Final - Unit 1.1
Final - Unit 1.1
Final - Unit 1.1
Cloud Computing at a Glance The
Vision of Cloud Computing
Defining a Cloud
A Closer Look
Cloud Computing Reference
Characteristics and Benefits
Challenges Ahead Historical
Cloud Computing at a Glance The
Vision of Cloud Computing
Defining a Cloud
A Closer Look
Cloud Computing Reference
Model Characteristics and
Benefits Challenges Ahead
Historical Developments
Cloud Computing at a Glance The
Vision of Cloud Computing
Defining a Cloud A Closer Look
Cloud Computing Reference Model
Characteristics and
Challenges Ahead Historical
Characteristics &
Cloud computing has some interesting characteristics
that bring benefits to both cloud service consumers
(CSCs) and cloud service providers (CSPs). These
characteristics are:
1.No up-front commitments
2.On-demand access
3.Nice pricing
4.Simplified application acceleration and scalability
5.Efficient resource allocation
6.Energy efficiency
7.Seamless creation and use of third-party services
Cloud Computing at a Glance
The Vision of Cloud Computing
Defining a Cloud
A Closer Look
Cloud Computing Reference
Model Characteristics and
Challenges Ahead
Historical Developments
Challenges’ concerning the dynamic provisioning of cloud computing services and
resources arises.
•IaaS domain: how many resources need to be provisioned, and for how long should
they be used, in order to maximize the benefit? Technical challenges also arise for cloud
service providers for the management of large computing infrastructures and the use of
virtualization technologies on top of them.
•Security: in terms of confidentiality, secrecy, and protection of data in a cloud
environment is another important challenge. Organizations do not own the
infrastructure they use to process data and store information. This condition poses
challenges for confidential data, which organizations cannot afford to reveal.
• Legal issues: These are specifically tied to the ubiquitous nature of cloud computing,
which spreads computing infrastructure across diverse geographical locations.
Countries dispute: Different legislation about privacy in different countries may
• potentially create disputes as to the rights that third parties (including government
agencies) have to your data.
Cloud Computing at a Glance The
Vision of Cloud Computing
Defining a Cloud
A Closer Look
Cloud Computing Reference Model
Characteristics and Benefits
Challenges Ahead
Historical Developments
• The idea of renting computing services by leveraging large distributed
computing facilities has been around for long time.
• It dates back to the days of the mainframes in the early 1950s. From there
on, technology has evolved and been refined. This process has created a
series of favorable conditions for the realization of cloud computing.
• Evolution of the distributed computing technologies that have influenced
cloud computing. In tracking the historical evolution, we briefly review five
core technologies that played an important role in the realization of cloud
1. distributed systems
2. virtualization,
3. Web 2.0
4. Service orientation
5. utility computing.
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