Differential Equations Assignment Help
Differential Equations Assignment Help
Differential Equations Assignment Help
Problem 1: Distributions
But the weak derivative f'{φ} must exist, so this means that we
have to do something different from the 18.01 derivative, and
moreover f'{φ} is not a regular distribution. What is it?
(i) Similar to the case of Aˆ= −' in class, first solve for g(r) for r>
Hint: if you get sines and cosines from this differential equation,
it will probably be easier to use complex exponentials, e.g. eiωr,
(ii) In the previous part, you should find two solutions, both of
which go to zero at infinity. To choose between them,
remember that this operator arose from a e−iωt time dependence.
Plug in this time dependence and impose an “outgoing wave”
boundary condition (also called a Sommerfield or radiation
boundary condition): require that waves be traveling outward
far away, not inward.
(b) Check that the ω → 0+ limit gives the answer from class.
Problem 1:
(a) Solutions:
In the last line, the first limit is precisely the Cauchy Principal
Value of g(x)φ(x)dx (CPV = remove a ball of radius E around
the singularity, do the integral, and then take the E → 0+ limit).
The second term vanishes because, since φ(x) is continuous and
infinitely differentiable, φ(E)−φ(−E) vanishes at least as fast as E
as E → 0, so its product with ln E vanishes in the limit as in part
(b) Solutions:
as desired.
Problem 2:
(i) For r> 0, −V2g − ω2g =0 and hence −ω2g = V2g =1/r(rg)'' =⇒ =
−ω2h where h(r)= rg(r)the solution to this is h(r)= cefor
some constants c and d, or
for c + d =1/4π , with the ratio c/d being set by the boundary
conditions at ∞. The value at x = x being irrelevant in the
distribution sense, e.g. we can assign it to zero, since this is a
regular distribution with a finite integral, similar to class.)