Introdution To Internet of Things (Iot) : Module-2
Introdution To Internet of Things (Iot) : Module-2
Introdution To Internet of Things (Iot) : Module-2
of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT)
• The IoT allows objects to be sensed or
controlled remotely if they are integrated
across existing network infrastructure.
• This can result in creating opportunities for
integration of the physical world into
computer-based systems and resulting in
improved efficiency, accuracy and economic
benefit in addition to a reduced human
intervention in managing them.
The IoT is not just a technology; it is, in fact, an ecosystem of things such
• Devices
• Internet
• Data
• Cloud
• Applications
• Platforms & Products
It offers opportunities for business owners to bring a revolution in their
work by increasing productivity, reducing inefficiencies and inaccuracies,
Internet Protocol for Smart Objects
How does IoT Work
1. Devices consist of Sensors & Sensor Technology. They collect a wide variety of data ranging from
temperature, pressure, location, weather/environment conditions, grid parameters, health
essentials of a patent, etc.
2. Gateways as the name suggests, are the gateways to the internet for all the devices or things that
need to interact with it. They help to connect the sensor nodes in the internal network with the
external Internet, by collecting data from the sensor nodes and further transmitting it to the internet
3. The data transmitted through the gateway is then stored and processed securely within the Cloud
infrastructure using the Big Data analytics engine. The data thus processed performs intelligent
actions. This is what makes the 'Smart Devices'!
4. The Applications help the end users to control and monitor their devices from remote locations. They
not only send important information on the hand-held devices or PCs but also help to send
commands back to the Smart Devices.
Apart from the above, IP addresses play an important role in the entire IoT ecosystem. The Internet
recognizes IP addresses only. IPv6 ensures that we will never run out of IP addresses by providing
3.4 x 1038 IP addresses.
The IoT Ecosystem
The main objective in this example is to control the loads (of the AC, refrigerator,
washing machine, etc.) through the Internet network remotely on the basic principle
of the Internet of Things (IoT).
A real-time webpage will be essential with a user configurable front end to control
and monitor the load (See A in the figure 1.9).
The data sent from a password protected webpage returns commands through
allowed IP fed to it.
A Wi-Fi Module is configured with any nearby wireless modem to access internet.
The received Internet commands are fed to the Wi-Fi module.
The program within the Wi-Fi Module executes the commands received based on
which the device gets activated through Bluetooth or Zigbee module interfaced to
Wi-Fi Module.
The devices to be monitored/controlled communicate through RF modules in their
signal processing for WiFi / ZigBee/ Bluetooth/ radio transceiver (RFID) etc, or
through wired LAN.
The data for control / monitor is harnessed through internet network to a remote
control / monitoring centre. PC system, laptop, tablet A or smart phone is used for
remote control centres and monitoring. (See A in the figure).
Principal technologies that drive IoT system