Working Capital Management: Ca Chandni Bhagat
Working Capital Management: Ca Chandni Bhagat
Working Capital Management: Ca Chandni Bhagat
What is working capital ?
1. Working Capital = CA – CL
2. Current ratio = CA/CL
3. Gross working Capital – the term gross refers to the
company’s investment in current assets.
4. Net working capital – when CL is deducted from Gross WC
it is called Net WC.
Current Assets are the assets that are converted into cash
within 1 year eg, Cash, Accounts receievable, Inventory, etc
Current liability are the short term liabilities that are payable
within an year. Eg, Cash credit, overdraft, creditors,
outstanding etc.
If CA > CL
• Company can meet its
If CL > CA
short term liabilities
Company cant meet its
• If CR is 1.2 – 2 , means the
short term liabilities
Operating company is efficiently
inefficiencies. utilising its working
Low employee morale capital.
May have to raise • CR > 3
additional finance Company is comfortable to
High liquidity Risk meet its STL but; funds are
Risk of Insolvency either kept idle, or locked
in stocks/recevables.
Ratios calculated to assess working capital efficiency
Current Ratio
Liquid ratio
Current assets to total assets
Inventory turnover ratio
Debtors turnover ratio
Current assets turnover ratio
Working capital turnover ratio
Estimation of Working Capital
• - O/H 20%
From the information taken from the budget of RK ltd. Prepare a statement
showing avg amount of working capital required by the company.Using
operating cycle method, estimated annual sales is Rs 2,00,000 units @10 Rs
Production & sales qty coincide and will be carried out evenly during the year.
Estimated cost of production is as under:
Material – Rs 5 p.u.
Labour – Rs. 2 p.u.
O/Hs - Rs. 1.75 p.u
60 days credit is allowed to customers & 50 days credit is available from
supplier. 40 days supply of raw material and 15 day supply ofd finished goods
are kept in the stores. Production cycle is of 20 days.
A cash balance equal to 1/3rd of avg of other Working capital is kept for
Operating Cycle
We will hardly find a firm which doesnt require WC for its day to day
However management of WC is mostly critical in manufacturing
business. The need of WCM is critical because of the time gap that
arises between production of goods and their actual realisation after
This time gap is technically called as operating cycle or working
capital cycle.
If depriciation is excluded from expenses in the operating cycle it is
called cash operating cycle.
The WC requirement can be estimated with the duration of
operating cycle. The longer the OC, the larger the WC
The reduction in operating cycle will improve the cash
conversion cycle and ultimately improves the profitabilty of the
Calculation of Operating cycle
Inventory Management
Receivables management
Cash Management
Inventory Management
Pareto analysis A 15 80
B 35 15
C 50 5
100 100
Receivables Management
Cash Discount
Debtor turnover ratio
Ageing Analysis
ABC Analysis
Credit Control / policy
Cash Management
Transaction motive
Precautionary motive
Speculative motive
Future requirements
Methods of Improving Liquidity