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Final Internship Report

Company:- YOTEK construction P.L.C

Prepared by:- Fentahun Asres
ID. ETS0425/11
Academic Supervisor:-Mr. Girum M
Company supervisor:- Engineer Alazar Berhane
Project:- AASTU Research and Technology Center
October 6/14, 2022 GC

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Chapter 1 introduction to the
Chapter 2 material and
methodology used
Chapter 3 office works
Chapter One
Introduction to the company

 YOTEK construction was established in 1991 EC.

 The name of the company was derived from two
words of the owner name Yohannis Teklay. YO from
Yohannis and TEK from Teklay.
 The company started its work by building schools in
rural area of Tigray regional state and expanded its
work in to different parts of Ethiopia.
Chapter Two
Material and Methodology Used
Equipment Used
• Tower Crane: - is a lifting device.
Used for:-
• transport concrete for high rise building
• transport rebars for higher rise buildings
• transport water for different
• 2. Vibrator:- For removing air void from concrete mass
and prevent from formation of holes.
As a result, the concrete becomes consolidated, and we left with
a good dense concrete material. After proper curing, it develops
its full strength and durability.
• Concrete batching plant: - is equipment that
combines sand, water, and aggregates by
measuring their weight to form concrete.
• Truck Mixer:Truck mixer is a concrete mixer mounted
on the chassis of a truck and it gain concrete ingredient from
batching plant. It is used for mixing and delivering concrete.
 Concrete pump: - is used to pump concrete at high pressure
to higher floor.

Concrete pump
Concrete mixer
• Excavator: used to excavate soil (to carry out
excavation work).
• Trucks: Trucks have high role on construction
especially during the earthwork by removing out soil
and also during backfill.

Truck Excavator

• Loader: used to move stockpiled material from ground

level and deposit it in to a waiting truck.

• Plumb bob (Tumbi): It’s very important

equipment in order to check the alignments of
• Leveling: is type of surveying equipment used for measuring
elevation difference.

Construction Materials
Cement:-It is inorganic material which has cohesive & adhesive
properties that can able to bind two or more materials together into a
solid mass.
Cement should not be:-
stored above six months in store.
stay above 30 min after mixing.
stay above 2 hours after opening the bag.
• There are two types of cement
1. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) A mixture of
limestone and other raw materials like argillaceous,
calcareous and gypsum is prepared and then grinded to
prepare OPC.
It has lower resistance against alkalis, chlorides and other
attacking chemicals.
Used for screening.
2. Portland Pazzonolic Cement (PPC) The main
components are OPC, gypsum and pozzolanic materials
(15~35%) which includes calcined clay, volcanic ash,
silica fumes.
It has higher resistance against alkalis, chlorides and other
attacking chemicals.
• Sand constituent for concrete and should be free
from impurities which reduces the strength of
 Aggregates Are filler materials which make up
60-75 % of the concrete volume.
 Course aggregate:- Is an aggregates retained on
the No.4 (4.75mm) sieve.
 Fine aggregate retained on the No. 200 (0.075mm)
0.2 aggregate for column and 0.1 for slab and beam
• Formworks
Formwork is temporary construction material used
as a mold for structure.
Column Formwork
column Steel column
Formwork Formwork


Beam formworks
Beam formworks are three-sided box supported
and propped in the correct position and to the
desired level.

Slab formworks
• The slab formwork should retain and support
the initial loads of the poured concrete and live

Play wood

Good formwork should satisfy the following

The material of formwork should be cheap.
suitable for reuse of several times.
It should be water proof.
It should be stiff enough to reduce deflection.
The surface of formwork should be smooth
and easy for stripping.
Concrete preparation
• Concrete is a material that formed by
proportional mixing of sand, aggregate,
cement and water.
• It takes 28 day to attain its maximum strength.
• 14 to 21 days if admixture is added.
Mix Design of Concrete
Mix design of my site is listed in the table below
Class of concrete C-30
Amount of material in Cubic meter of fresh concrete
Aggregate 0.2 765 kg
Aggregate 0.1 328 kg
Fine aggregate 798 kg
Cement 400 kg
Water 170 kg
Class of concrete 35
Amount of material in Cubic meter of fresh concrete
Aggregate 0.2 765 kg
Aggregate 0.1 328 kg
Fine aggregate 798 kg
Cement 430 kg
Water 170 kg

5 litters of admixture
Concrete Preparation processes
 Batching and mixing
 Handling and transporting
 Placing and compacting
 Leveling
Concrete is batched by two method
Batching by weight This is a method where a
beam balance is used to measure and adjust the
right quantity of sand and aggregate.
Batching by volume This method is highly
practiced on site and widely spread on the
project sites.
Reinforcement Work
• Reinforcement include cutting, bending, placing in position,
tie and spacer.
• Column Reinforcement
• Main bars in columns are placed vertically up along the
 They take compressive stress in the columns.
 They protect the column from bending moment.
• As we know total load transfer to the foundation is greater as
we move down from the top of building.
 to avoid buckling of the longitudinal bars and protect the
column from shear stress we use stirrup.
Overlap length: overlapping length between two
successive bars.
Overlap length is given as: -
Vertical overlap length=4D (diameter of bar)
Anchorage length is used for continuous load transfer.
Beam Reinforcement
Beams are provided with reinforcements to:-
• protect the concrete from shear stress.
• Prevent tension of concrete
• protect the concrete from cracks caused by
temperature and shrinkage stresses.
The reinforcement on the beam are classified in
to three based on their position
Positive bars (main bars): provided at the
bottom of beam.
• purpose of the main bars is to prevent tensile
stress in the beam.
Negative bars are;
• Provided to resist tensile stresses that caused by the
push of columns upwards.
• Provided to resist negative moment.
• They are found at the top support of the beams.
• They are placed at one third of the span length.

• If the beam is fixed to the support, there will be

negative tension on the beam at the support.
Stirrups (Staffa):- used to:-
• resist shear.
• restrict the growth of diagonal tension stress.
• tie longitudinal bars.

Slab reinforcement Slab is a horizontal plane

structure used to transfer live loads and dead
loads to the supporting beams or walls.

• Distribution bars are provided only for one-

way slabs and cantilever slabs.
The purpose of distribution bar is
• To resist cracks resulting from temperature and
shrinkage stresses.
• To distribute stresses uniformly to the main
• Resist negative bending moment.
Negative bending moments are created at the
supports. so we have to provide reinforcement
bars at the upper portion of slab near the
The top (negative) reinforcement bar of a slab
has been placed up to 1/3 of the span length
• Solid slab reinforcement
slab that has beam and the loads are
transferred to the beam which all sides are
supported by beams.
slab reinforcement is constructed in a mesh
form to resist tension.
Negative bar with length of L/3 of total span
length to both direction of the support is added
to resist negative moment around the support.
The bottom bars are called positive bars and
are provided to resist positive moment.
Flat slab is a reinforced concrete slab supported
directly by columns without the use of beams.
Flat slab is:-
• Effective for light loads.
• Flexibility for partition placement.

• Its reinforcement is complex specially near the

punching shear.
• Spacer is a material that secures the reinforced
steel in reinforced concrete structure
Spacers are used
• To protect the steel against corrosion.
• To provide sufficient bond between steel and concrete.

• Compaction of concrete:-The purpose of compaction is

to get rid of the air voids that are trapped in concrete.
• Leveling concrete cement finisher push the board back
and forth over the concrete until the surface is level
Curing of concrete
• During hardening of concrete, heat is
generated and this would result in rise in
temperature. It is therefore necessary that
during the period of setting and hardening of
cement concrete is kept moist.
Removing formworks (Striping)
formwork should not be stripped until the concrete
attains its strength.
During my internship time I have seen different
methodologies used in the site
In addition to leveling instrument they use rop
(sibago) to get more leveled surface.
To check column vertical alignment Plumb
bobs are used to measure the deviations from
vertical line.
Chapter 3
Office works
Takeoff sheet is a format used for entering the dimensions
taken from drawings to determine the accurate quantity in
each trade of work.
Bar Schedule Bar Schedule is a format used to calculate the
quantity of reinforcement bars.
Bill of Quantity is a sheet that holds more general
descriptions, measurements, unit prices and total prices of the
Benefits I gained during internship period
Improving Practical Skill
Improving Theoretical Knowledge
Improving Communication Skill
This internship practice is important for both the
students and workers of projects. Because when we
tried to explain the theoretical knowledge for the
workers, they were also tried to explain the practical
skills they have experienced.
Recommendations to the company
 most of daily labor worker didn’t have any safety
 Coarse aggregate and fine aggregate were being
mixed during unloading, sufficient distance should be
being maintained, to avoid mixing during unloading
and use.
 use of unclean water for mixing, cement sand and
aggregate. This is inappropriate because, the strength
of concrete may decrease due to its impurities in the
Thank You

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