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Ch-8 Mathematical Reasoning: Exercise 8.3 and 8.4 by Hiya, Anaya, Bhavya, Chandni

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Exercise 8.3 and 8.4
By Hiya, Anaya, Bhavya, Chandni
Simple Statement Compound Statement

• A statement which cannot be • A statement which can be formed

broken into two or more by combining two or more simple
statements. statements.
• Example – New Delhi is the • Example – Amrita is a good singer
capital of India. and dancer.
Ex. 8.3:
Q.1. Find the component statements of the following compound statements. Clearly
mention the connecting word.

• (i) Jack and Jill went up the hill.

• Sol:
p = Jack went up the hill.
q = Jill went up the hill
Connecting word is ‘and’.
Ex. 8.3:
Q.1. Find the component statements of the following compound statements. Clearly
mention the connecting word.

• (v) A rectangle is a quadrilateral or a 5-sided polygon.

• Sol:
p = A rectangle is a quadrilateral
q = A rectangle is a 5-sided polygon.
Connecting word is ‘or’.
Q.2. Find the component statements of the following compound
statements and check whether they are true or false:

(i) All integers are positive or negative.

Component statements:
p: All integers are positive.
q: All integers are negative.
Connecting word is ‘or’.
Both statements are false.
Conjunction (p^q) – The connective ‘and’
• If any two simple statements are combined by the word ‘and’ to form a
compound statement, then the resulting statement is called the conjunction of
the original statements.
• Symbolically, the conjunction of the two statements p and q is denoted by
p^q. The elements p and q are called its conjucts.
• Example – If the statement ‘ Krishna is a boy’ is p and the statement ‘Radha
is a girl’ is q, then p^q is ‘Krishna is a boy and Radha is a girl’.
• p^q means the same as q^p.
Conjunction (p^q) – The connective ‘and’
• p^q is true only when both the component statements are true, otherwise it
is false.
• Example – The sun rises in the east and in the west.
• Here the first statement is true while second is false.
• Hence, this statement is not true.
Disjunction (p v q) – The connective ‘or’
• If any two simple statements are combined by the word ‘or’ to form a
compound statement, then the resulting statement is called the disjunction
of the original statement.
• Symbolically, the conjunction of the two statements p and q is denoted by
p v q. The elements p and q are called its conjucts.
• Example :– p v q - He is very lucky or he is very smart.
• p = He is very lucky / q = He is very smart.
Disjunction (p v q) – The connective ‘or’
• p v q is true when p is true or q is true or both p and q are true, otherwise
p v q is false.
• Example –
• a) 4>5 or 5>7 – True
• b) Mumbai is in India or Mumbai is in England. – True
• c) 2*3 = 7 or 2+3=7 - False
Negation of compound statements.

Negation of Conjunctions Negation of Disjunctions

• The negation of conjunction p^q • The negation of disjunction p v q
is the disjunction of the negation is the conjunction of the negation
of p and negation of q. of p and negation of q.
• ~ ( p^q ) = ~ p v ~q • ~ (p v q ) = ~ p ^ ~q
Negation of compound statements.

Negation of Conjunctions Negation of Disjunctions

• Paris in in France and London is in England. • Ram is in class 10 and Rahim is in class 12.
• p = Paris in in France / q = London is in • p = Ram is in class 10 / q = Rahim is in
England. class 12.
• Conjunction, p^q = Paris in in France and • Disjunction, p v q = Ram is in class 10 and
London is in England. Rahim is in class 12.
• ~p = Paris is not in France. • ~p = Ram is not in class 10.
• ~q = London is not in England. • ~q = Rahim is in class 12
• Therefore, ~( p^q ) = Paris is not in France • Therefore, ~ (p v q) = Ram is not in class
and London is not in England. 10 and Rahim is not in class 12.
• Some phrases which are frequently found in mathematical statements are
‘there exists’ symbolised by ∃, and ‘for all’ symbolised by ∀ .
• Such phrases are called quantifiers.
• Example – There exists a rectangle whose all sides are equal.
Exercise 8.4
Q.1 Write the component statements of the following compound statements and
check whether the compound statement is true or false:

• (i) A line is straight and extends indefinitely in both directions.

• p = A line is straight (true)
• q = A line extends indefinitely in both directions. (true)
• The compound statement is true.
Exercise 8.4
Q.2 Write the component statements of the following compound statements and
check whether the compound statement is true or false:

• (ii) 125 is a multiple of 7 and 8.

• p = 125 is a multiple of 7.(False)
• q = 125 is a multiple of 8.(False)
• The compound statement is false.
Exercise 8.4
Q.3. Identify the type of ‘or’ (inclusive or exclusive) used in the
following statements. Give reasons for your answer.

• (i) To apply for a driving license, you should have a ration card or a
• The statement is inclusive because the options are not opposites and can
exist together.
• (iv) An ice-cream or pepsi is available with a thali in the restaurant.
• The statement is exclusive because the options may exist only one at a
Exercise 8.4
Q.4. Translate the following statements into symbolic forms:

• (i) Rahul passed in Hindi and English.

• Sol: p^q where p: Rahul passed in Hindi ; q: Rahul passed in English.
• (ii) Either x or x+1 is an odd integer.
• Sol: p v q where p: x is an odd integer; q: x+1 is an odd integer.
Exercise 8.4
Q.5. Identify the quantifier in the following statements and write the negation of the

• (iii) For every real number x, x is less then x+1.

• Sol: Quantifier: For every
• Negation- There exists a real number x, such that x is not less than x+1.
Exercise 8.4
Q.6. Determine the truth value of each of the following statements:

• (i) Earth is flat or it revolves round the moon. - False

• P: Earth is flat.(false) Q: Earth revolves round the moon.(false)
• (iii) 48 is a multiple of 6,7 and 8. - False
• p: 48 is a multiple of 6.(true)
• q: 48 is a multiple of 7.(false)
• r: 48 is a multiple of 8.(true)
Exercise 8.4
Q.7. Determine the truth value of each of the following statements:

• (i) 2+2 = 4 and 3+3 = 6 - True

• p: 2+2 = 4 (true)
• q: 3+3 = 6 (true)
• (ii) It is false that birds can fly. - False
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