Abortion: Maxima Vera Pinalgan, MD
Abortion: Maxima Vera Pinalgan, MD
Abortion: Maxima Vera Pinalgan, MD
Pregnancies aged 5 to 20weeks incidence ranges from 11 to 22%
Fetal factors • Chromosomal anomalies
Maternal factors • Age >35yrs old
• Infections
• Medical disorders
• Anatomical factors
• Exposure to chemotherapy/radiation
• Social and behavioral factors
• Occupational and environmental
chromosomal abnormality
Most common in first trimester, 50%
75% occurred by 8wks gestation
95% are caused by maternal gametogenesis errors
Most common abnormalities are trisomies
Chromosome 13, 16, 18, 21, 22 are most common
Congenital genital tract anomalies
Asherman syndrome
Uterine leiomyoma
Incompetent cervix
Cervical Insufficiency/incompetent cervix
Threatened abortion
Incomplete abortion
Complete abortion
Missed abortion
Inevitable abortion
Septic abortion
Threatened abortion
Bleeding follows partial or complete placental separation and dilatation of the cervical os
Before 10weeks AOG- placenta are frequently expelled together
Curettage- quick resolution, 95-100% successful
Misoprostol- 800ug vaginal, 400ug oral/SL
Complete Abortion
Complete expulsion of entire pregnancy and cervical os subsequently closes
History of heavy bleeding, cramping and passage of tissue
Minimally thickened endometrium without GS
Empty uterus with endometrial thickness <15mm
Complete abortion cannot be surely diagnosed unless
True products of conception are seen
Sonography confidently documents 1st an intrauterine pregnancy then later an empty cavity
serial serum BHCG level measurements aid clarification
Missed abortion
Dead products of conception that have been retained for days or weeks in the uterus with
closed cervical os
At 5 to 6 weeks- 1-2mm embryo adjacent to the yolk sac can be seen
fetal cardiac activity typically detected
CRL 1-5mm
MSD 13-18mm
Guidelines for Early pregnancy Loss
With spontaneous or induced abortion organism may invade myometrial tissues and
extend to cause parametritis, peritonitis and septicemia
Most bacteria are part of the normal vaginal flora
Severe necrotizing infections and toxic shock syndrome – group A streptococcus- S.
Broad spectrum antibiotic
Suction curettage
Most patient respond 1-2days treatment, discharged once afebrile
Induced Abortion
Therapeutic abortion
Termination of pregnancy for medical indications
Fetus with significant anatomical, metabolic or mental deformity
In cases of incest or rape
Elective/voluntary abortion
Interruption of pregnancy before viability at the request of the woman
Postabortal contraception