Sip PPT (Alex Barla)
Sip PPT (Alex Barla)
Sip PPT (Alex Barla)
Aashman provide internship to the youth so that they also can understand
the empowerment of women and can reduce the poverty of India by some
The skill training given by foundation help people to become financially
strong if something happens to the primary earner of family. We not only
empower women but the poor children whom family cannot afford the
money to teach them by organizing Nishullka Patshala program and giving
free education and 16 schools in 11 different states of India.
Company profile
Aashman foundation falls under non-profit
organization/ non-governmental organization
It can be considered as large scale industry
though its not an industry
It mainly focus for societal development
Ngo type organization runs on fund raise,
voluntarily engaging, collaboration with
company etc.
Statement of problems & objectives
The Objective of the Study on social media
marketing is as follow:
• To study Social Media Marketing
• To study Digital Marketing
• To study Digital Marketing Trends
Significance of study
Scope of study
Managerial usefulness
The Objective of the Study on social media
marketing is as follow:
• To study Social Media Marketing
• To study Digital Marketing
• To study Digital Marketing Trends
Research design
Research- Research Type: Descriptive as well as exploratory
Analysis and interpretation
Job description statement-
As a summer training my job at aashman Foundation which was
restricted to social media marketing department ,no other specific task
was assigned to me but I was asked to share and create content
through various applications and to share on social media and other
internet platforms and tried to attract people as well as also to hire
candidates for this noble cause of NGO program but it was not properly
HR work but it was a task given by The team leader. We were supposed
to ask questions related to our post and their interest towards our
programmes and send a report to the Manager as soon as possible.
Job title- summer trainee( Social media marketing)
job location- work from home
Department- Social media marketing
supervisor- Mr. Gurav Sing Rajput
Analysis and interpretation
1. Post creation
2. Data collection
3. feed on weekly work
4. Recruitment work
5. Maintaining Records
Analysis and interpretation
Weekly job experience
There can be many other related task in social media department for better encouragement of the
trainees or interns
In my opinion meeting should be conducted on a weekly basis at a given time so that what’s going
inside the organization, what’s the update of the work can be more evenly acknowledged by everyone
There should be proper introduction about their organizational structure and the core team and core
supporters of the NGO program
An experience of work
How to be a part of a team
Social media marketing intern
Application of work done
Post creation
data collection from post