Animal Model
Animal Model
Animal Model
Presented by
Dian Rizkiaditama
Hilyatul Azizah
Rispah Hamzah
4. Guide for The Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching.
Federation of Animal Science Societies Third Edition, January 2010.
Basically euthanasia is permissible if the benefits obtained are greater than the sacrifice of
the animal and the animal does not suffer.
Experts agree that the main basis for euthanasia is to minimize fear and pain from animals
Its legal basis, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee based in America has
published Guidelines for Animal Euthanasia
Study Case 1
The purpose of this study is to evaluate
green fluorescent protein (GFP)
transgenic rats for use as a tool for organ
transplantation research.
• Male GFP transgenic rats were used at the age of 8 to 12 weeks
• Normal male LEW rats (RT11) originall purchased from Clea Japan (Tokyo, Japan)
were used at the age of 10 to 12 weeks.
• The GFP transgenic rats were sacrificed at the age of 6 weeks. The expression of
GFP gene in various organs was examined using a CCD camera under 489-nm
excitation light (fluorescent microscope, MZFL III, Leica)
FIG. 1. GFP expression
patterns in various
tissues in GFP Tg rat.
Each organ on the
right was obtained
from GFP Tg rats,
whereas those
on the left were from
normal Wistar rats.
Marked expressions of
GFP were observed
under excitation light
(489 nm).
The objective of the present study was
to investigate the possible modulatory
effect and anxiety disorders in Rats.
Procedure :
• The rats are selectively bred to obtain high- and low- conditioned fear
• Housing, food and drink are given as their need
• This research uses footshock electric method
The chamber of electric footshock
The experimental procedures reported herein were performed in accordance with the
guidelines for experimental animal research established by the Brazilian Society of
Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC) and the National Institutes of Health Guide for
the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Animal handling and the methods of sacrifice
were reviewed and approved by the Committee for Animal Care and Use of PUC-Rio
(protocol no. 20/2009)
In order to evaluate nerve regeneration in clinically relevant hindlimb
surgical paradigms not feasible in fluorescent mice models, we developed
a rat that expresses green fluorescent protein (GFP) in neural tissue.
Procedure :
• Transgenic rats were ... (BOR1-tg plasmid, a generous gift from
Joshua Sanes, ...)
• Animals were maintained in a central housing facility.
• Animals were anesthetized with a subcutaneous injection of
ketamine and medetomidine.
• All surgical techniques were done under aseptic conditions and
performed using a standard dissecting microscop.
animals were randomized into six groups (n = 4) based on experimental endpoint
(t = 0, 7, 14, 28, 42, and 56 days)
Study Case 2