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5.2 Natural Language Processing

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Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing
 Language is meant for Communicating about the world.

 By studying language, we can come to understand more

about the world.

 If we can succeed at building computational mode of

language, we will have a powerful tool for
communicating about the world.

 We look at how we can exploit knowledge about the

world, in combination with linguistic facts, to build
computational natural language systems.

 NLP problem can be divided into two tasks:

 Processing written text, using lexical, syntactic and
semantic knowledge of the language as well as the
required real world information.

 Processing spoken language, using all the information

needed above plus additional knowledge about
phonology as well as enough added information to
handle the further ambiguities that arise in speech.
 The Problem : English sentences are incomplete descriptions
of the information that they are intended to convey.

 Some dogs are outside is incomplete – it can mean

 Some dogs are on the lawn.
 Three dogs are on the lawn.
 Moti, Hira & Buzo are on the lawn.

 The good side : Language allows speakers to be as vague or

as precise as they like. It also allows speakers to leave out
things that the hearers already know.
 The Problem : The same expression means different things in different

 Where’s the water? ( In a lab, it must be pure)

 Where’s the water? ( When you are thirsty, it must be potable or
 Where’s the water? ( Dealing with a leaky roof, it can be filthy)

 The good side : Language lets us communicate about an infinite world

using a finite number of symbols.

 The problem : There are lots of ways to say the same thing :
 Mary was born on October 11.
 Mary’s birthday is October 11.

 The good side : When you know a lot, facts imply each other. Language
is intended to be used by agents who know a lot.
Components of NLP
There are the following two components of NLP -
1. Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
• Natural Language Understanding (NLU) helps the
machine to understand and analyze human language by
extracting the metadata from content such as concepts,
entities, keywords, emotion, relations, and semantic roles.
• NLU mainly used in Business applications to understand
the customer's problem in both spoken and written
NLU involves the following tasks -
• It is used to map the given input into useful
• It is used to analyze different aspects of the
2. Natural Language Generation (NLG)
• Natural Language Generation (NLG) acts as a
translator that converts the computerized data
into natural language representation.
• It mainly involves Text planning, Sentence
planning, and Text Realization.
Difference between NLU and NLG
Phases of NLP
There are the following five phases of NLP:
1. Lexical Analysis and Morphological
• The first phase of NLP is the Lexical Analysis. This
phase scans the source code as a stream of characters and
converts it into meaningful lexemes.
• It divides the whole text into paragraphs, sentences, and
2. Syntactic Analysis (Parsing)
• Syntactic Analysis is used to check grammar, word
arrangements, and shows the relationship among the
Example: Agra goes to the Poonam
• In the real world, Agra goes to the Poonam, does not
make any sense, so this sentence is rejected by the
Syntactic analyzer.
3. Semantic Analysis
• Semantic analysis is concerned with the meaning
representation. It mainly focuses on the literal meaning of
words, phrases, and sentences.
4. Discourse Integration
• Discourse Integration depends upon the sentences that
proceeds it and also invokes the meaning of the sentences
that follow it.
5. Pragmatic Analysis
• Pragmatic is the fifth and last phase of NLP. It helps you
to discover the intended effect by applying a set of rules
that characterize cooperative dialogues.
For Example: "Open the door" is interpreted as a request
instead of an order.
Why NLP is difficult?
NLP is difficult because Ambiguity and Uncertainty exist
in the language.
There are the following three ambiguity -
• Lexical Ambiguity
Lexical Ambiguity exists in the presence of two or more
possible meanings of the sentence within a single word.
• Manya is looking for a match.
• In the above example, the word match refers to that either
Manya is looking for a partner or Manya is looking for a
match. (Cricket or other match)
Syntactic Ambiguity
• Syntactic Ambiguity exists in the presence of two or
more possible meanings within the sentence.
• I saw the girl with the binocular.
• In the above example, did I have the binoculars? Or did
the girl have the binoculars?
Referential Ambiguity
• Referential Ambiguity exists when you are referring to
something using the pronoun.
Example: Kiran went to Sunita. She said, "I am hungry."
• In the above sentence, you do not know that who is
hungry, either Kiran or Sunita.
Parse Tree
Tokenization is essentially splitting a phrase, sentence,
paragraph, or an entire text document into smaller units, such as
individual words or terms. Each of these smaller units are called
Why is Tokenization required in NLP?
• Before processing a natural language, we need to identify
the words that constitute a string of characters. That’s why
tokenization is the most basic step to proceed with NLP (text
data). This is important because the meaning of the text
could easily be interpreted by analyzing the words present
in the text.
• Let’s take an example. Consider the below string:
“This is a cat.”
What do you think will happen after we perform tokenization on
this string?
[‘This’, ‘is’, ‘a’, cat’].
• There are numerous uses of doing this. We can use this
tokenized form to:
• Count the number of words in the text
• Count the frequency of the word, that is, the number of times a
particular word is present
Bag of Words Model

Bag of Words (BoW) model is a simple algorithm

used in Natural Language Processing. In
BoW model a sentence or a document is
considered as a 'Bag' containing words. It will take
into account the words and their frequency of
occurrence in the sentence or the document
disregarding semantic relationship in the
Example of the Bag-of-Words Model

Step 1: Collect Data

• Below is a snippet of the first few lines of text from the book “
A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens, taken from Project
• It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times,
it was the age of wisdom,
it was the age of foolishness,
• For this small example, let’s treat each line as a separate
“document” and the 4 lines as our entire corpus of
Step 2: Design the Vocabulary
Now we can make a list of all of the words in our model vocabulary.
• The unique words here (ignoring case and punctuation) are:


• That is a vocabulary of 10 words from a corpus containing 24 words.

Step 3: Create Document Vectors
• The next step is to score the words in each document.
• The objective is to turn each document of free text into a
vector that we can use as input or output for a machine
learning model.
• Because we know the vocabulary has 10 words, we can
use a fixed-length document representation of 10, with
one position in the vector to score each word.
• The simplest scoring method is to mark the presence of
words as a boolean value, 0 for absent, 1 for present.
• Using the arbitrary ordering of words listed above in our
vocabulary, we can step through the first document (“It
was the best of times“) and convert it into a binary vector.
• The scoring of the document would look as follows:
“it” = 1
“was” = 1
“the” = 1
“best” = 1
“of” = 1
“times” = 1
“worst” = 0
“age” = 0
“wisdom” = 0
“foolishness” = 0
As a binary vector, this would look as follows:
The other three documents would look as follows:
• All ordering of the words is nominally discarded and we
have a consistent way of extracting features from any
document in our corpus, ready for use in modeling.
• New documents that overlap with the vocabulary of
known words, but may contain words outside of the
vocabulary, can still be encoded, where only the
occurrence of known words are scored and unknown
words are ignored.
• You can see how this might naturally scale to large
vocabularies and larger documents.
Managing Vocabulary
• As the vocabulary size increases, so does the vector
representation of documents.
• In the previous example, the length of the document
vector is equal to the number of known words.
There are simple text cleaning techniques that can be used
as a first step, such as:
• Ignoring case
• Ignoring punctuation
• Ignoring frequent words that don’t contain much
information, called stop words, like “a,” “of,” etc.
Fixing misspelled words.
• Reducing words to their stem (e.g. “play” from
“playing”) using stemming algorithms.
• A more sophisticated approach is to create a vocabulary
of grouped words. This both changes the scope of the
vocabulary and allows the bag-of-words to capture a little
bit more meaning from the document.
• In this approach, each word or token is called a “gram”.
Creating a vocabulary of two-word pairs is, in turn, called
a bigram model. Again, only the bigrams that appear in
the corpus are modeled, not all possible bigrams.
Scoring Words
• Once a vocabulary has been chosen, the
occurrence of words in example documents needs
to be scored.
Some additional simple scoring methods include:
• Counts. Count the number of times each word
appears in a document.
• Frequencies. Calculate the frequency that each
word appears in a document out of all the words
in the document.
• A Spell checker is one of the basic tools required
for language processing.
• Spell checking involves identifying words and
non words and also suggesting the possible
alternatives for its correction.

• used in
– Word processing
– Character or text recognition
– Speech recognition and generation.
• Most available spell checkers focus on
processing isolated words and do not take into
account the context.

• “Henry sar on the box”

• “Henry at on the box”
Spelling Errors
• Three cause of error are:
• Insertion: Insertion of extra letter while typing.
E.g. maximum typed as maxiimum.
• Deletion: A case of a letter missing or not typed
in a word. E.g. netwrk instead of network.
• Substitution: Typing of a letter in place of the
correct one. E.g. intellugence.
• Spelling errors may be classified into following types:
• Typographic errors:
– Cause due to mistakes committed while typing.
– E.g. netwrk in place of network.
• Orthographic errors:
– Result due to a lack of comprehension of the concerned
language on part of user.
– E.g. arithmetic, wellcome, accomodation.
• Phonetic errors:
– result due to poor cognition on part of listner.
– E.g. the word rough could be spelt as ruff.
– Listen as lisen, piece as peace or peas, reed as read.
Spell checking techniques
• Spell checking techniques can be broadly
classified into three categories-
• (a) Non-Word error detection: This process
involves the detection of misspelled words or
– E.g. the word sopar is a non-word ; its correct
form is super or sober.
– The most commonly used techniques to detect
such errors are the N-gram analysis and
Dictionary look-up.
N-Gram Analysis:

• Make use of probabilities of occurrence of N-grams

in a large corpus of text to decide on the error in the
• N-gram to be sequence of letters rather than words.
• Try to predict next letter rather than next words.
• Used in text (handwritten or printed) recognition
• Dictionary look-up involves the use of an efficient
dictionary lookup coupled with pattern-matching
algorithm (such as hashing technique, Finite state
automata), dictionary portioning schemes and
morphological processing methods.
(b) Isolated-word error correction:
• Focus on the correction of an isolated non-words by
finding its nearest and meaningful word and make an
attempt to rectify the error.
• It thus transform the word “soper” into super.
• Isolated word correction may be looked upon as a
combination of three sub-problems-Error detection,
candidate (correct word) generation, and ranking of
correct candidates.
Minimum Edit distance technique:

– Wanger[1974] define the minimum edit distance

between the misspelled word and the possible correct
candidate as the minimum number of edit operations
needed to transform the misspelled word to the correct
– Edit operation-insertion, deletion, and substitution of a
single character.
– The minimum number of such operations required to
affect the transformation is commonly known as
Levenshtein distance.
(c) Context dependent error detection and

– In addition to detect errors, try to find whether

the corrected word fits in to context of the
– More complex to implement.
– “Peace comes from within”, “Piece comes from
within” ; first word in both sentence is a correct
– This involves correction of real-word errors or
those that result in another valid error.
Soundex Algorithm
• Can be effectively used as a simple phonetic
based spell checkers.
• Algorithm:
– Remove all punctuation marks and capitalize
the letters in the word.
– Retain the first letter of the word.
– Remove nay occurrence of letters-
A,E,I,O,U,H,W,Y apart from very first letter.
– Replace the letter other than first as shown in
– If two or more adjacent letters , non separated by
vowels, have the same numeric value retain only one of
– Return the 1st four character; pad with zeros if there are
less than four.
Soundex code for some words:


Used to measure similarity of two words

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