Asexuality: An Introduction
Asexuality: An Introduction
Asexuality: An Introduction
An Introduction
What is Asexuality?
Asexual: a person who does not experience sexual
Includes Asexuality
The AVEN Community
Aromantic Asexuals
Generally do not form romantic relationships
Often form close friendships that function as their
primary relationships
Do not lack emotional needs; their emotional needs
can be fulfilled in a platonic way
The Gray Area
Some individuals identify in the gray area between
Asexuality and sexuality
People who identify as gray-A can include, but are not
limited to, those who:
do not normally experience sexual attraction, but do
experience it sometimes
experience sexual attraction, but a low sex drive
are technically sexual, but feel that it's not an important part
of their lives and don't identify with standard sexual culture
experience sexual attraction and drive, but not strongly
enough to want to act on them
Some individuals identify in the gray area between
Asexuality and sexuality
People who identify as gray-A can include, but are not
limited to, those who:
are functionally asexual and experience sexual feelings but
do not engage in them
people who can enjoy and desire sex, but only under very
limited and specific circumstances
people who experience some parts of sexuality but not
others, according to the Primary vs. Secondary Sexual
Attraction Model
Primary vs. Secondary
Sexual Attraction Model
In this model, asexuals are people who lack primary
sexual desire.
Some asexuals therefore experience attraction and/or
secondary sexual desire, while others do not.
Most sexuals in romantic relationships feel both
primary and secondary sexual desire.
The term "demisexual" tends to be used by adherents
to this model of sexuality, referring to people who
experience secondary sexual attraction but not
primary sexual attraction.
Primary vs. Secondary
Sexual Attraction Model
Primary sexual attraction
an instant attraction to people based on instantly available information such
as their looks or smell which may or may not lead to arousal or sexual desire
Secondary sexual attraction
an attraction that develops over time based on a person's relationship and
emotional connection with another person
Primary sexual desire
the desire to engage in sexual activity for the purposes of personal pleasure
whether physical, emotional, or both
Secondary sexual desire
the desire to engage in sexual activity solely for the sake of the happiness of
the other person involved, or for another ulterior motive such as the
conception of children
Demisexual: a person who does not experience
sexual attraction until they form a strong emotional
connection with someone
& Demisexuality
Other Symbols
AVEN Triangle Black Ring
Ace of Hearts
Ace of Spades
The Asexual Visibility and Education Network
What questions do you have
about Asexuality?