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Disorders of Sexual Differentiation: A Amirhakimi, MD Pediatric Endocrinologist Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

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Disorders of Sexual


A Amirhakimi, MD
Pediatric Endocrinologist
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Development of Reproductive
Begins at 4 to 5 weeks’ gestation

May be considered complete with the

development of secondary sexual
characteristics and fertility (i.e., production of
viable gametes) after puberty
Sex Determination and Sex
Sex determination: the bipotential gonad
develops into a testis or an ovary.

Sex differentiation: the developing gonad

functions appropriately to produce peptide
hormones and steroids.

Sex Development
Three major components:
1. Chromosomal sex: the karyotype (46,XX, 46,XY, or variants).
2. Gonadal sex: the presence of a testis or ovary after the process of
sex determination.
3. Phenotypic (anatomic) sex: the appearance of the external
genitalia and internal structures after the process of sex

Psychosexual development (“brain sex”): an unpredictable

outcome of several biologic factors, as well as
environmental and social influences.
Chromosomal Sex
Determined at the time of fertilization

A single Y chromosome:
◦ usually is sufficient to drive testis development, even
in the presence of multiple copies of chromosome X.
◦ Contains 2% of the DNA genome

X chromosome:
◦ Contains 5% of the DNA genome
Gonadal Sex

The bipotential gonad

remains indifferent
until 42 d (6wks)

The internal & external

genitalia are formed
between 9 &13 wks of
Phenotypic or Anatomic Sex
Male Sexual Differentiation
(a more active developmental process)
Regression of Müllerian structures (uterus, fallopian
tubes, and the upper one third of the vagina)
Stabilization of Wolffian structures (seminal vesicles,
vasa deferentia, and epididymides)
Androgenization of the external genitalia (penis and
Descent of the testes from their origin in the
urogenital ridge to their final position in the scrotum
Male Sexual Differentiation
SertoliCells → AMH (7th wk) → Regression of
mullerian structures (9-12th wk)

Fetal Leydig Cells and Steroidogenesis

◦ Androgen production (8-9th wk, LH & hCG
◦ LH/hCG receptor (10-12th wk):
 first 2 trimesters: hCG
 after 20th wk: LH
◦ Massive leydig cell expansion (14-18th wk) → marked
testosterone secretion (16th wk)
Male Sexual Differentiation
production of testosterone → stabilization of Wolffian structures
DHT → androgenization of the external genitalia and urogenital sinus
◦ urogenital sinus → prostate and prostatic urethra
◦ genital tubercle → glans penis
◦ urogenital (urethral) folds → shaft of the penis
◦ urogenital (labioscrotal) swellings → scrotum

Testis Descent (from 8th wk to mid 3rd trimester)

1. Transabdominal stage (8-15th wk)
2. Transinguinal (inguinoscrotal) stage (25-35th wk)

Subsequent Testicular Development (2nd & 3rd trimester)

Female Sexual Differentiation
Ovary is steroidogenically quiescent until the
time of puberty (estrogen synthesis → breast
and uterine development and follicular
development → regular menstrual cycles)
Specific complement of genes are implicated in
ovarian development and integrity, some of
which may actively antagonize testis
Female Sexual Differentiation
Mullerian structures persist
Uterine development
Lack of local testosterone → Wolffian
External Genitalia:
 urogenital sinus → urethra and lower portion of the vagina
 genital tubercle → clitoris
 urogenital (urethral) folds → labia minora
 urogenital (labioscrotal) swellings → labia majora
Normal Sexual Development


AMH Testosterone

Mullerian Testicular Wolffian DHT

Regression Descent Stabilization
Development of Male External Genitalia
Psychosexual Development

Gender identity: a person's self-representation

or identification as male or female (established
at 18-36 m/o)
Gender role (sex-typical behaviors): expression
of psychological characteristics that are sexually
dimorphic within the general population (toy
preferences, physical aggression, …)
Sexual orientation: choice of sexual partner
(e.g., heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual)
Case 1
◦ A 15y/o girl with short stature and primary
◦ Hx of recurrent ear infections, has quit school
◦ Physical exam: ht:142cm, webbed neck, low hair
line, abnormal nails
◦ Lab data: FBS: 140mg/dl, increased FSH & LH,
low estradiol

1. The most likely diagnosis?

2. Further work ups?
Case 2
◦ A 15y/o girl with primary amenorrhea.
◦ Hx of inguinal hernia repair in infancy,
episodes of weakness and paralysis.
◦ Physical exam: BP:160/100, Ht: 170cm, breast
stage: I.
◦ Lab: K:2.5, Testosterone: low, FSH & LH:
high, bone age: 11y/o

Most likely diagnosis and the most

important work up?
DSDs (Disorders of Sexual Differentiation)

Defined as “congenital conditions in which

development of chromosomal, gonadal, or
anatomic sex is atypical”
The most common cause of ambiguous
genitalia of the newborn, CAH, is classified as
The next most common cause, PAIS, is
classified as 46,XY DSD
Revised Nomenclature
DSDs = Intersex
46,XY DSD =
◦ Male pseudohermaphrodite
◦ Undervirilization of an XY male
◦ Undermasculinization of an XY male

46,XX DSD =
◦ Female pseudohermaphrodite
◦ Overvirilization of an XX female
◦ Masculinization of an XX female

Truehermaphrodite = Ovotesticular DSD

XX male or XX sex reversal = 46,XX testicular DSD
XY sex reversal = 46,XY complete gonadal dysgenesis
Ambigous Genitalia
Ambigous genitalia at birth: 1/4000
Sex assignment is based on the birth
phenotype, simultaneously accompanied by
gender assignment and sex of rearing as male
or female.
Reaching a final decision may be delayed by
the nature and complexity of the
investigations and assessments required.
Virilization of the 46XX Female (46XX

Presence of excessive androgens during 8-13

wks of gestation
Magnitude of changes: mild clitoral
enlargement → male phallus with a penile
urethra and fused scrotum with raphe

clitoromegaly occurs from later
androgen exposure.
Causes of Virilization in the Female

Additional Features Condition

Salt loss in some Hydroxylase Deficiency-21
Salt loss 3β-Hydroxysteroid
Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Salt retention/ HTN 11β-Hydroxylase Deficiency
Between 9 & 12 wks of gestation Androgenic Drug Exposure
Karyotype: 46XY/ 45X Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis
Testicular and ovarian tissue True Hermaphrodite
Rare, Positive history Maternal Virilizing Adrenal or
Ovarian Tumor
Inadequate Masculinization of the
46XY Male (46XY DSD)
Small penis + variable degrees of
hypospadias & associated chordee or ventral
binding of the phallus + unilateral or bilateral
Microphallus without ambigous genitalia as
a result of congenital gonadotropin
deficiency is often combined with GH &
ACTH deficiencies (neonatal hypoglycemia).
Causes of Inadequate Masculinization
of the Male
Condition Additional Features
StAR Deficiency Salt loss
3β-Hydroxysteroid Salt loss
Dehydrogenase Deficiency
17-Hydroxylase Deficiency Salt retention/ hypokalemia/HTN
17-Hydroxysteroid Adrenal function: normal
Oxidoreductase Deficiency
Dysgenetic Testes Possible abnormal karyotype
Leydig Cell Hypoplasia Rare
CAIS or Testicular Feminization Female external genitalia, absence of
mullerian structures
PAIS As above with ambigous external
5α-Reductase Deficiency Autosomal recessive, virilization at
Approach to the Infant with Genital
Rapid identification of any life-threatening
condition (CAH).
Prenatal androgen exposure causes a tendency
toward a male gender identity & male gender
Feasibility of genital reconstruction &
potential fertility are more important.
Extensive open discussion with parents.
Individualized treatment by a team of experts.
Inguinal gonads:
◦ Testes
◦ Ovaries
◦ Ovotestes
Absent female internal genitalia: presence of AMH
secreted by fetal testes
Most virilized females → CAH( 21-hydroxylase def) →
17-hydroxyprogestrone & androstendione
Diagnosis is more difficult in undervirilized males.
Abnormalities of sex chromosomes may be associated
with dysgenetic gonads or persistent mullerian structures.
Hormone replacement
◦ Steroids in CAH
◦ Testosterone
Surgical reconstruction(by 2 y/o / ?later)
Psychological support (whole family)
Removal of discordant gonad or internal organs
Risk of gonadoblastoma or dysgerminoma in
dysgenetic gonads with Y-genetic material.
Possibility of later change of gender

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