Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies
Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies
Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies
Chapter 12
Using Customer-related Data
Analytical CRM
Figure 12.1
Analytics for CRM strategy and tactics
Build revenues Reduce costs
Automate selling Enhance complaints
Cross-sell campaigns
processes resolution
Up-sell campaigns Service customers online Improve customer service
Protect valued Improve customer self- Improve fulfilment
relationships service process
Sack unprofitable Improve online
Generate sales leads
customers experience
Improve sales rep
Acquire new customers Improve value proposition
Close more opportunities Improve data quality Introduce CSat measures
Table 12.1
How analytics are used during the customer lifecycle
Customer acquisition
● Lead scoring might take account of a wide range of market,
organisational, personal, relational and behavioural attributes.
Customer retention
● Identify which customers have highest future potential CLV.
Customer development
● Identify the next best offer to make the customer.
Criteria used in prospect scoring
Table 12.2
Figure 12.2
How text analytics supports CRM
Figure 12.3
Technology essentials for analysing Big Data
Standard reports
Online analytical processing (OLAP)
Data mining
Standard reports
Figure 12.4
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
Figure 12.5
Data mining
Affinity grouping
Description and visualisation
Directed v undirected data mining
Directed Undirected
Directed data mining (also Undirected (or unsupervised)
called supervised, predictive or data mining is simply
targeted data mining) has the exploration of a dataset to see
goal of predicting some future what can be learned. It is
event or value. The analyst about discovering new
uses input data to predict a patterns in the data. The
specified output. Directed data analyst isn’t trying to predict or
mining stresses classification, estimate some output.
prediction and estimation. Undirected data mining uses
clustering and affinity-grouping
Data mining procedures
Table 12.3
Decision trees
Figure 12.6
K-Means clustering
Figure 12.7
Two-step clustering
Reliability Communication
Responsiveness Credibility
Competence Security
Access Understanding/knowing the customer
Courtesy Tangibles
Table 12.4
OECD privacy principles
1. Notice
2. Choice
3. Onward Transfer (Transfers to Third Parties)
4. Access
5. Security
6. Data integrity
7. Enforcement