Principals and Techniques of Sterilization: Lokender Yadav Manager Talent Development Unicorn Denmart Limited
Principals and Techniques of Sterilization: Lokender Yadav Manager Talent Development Unicorn Denmart Limited
Principals and Techniques of Sterilization: Lokender Yadav Manager Talent Development Unicorn Denmart Limited
Lokender Yadav
Manager Talent Development
Unicorn Denmart Limited.
Unicorn Denmart Limited.
One of the most important responsibilities of the dental assistant is to process
contaminated instruments for reuse.
Instrument processing involves much more than sterilization.
Sterilization is a process intended to kill all microorganisms and is the highest level of
microbial destruction.
Table 21-1
Unicorn Denmart Limited.
Classification of Instruments and Equipment
Instruments and equipment are divided into three classifications:
• Critical
• Semicritical
• Noncritical
The classifications are used to determine the minimal type of posttreatment
Fig. 21-2
Unicorn Denmart Limited.
Contaminated Area
All soiled instruments are brought into the contaminated area.
Any disposable items not already discarded in the treatment
room are disposed of as contaminated waste.
The contaminated area contains clean protective eyewear and
utility gloves, counter space, a sink, a waste disposal container,
holding solution, ultrasonic cleaner, eyewash station, and
supplies for wrapping instruments before sterilization.
Note: Soiled and clean instruments are never stored in the same
Precleaning instruments
• Hand scrubbing
• Ultrasonic cleaning
• Instrument washing machines
Instruments and burs made of carbon steel can rust during steam
Rust inhibitors are available as a spray or dip solution and help
reduce rust and corrosion.
An alternative to rust inhibitors is to thoroughly dry the
instrument and use dry heat or unsaturated chemical vapor
sterilization, which do not cause rusting.
Hinged instruments may need to be lubricated to maintain proper
Fig. 21-12
Unicorn Denmart Limited.
The process integrator is placed inside the instrument package
Fig. 21-13
Unicorn Denmart Limited.
Physical Monitoring
Table 21-4
Unicorn Denmart Limited.
• Steam sterilization
• Chemical vapor sterilization
• Dry heat sterilization