PAGO ASSESSMENT. Seminar 2. 2022
PAGO ASSESSMENT. Seminar 2. 2022
PAGO ASSESSMENT. Seminar 2. 2022
Jenna Pandeli
FEB 2022
Plan for Today
Assessment Component: A
Whilst this must be completed each week, you will submit this with Part 2 on 10th
May. Part 1 should be included as an appendix to your essay (Part 2). Part 1 will not
be formally marked instead it forms part of your formative assessment. If you keep
on top of Part 1 throughout the semester, you can bring this to your seminar to
discuss with your tutor and peers and obtain feedback. This will then help you to
develop your understanding of the topics and plan for your essay. Therefore, Part 1
helps you to prepare for Part 2.
Leadership Resourcing
Change Learning
Part 1: This should be approximately 200 words per topic with a max. of 2500 words.
Part 2: A maximum word limit of 2000 words.
There is no +/- 10% on word count and anything after the maximum word count will
not be marked, in line with UWE Bristol’s Word Count Policy.
In line with UWE policy, this word count includes everything in the main body of the
text (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, etc.).
The references, bibliography and footnotes (provided footnotes only include
references) are NOT included in this word count.
Referencing and Assessment Offence
Please ensure you reference all sources used when developing your assessment,
using the UWE Harvard system. Failure to properly reference your work to original
source material can be grounds for the assessment offence of plagiarism and may
result in failure of the assessment or more serious implications. Further guidance on
correct referencing is available on UWE’s Study Skills referencing pages.
Assessment Offences
• Academic misconduct
• Cheating
• Plagiarism
• Collusion
• to work with others on the assessment in any way, or for anyone to make
amends on your work (including proof-readers, who may highlight issues
but not edit the work)
• change individual words but keep, essentially, the same sentences and/or
structures from other sources: this will be detected by text-matching
software. Please write in your own words and style to convey your own
Unders Linking Critical Writin
tandin theory evalua g and
g of and tion presen
the practic and tation:
theory e: cohere concise
& Insigh nt ness,
literat tful argum clarity,
ure: analysi ent: spellin
Aware s of Well- g,
ness of the reason gram
and case ed mar,
refere integr critical and
nce to ating engag writte
a theory ement n in an
range and and approp
of practic suppor riate
e and
Extensi precise
ve summ
integr ary.
theory Develo
Extensi and pment
ve practic of
refere e. strong,
nce to Well- cohere
a wide chosen nt
range numbe argum
of r and ent
releva quality which
nt of consist
literat exampl ently
ure. es. integr
Refere ates
ncing the
is three
exempl theme
ary. s and
a clear
Criterion literature: Awareness analysis of the case reasoned critical engagement conciseness,
of Develo
theory pment Predo
Refere and of a minan
nce to practic cohere tly
a good e. nt concise
range Good argum and
of numbe ent precise
releva r and which summ
nt quality integr ary.
literat of ates
ure. exampl the
Refere es three
ncing used. theme
is s and
consist has a
ently narrati
of and reference to a integrating theory and and supported logical clarity, spelling,
accura ve
te. thread
50% - C Demon ReasonAdequ Presen
59% strates able ate tation
adequ analysi eviden compli
ate s but ce of es
knowl in sound with
edge places judge guideli
and lapses ment nes.
unders into with Meani
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concep and/or thinkin may
ts theory g and be
literature appropriate
main. ate three
numbe theme
r and s may
quality not be
of well
exampl integr
es. ated,
ng in
academic style
<50% D Demo Some Poor Poor
nstrat analysi judgm presen
es a s but ent tation.
weak tends and Langua
knowl to be some ge
edge descripunsupp confus
and tive of orted ed and
unders practic asserti incohe
tandin e ons. rent.
g of and/or No Poor
theori theory eviden acade
es and ce of mic
concep critical style.
ts reflecti
used. on.
<50 D
Fails to
Demonstrates a weak Some analysis but Poor judgment and some Poor
% knowledge and tends to be descriptive unsupported assertions. No presentation.
Few en No arise
refere theory argum the
nces to and ent. key
releva practic Poor points.
nt e and handli
literat weak ng of
ure. or few the
No exampmateri
more les. al and
than little
lecture narrati
materi ve
al. thread
Refere .
or A Demonstrates
70% Understanding of Insightful
an excellent knowledge Linking theory
analysis and
that highlights Critical
Excellent evaluation
evidence and
of sound judgement, Writing
Excellent and
above and understanding of theories and and exposes key issues. critical thinking and well supported Clear use of language.
the theory &
concepts used. practice: Insightful coherent argument: Well-
evaluations. presentation:
Criterion literature: analysis of the case
Extensive integration of theory and
reasoned critical engagement Concise conciseness,
and precise
Extensive reference ofrange
to a wide andof practice.
integrating theory
Well-chosen and Development
number and and supported logical
of strong, coherent argument clarity, spelling,
relevant literature. Referencing is
reference to a rangequality of examples.
practice which consistently integrates the three
themes and shows a clear line of thought.
grammar, and
of appropriate and written in an
relevant literature appropriate
academic style
70% or A Demonstrates an Insightful analysis that Excellent evidence of sound Excellent
above excellent highlights and exposes judgement, critical thinking presentation.
knowledge and key issues. and well supported Clear use of
understanding of evaluations. language.
theories and Extensive integration of
concepts used. theory and practice. Development of strong, Concise and
Well-chosen number coherent argument which precise
Extensive reference and quality of consistently integrates the summary.
to a wide range of examples. three themes and shows a
relevant literature. clear line of thought.
Referencing is
Structuring Part 2 – to read over in your
own time
Introduction: Gives an overview of the argument and orientates the reader.
This should include a brief outline of the case, a brief outline of the topics you are going to use
and overall, using theory, what are you going to tell us about the case.?
Main Body: Explores your main argument in relation to the three topic.
Here you are likely to have 3 sections - one for each topic. Each section needs to bring relevant
theory together to help us better understand the case. For example, if you have chosen the topic
of culture, how can we use theories of culture to help us understand what has happened in the
case? This is your critical analysis. To really enhance your critical analysis, use a variety of different
readings to discuss the point you want to make. You will need to use signposting to keep on track
and ensure the argument of your essay is clear at all times.
Critical evaluation can be demonstrated in many ways, including:
Considering alternative explanations. Introduce a range of theory/literature to show you
recognise different views.
Recognise limitations of an approach/theory/model etc.
Having an integrating argument which leads the reader through your discussion also
demonstrates critical scholarly skills.
Conclusion: A very brief conclusion which summarises your main points made in your main body.
Structuring your case analysis
• Orientate the reader
• Identify the focus
• State your argument.
• Brief statement about the structure
Main Body
• Organised according to argument points
• Theory/academic literature and simulation examples supporting argument points.
• Has a narrative thread
• Be analytical, critical and evaluative in tone and content
• Focused on your overall argument
• Concludes with recommendations derived from analysis.
• Summarise key points in relation to argument
• Link back to general introductory comment
• No new ideas!!
Writing your introduction
This orientates the reader to what you are going to explore in the
rest of the essay. It needs to include:
– What you are going to argue,
– A brief statement about the three topics you are going to
use theories/academic literature to critically analyse the
– A very brief statement on how you intend to structure your
Argument 1: ARGUMENT
• Topic (include
• Example from the Case Argument 3:
• Topic (include
• Link the case and the
theory together
Each paragraph • Example from the Case
• Critical analysis of topic,
should explore 1 • Link the case and the
theory and case idea/argument theory together
• Critical analysis of topic,
theory and case
NB: You will have more than three points!
Writing your conclusion
This is the point where you should be able to sit back and
relax a little. Here you are just summarising what you have
already said.