Management of First Stage of Labour
Management of First Stage of Labour
Management of First Stage of Labour
Definition : labor
Series of event that take place in the genital organ in and effort to expel out the viable product of conception foetus
placenta and membrane out of the womb through the vegina into to outer world is called labour.
Labour is called normal if it fullfils the following critaria ….
Spontaneous in onset and at term
With vertex presentation
Without undue prolongation
Natural termination with minimal aids
Without having any complications mother and baby
Any deviation from normal labor is called abnormal labor. It includes all cases of non-vertex presentations and all
vertex presentations with complications affecting the course of labor or maternal or fetal prognosis.
Cause of onset of labour
Oxytocin theory
Prostaglandins theory
Estrogen theory
II Mechanical factors
Uterine distension theory Like any hollow organ in the body, when the uterus in distended to a certain limit, it
starts to contract to evacuate its contents. This explains the pre term labour in case of multiple pregnancy and
Stretch of the lower uterine segment : By the presenting part near term.
CLINICAL PICTURE OF LABOUR Prodromal (pre-labour) stage The following clinical manifestations may
occur in the last weeks of pregnancy.
1. Shelfing It is falling forwards of the uterine fundus making the upper abdomen looks like a shelf during
standing position. This is due to engagement of the head which brings the foetus perpendicular to the pelvic
inlet in the direction of pelvic axis.
2. Lightening It is the relief of upper abdominal pressure symptoms as dyspnoea, dyspepsia and palpitations
due to: Ni Descent in the fundal level after engagement of the head and Shelfing of the uterus.
3. Pelvic pressure symptoms With engagement of the presenting part the following symptoms may occur : 1.
Frequency of micturition 2. Rectal tenesm 3. Difficulty in walking.
4. Veginal discharge pink , clear. And bloody show in few day before labour.
5.False labour pain
Difference between the true labour pain and false labour pain
First Stage of Labor.
The first stage of labor is referred to as the "dilating" stage. It is the period from the first true labor contractions to complete dilatation of the
cervix (10cm) The forces involved are uterine contractions.
1 The first stage of labor is divided into three phases :
● Latent (early) or prodromal.
● Active or accelerated.
● Transient or transitional
Latent phase.
1. Cervical Dilatation 1-4 cm
2. Contraction repeat 15-30 min.
3. Remain 15-30 sec
4. Mother talk active
5. Duration primi 4-6hr , multipara 4-8hr.
Active phase
1. Cervical Dilatation 5- 7 cm
2. Contraction repeat 3-5 min.
3. Remain 45-60 sec.
4. Mother Restless
5. Duration primi 4 hr , multipara 2hr.
Transient phase
Cervical Dilatation 8- 10 cm
Contraction repeat 2- 3 min.
Remain 60 – 90 sec.
Duration primi , multipara both 30 min. – 2hr
Ideal contraction 3 contraction in 10 minutes
Second Stage of Labor.
The second stage of labor is referred to as the “delivery or
expulsive” stage. This is the period from complete dilatation of the
cervix to birth of the baby. The forces involved are uterine
contractions plus intra-abdominal pressure.
Third Stage of Labor. The third stage of labor is referred to as the
“placental” stage. This is the period from birth of the baby until
delivery of the placenta. The forces involved are uterine contractions
and intra abdominal pressure. Fourth Stage of Labor.
Fourth Stage Of Labor is referred to as the “recovery or
stabilization” stage. This period begins with the delivery of the
placenta and ends when the uterus no longer tends to relax. The
forces involved are uterine contraction
Following are The main events or physiological changes which help to
prepare the birth canal in the first stage of labour.
● Contraction and Retraction of Uterine Muscules
● Formation of Upper and Lower Segment
● Development of Retraction Ring
● Dilatation and effacement of the cervix
● General Fluid Pressure
● Rupture of Membranes
● Fetal Axis Pressure
1. Contraction and Retraction of Uterine Muscles
Uterine contractions are involuntary movements which are palpable and painful. these
contractions are recurring with rhythmic and regular intervals.
Natures of the Uterine Contractionsare
● Painful Uterine Contraction
● Fundal Dominance
● Raised intra- amniotic pressure
● Retraction
● Polarity
The nature of uterine contraction is essential for the stretching and thinning of the lower segment and dilatation of the
cervix and decent of foetus into the pelvis.
Raised intra - amniotic pressure
There is some intra amniotic pressure during pregnancy, which measures 3 to 5 mm of Hg. During contraction
it increases up to 40 to 50 mm of Hg in the first stage and 80 to 100mmHg in the second stage of labour.
In between uterine contractions, the resting tone varies within 6 to 10 mmHg. Good relaxation occurs between
contractions to bring down the intra- amniotic pressure to less than 8 mm of Hg.
During each contraction two poles of uterus act harmoniously. The upper pole of the uterus contracts strongly and
retracts to expel the fetus towards the lower pole and the lower pole contracts slightly and help cervix to dilate in
response to the forces of contraction of upper segment or to accommodate the descending fetus from upper pole
and lower pole allow expelling the fetus.
Formation of upper and lower uterine segments :
By the end of pregnancy, uterus is divided into two segments, i.e. upper and lower segments. The upper
segment, which is formed from the body of the fundus, is thick and muscular. The lower segment, which is
formed from the isthmus and cervix, progressively thins out. There is the formation of physiological ring,
called as 'retraction ring'or 'bandl's ring', which forms at the ridge between upper and lower uterine segment
Development of Retraction Ring:
A distinct ridge develops at the junction of the two segments
during labour pain, which is known as the retraction ring. The
contraction and retraction of the upper segment cause the uterine
thicker, shorter or smaller, so it attempts to push the fetus out
into the birth canal according to the activity of upper segment,
the lower segment tend to distend, stretch and thinner and
thinner. During this process, a distinct ridge is produced at the
junction of the two segments, which is called retraction ring or
physiological ring and moves up to the level of symphysis pubis
as the lower pubis as the lower segment is distened and it
perfectly normal if doesn't move beyond the symphysis pubis.
.Show Presentation
Show-There is presense of blood stained cervical secretion with the onset of labour. The bleeding comes from the
separation of membranes from lower uterine.
With the onset of labor , there is profuse cervical secretion . Simultaneously there is slight oozing of blood from
rupture of capillary vessels of the cervix and form the raw decidual surface caused by separation of the
membranes due to stretching of the lower uterine segment . Expulsion of cervical mucus plug mixed with blood is
called ‘show’.
5.Effacement and dilatation of the cervix
During the first stage of labor, the cervix opens (dilates) and thins out (effaces) to allow the baby to move into the
birth canal. In figures A and B, the cervix is tightly closed. In figure C, the cervix is 60% effaced and 1 to 2 cm
dilated. In figure D, the cervix is 90% effaced and 4 to 5 cm dilated. The cervix must be 100% effaced and 10 cm
dilated before a vaginal delivery.
This is almost Due to stretching of the lower uterine
segment , the membranes are detached easily because of
its loose attachment to the poorly formed decidua .
With the dilatation of the cervical canal , the lower
pole of the fetal membranes becomes unsupported and
tend to bulge into the cervical canal . As it contains
liquor which has passed below the presenting part , it’s
called BAG OF WATER ‘During uterine contraction
with consequent rise of intra amniotic pressure , this bag
becomes tense and convex . After the contractions
pass off , the bulging may disappear completel a certain
sign of onset labor . in some cases the membranes are
so well applied to the head that the finding may not be
detected .
General fluid pressure
Will the membranes remain intact the pressure of the uterine contraction is exerted the fluid and fluid is not
compressible the pressure is equalized throughout the uterus and over the fetal body is known as general
fluid pressure.
8.Rupture of membrane at the end of first stage of labour when the service become fully dilated and no
longer support the bag of for water the uterine contraction are also applying increases force at this time the
membrane may be remain in that until full dilation of cervix of the first stage of labour. it may also refer
picture at any time after the onset of labour
9.Fetal Axis pressure during each contraction the uterus rises forward and the force of the fundal
contraction is transmitted to the upper pole of the fittest downward the long axis of the foetus and applied
by the presenting part of cervix.
Emotional support, physical care and clinical skills are equally important to ensure a satisfactory outcome for
mother and the baby.
● To conduct safe and clean delivery.
● To provide an adequate help and maintain comfortable to mother in labour.
● To prevent maternal and fetal complication eg .Maternal and fetal distress, postpartum hemorrhage and injuries
● To give a healthy, live and a normal birth of a baby.
● To maintain normal delivery process with good guidance, maximum observation with minimal assistance.
● To identify the deviation from normal and complications in early and take corrective measures as necessary.