b*c) or (a+b)*c ?
• All operators have precedence over each other
• *, / have more precedence over +, - .
• If both *, / are used, associativity comes into picture.
(more on this later)
• example :
• 5+4*3 = 5+12= 17.

The precedence of operators determines which operator is

executed first if there is more than one operator in an
• The associativity of operators determines the direction in which an
expression is evaluated
• Eg
Y = a/b*c ; first a+b and then (a/b)*c
Y=a/(b*c); here ( ) takes precedence, so first b*c and then a/(b*c)

4 4

c=12 a=11


11 10 12 11 10 12
12 12
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a=10;
printf("%d %d %d %d",++a, a++,a++,a);
printf("\n%d", a);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() int main()
{ {
int a=1,d; int a=1,d;
printf("%d", d);
printf("%d", d); return 0;
return 0; }


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